Genius Master

Chapter 865 Defction

"Alert, alert, first-level alert alert!"

Just as Ye Tian's figure rose to the sky, the alarm sounded in the whole underground building, all the special doors were automatically closed, the elevator power from the belly of the mountain to the ground was cut off in an instant, and the underground internal power supply system took over the power supply.

Level 1 alert is the highest level of alert. What you have to deal with is the attack of nuclear weapons. Although this kind of alarm has been sounded several times, it is just an exercise, and the heads of departments at all levels will be informed in advance before the alarm is sounded.

But this time, the situation is a little different. From the commander of the company to the commander of the base, no one has received any notice. What's more, several people who control the power of the country are in the underground building at this time.

This can't be reminiscent of the real enemy attack. In the absence of communication with the underground, the base commander ordered the largest military armed base in the Beijing-Tianjin region to operate quickly.

One by one, the pilot boarded the plane at the end of the runway, and the mountain at the other end has already been opened. Hundreds of anti-aircraft missile launchers have been highlighted from all parts of the mountain. The vitality they form can create a flying vacuum zone over the capital.

In the deepest part of the mountain, an intercontinental missile more than ten meters long also slowly moved to the launch rack. This is a nuclear weapon specifically used for anti-retaliation against nuclear attacks. As long as the capital or the base is hit by nuclear strikes, the missile will be launched according to the instructions.

Of course, the base commander does not have this authority. Whether this intercontinental missile will be launched or not will be decided by the top leader of the country. What is done now is to prepare before the launch, so as not to be caught off guard.

The alarm means war. After just dozens of seconds, the base operated quickly, and at the same time, the highest military officer in the base also connected the underground chief's phone. "What? Stop all military preparations immediately?"

The commander was stunned when he heard the words. If he hadn't clearly seen the person who issued the order through the video call, he would have even suspected that there was something wrong with his ear, because even if it was an exercise, he would have to finish the process, right?

"Yes, resolutely obey orders!" The commander's reaction was also very fast. He immediately saluted and did not hang up the connection with the chief. He directly issued a series of orders. Suddenly, the alarm in the base disappeared.

"Report!" As soon as the order was given, a voice sounded from the door, and a staff officer with two bars and one star hanging on his shoulder, with an undisguised nervous look on his face.

"What's the matter?" The commander's face pulled down, and he didn't want the chief to see that his soldiers were so unbearable.

"Report Commander, in... in Area 3, there is a... a cave!" The staff officer stammered, "According to rough measurements, the cave seems to go straight to the underground base!"

"What? How could this happen?"

Before the staff spoke, the commander's face also changed. You know, it took more than 30 years for generations of leaders to build this underground base. In addition to rock-wall concrete, there are also a large number of reinforced cement and earthquake-proof materials in the underground.

It can be said that it would take at least more than half a year to let a well-decorated engineering army come for construction. If it hadn't been for this staff member to open a channel directly from this ground. If this staff officer hadn't been his confidant, it would have been absolutely impossible to deceive himself. I It burst into swearing.

The bean-sized beads of sweat came out of the commander's forehead, looked at the video call and said, "Chief, I'll go and have a look first, and I'll report to you right away!"

"No, lock that area and don't let anyone get close!" The sound at one end of the video looks a little tired.

"Oh, I said, Mr. Yue, send the electricity. I don't want to do that again!"

Just as the commander paused his feet and was ready to agree, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in his ear. Looking up, he didn't know when there was a young man in a white practice suit beside him, who was talking to the chief in the video.

"Who are you... the person who just entered the base?" As the highest officer of this military base, the commander knew about Ye Tian's entry into the base, but what puzzled him was that the young man seemed to have already gone down to the underground base.

"Is it...that cave?"

A very ridiculous idea suddenly came to the commander's mind, but it was then eliminated by himself. Then... That's impossible at all.

"Commander Zhou, send Mr. Ye down!" Don't wait for the commander to think much, the order of the chief came from the video. Commander Zhou quickly agreed. After entering a series of complex passwords on the console, the underground power supply system was restored.

"Ye...Mr. Ye, this way, please!"

When Ye Tian entered the underground again, it was still Chang Hao, the first master of the big house, who greeted him, but at this moment his face was pale. When he looked at Ye Tian, the self-confidence in his eyes was no longer there, which was replaced by a lingering fear.

Chang Hao's performance is already good. The guards who followed him held their right hands tightly on the handle of the gun. I'm afraid that as long as Ye Tian coughs loudly, they can make them pull out the gun reflexively. Although they know that this thing is of no use to Ye Tian, they are psychological to themselves. But it's a comfort.

These people saw with their own eyes that Ye Tian penetrated the tens of meters of strata with his body, which completely subverted their understanding of power, which had a great psychological impact on them. In their eyes, the beautiful Ye Tian looked like an insurmountable mountain, pressing heavily on their hearts.

"Lao Chang, let's go!"

Ye Tian is very satisfied with the performance of these people. The reason why he made such a big noise is that Ye Tian wants to deter these people a little bit and let them know that in this world, there is still a power that they don't know. The strength of this power is far from being counterbalanced by many people.

When Ye Tian returned to the conference room, there was a smile on his face, because he knew that his goal had been achieved. The people sitting around the round table did not even move their bodies, and he could still see a trace of panic on his forced calm face.

It was Song Haotian. At this time, he was also shocked and speechless. He knew that his grandson might be very powerful, but he never dreamed that Ye Tian could penetrate these dozens of meters thick strata with his body, which was simply appalling.

However, in shock, Song Haotian also secretly cheered in his heart. Ye Tian showed this ability. I'm afraid that no one will dare to hit him again in the open and under the dark. I believe they all understand the truth of not killing snakes.

Seeing Ye Tian coming in, Yue Lao waved his hand and said, "Xiao Chang, you all go out!"

"Supresor, this..." Chang Hao looked at Ye Tian and left such a dangerous person in it, which was his dereliction of duty.

"Go out. If Mr. Ye wants to be against us, you can't stop it."

Yue Lao laughed at himself. After Ye Tian showed this hand, they found that the absolute power they relied on in the past was as vulnerable as a paper tiger in the face of this absolute power.

This feeling of being uncontrolled is very bad. Several people even had the idea of destroying Ye Tian from the body at the first time, but after weighing it over and over again, they sadly found that there was no way to get this young man.

Once the action against Ye Tian fails, the blow they have suffered will also be devastating. Even if they hide in this underground base that can avoid nuclear weapons, they may not be able to escape Ye Tian's pursuit. Ye Tian's behavior just now has clearly expressed this point.

"Ha ha, boy, take the liberty. Since you want to know the ability of those monks, you can only show a little bit, don't you surprised?"

After Chang Hao and others withdrew, Ye Tian laughed and his energy converged. However, even if he was ordinary like a boy next door at this time, those bigwigs no longer dared to show any sense of superiority in front of him.

"No, if it weren't for Mr. Ye, we old guys would still be sitting in the well and watching the sky."

Mr. Yue smiled bitterly when he heard the words. Is this still called "show a little"? If Ye Tian goes all out, won't he tear down this military base?

Although he knew that Ye Tian's words were also a little exaggerated, Ye Tian's ability had made these old people frightened. Even General Zhao sat next to him with a black face without saying a word.

"Yue Lao is flattered. The elixirs I promised will be handed over to you by my grandfather after a period of time..."

Ye Tian smiled. Although what he said seemed to be showing weakness, everyone understood the meaning outside the words, that is, I will take out the elixir, but you also have to be interesting and don't make some meaningless requests.

This made everyone's faces a little embarrassed, but these people were all deep in the city government, and they did not express themselves on their faces. Only General Zhao was still a soldier's temper. After putting up with it, he finally stood up and said, "Mr. Ye... Mr. Ye, why can't you work for the country?"

"The monk is to act against the sky. Do you think there are many people living in the temple from Chen's ancestors to Sanfeng Zhenren?"

Ye Tian shook his head and then said, "I'm not the only monk. From the Opium War to the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, have you seen anyone coming forward?"


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