tian chou

Chapter 1 Masked Man

In the northwest border, the mountains and rivers are dangerous, and there are many fierce beasts, and there are countless poisonous grasses.

A long time ago, there was a rumor here:

Silver belt fairy river, few stars. Hundreds of thousands of demons flew from the West Mountain. The rocks sealed the sky and fought against Xuanyuan, and the wolves sang and the sky divided into four seas. The roaring wolf dyed all over the West Mountain. Thirty thousand muscles and bones, thirty thousand blood, thirty thousand real fire, one copper furnace, ninety-nine heaven refining magic sword. Ta Sha Xing

There is a very small tribe living here, called the "timesha" tribe. No one knows where this tribe came from or who the ancestors of the people here are. Anyway, they have lived here for thousands of years. They believe in Sirius and take the moon as their god. At the full moon, worship with the wolf.

There is a forbidden mountain in the north of the tribe, which is located in the northern part of the Shisha tribe, called Chishan. The reason why it is called a forbidden mountain is mainly because it is surrounded by poisonous smoke and miasma all year round. People and animals dare not take a step beyond the minefield. Few people know what is in Chishan.

In the morning, the east turned red, and the morning sun came as scheduled.

A drop of dew swayed on the leaves and finally fell to the ground. The calm morning was mixed with a faint blood color.

Suddenly, the wolf roared, the world suddenly changed, the wind suddenly rose, and the dark clouds between the sky were filled. The whole sky somehow turned into blood red, reflecting the earth.

A rumble suddenly came from heaven and earth, which was dull and loud, as if it were coming from the Nine Underworld Hall.

The rainstorm hit, and there was a blood redness between heaven and earth. The rain gave people the illusion of blood rain.

"Boom--" There was a loud noise in the sky, and the sky suddenly shook, and the sky and the earth were turbid.

At this time, the sky thundered, lightning and thunder, and the earth began to shake again. The rain outside became heavier, and the blood-red rainstorm blocked all the sights. The sky and the earth suddenly faded. This kind of darkness seems to come from the mysterious darkness.

blood! This place has become a sea of blood!

The earth is still trembling, roaring like an angry monster.

A loud noise, the brightest red light came from the vast blue. In the bloody rain, it was more eye-catching, but no one could see it.

The red light shot into a fence yard in the Shisha tribe, and then suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened.

Then five bloody red lights scattered into the five lakes and seas of Haozhou, and flashed by.

After a lonely silence, the blood rain suddenly stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the world was full of vitality.

The blood rain is gone, and the strange thunder is gone. The vast earth no longer shakes. It seems that all this has never happened.

"Wow--" The baby's crying broke everything.

At night, the stars are ethereal, with an unusual strangeness.

In the center of the Shisha tribe, there is also a fence yard. In the middle of the yard stands an old man with white hair and a mediocre face, but he looks like a crane bone fairy style and a master. He looked up, and there was a looming red line between the sky. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't see it at all.

The old man pinched his fingers, sometimes frowned, and sometimes showed a faint smile. It's just that the sky is lonely, and he doesn't know what he can see.

Suddenly, he sighed, and the old man finally stopped looking up. He muttered, "Maybe this is really God's will. It seems that there is no way to avoid it. That's all. That's all. With that, he sighed again, put his hands on his back, and slowly walked into the thatched hut.

The whole tribe is quiet, only on the "Red Mountain" in the distance, the lonely wolf howls.

Suddenly, there was a soul-like "Ji Jie" laugh from the old man's thatched hut. Suddenly, the quiet night became weird.

Fourteen years pass away in a blink of an eye, nine vicissitudes of life, and heaven and earth are as before.

On the hillside, a beautiful 14-year-old boy emitted a thick red light all over his body. His hands were folded, and a red light ball appeared strangely between his hands, leading to the magic formula, and then shouted and sent forward. The red light ball hit a big tree in front of him. With a "boomud", the tree fell down. .

Shi Shen patted his hands and smiled with satisfaction. At this time, an old man came over. Since Shi Shen was born, he resigned as patriarch and passed the position to Shi Shen's father Shi Yuan. After that, he focused on teaching Shi Shen's cultivation.

In the flash, 14 years have passed, and Shi Shen's talent really surprised him. His excellent cultivation talent made him become the best of the Shisha tribe.

It is no wonder. It is said that when Shen was born at that time, he was born with a vision and it rained blood all afternoon, but for some reason, Aunt Wu, who gave birth to him, died strangely.

"Tomorrow night is the annual blessing meeting of our Shisha tribe, and it happens to be your aunt's happy day. I'll give you two days off and spend more time with your mother. The old patriarch looked at Shi Shen with relief and smiled.

Shi Shen looked happy and showed two cute little tiger teeth and nodded repeatedly: "Uh-huh, thank you, Grandpa." Then he asked, "Grandpa won't go?"

"I won't join this fun. I don't want to join in that kind of fun when I'm old. The old patriarch put his hands behind his back and looked up at the rising sun.

Shi Shen didn't say anything and then turned around, facing the east, and a golden red sprinkled on his face. The shadow of a young man and an old man also quietly became shorter.

At night, a cold moon hangs high in the air. The sky is bright with stars. Sirius in the northwest is much brighter than before.

On the big square in the center of the Shisha tribe, a group of beautiful and happy people are singing and dancing around the fire in the middle. They hope to pray for God's blessing with songs and dances. However, what makes them more excited is that today is still the wedding day of Shi Shen's aunt A Lian.

A 30-year-old middle-aged man walked on the central platform, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said loudly, "Tonight is the most grand festival of our Shisha tribe. Let's pray for the god of Sirius and the moon to bless us a safe year. Now I declare that the blessing will officially begin.

With an order, a group of people carried the tribute one after another. All the remaining clans held their hands on their chests and bowed their heads to make devout wishes.

Shi Shen is not very interested in such a tedious festival. He is still a minor and does not need to participate in it according to etiquette. I came here for my aunt's wedding.

Looking at his father on the rostrum, Shi Shen smiled helplessly. Since his father became the patriarch, the two have rarely been together. Now I can only yawn and wait for the blessing to end. He glanced down. When he locked his eyes on a woman, his eyes flashed with thick softness. That woman was Shi Shen's mother, Mei Niang.

After a dull bell rang, the previous depressing atmosphere suddenly dissipated, and people began to sing and dance again. The sound of laughter fluttered the whole time.

"Now the most beautiful bride of our family is invited to appear." I don't know who shouted, and the scene suddenly became hot. Everyone scrambled to surround them.

I saw my aunt wearing a silk red robe, and there was an indescribable charm against the background of the night.

Shi Shen's eyes lit up, and a trace of joking appeared from the depths of his eyes. So he immediately squeezed in from the crowd. This is a big event in my aunt's life. I must give her an unforgettable gift.

A cheerful sound of gongs and drums suddenly sounded above the square. People gathered Alian to the center of the square. Then he also pulled Brother Xiao in Shi Shen's mouth. Everyone made a fuss.

Shi Shen looked at his aunt evilly, with a smile on the corners of his mouth. I don't know when there was a little snake in my hand. My aunt has been most afraid of snakes since she was a child. Thinking of the scene of her aunt seeing the snake, Shi Shen couldn't help cracking her mouth and laughing.

"Boom--" suddenly there was a loud noise. The sky and the earth suddenly faded. When I looked up at the night sky again, I don't know when the toads and stars disappeared. The sky is gloomy, which makes people feel depressed.

After standing on the rostrum and seeing the strange, an unnoticed chill flashed in his eyes. Heaven and earth suddenly change, and the stars are easy to change. It seems that something big has happened. After his gloomy face, he turned his head to a people around him: "Go and check if something has happened?"

The clan nodded and hurriedly left the square.

Above the square, people were stunned, and a strong smell of blood came to their faces. Just when everyone didn't know what was going on, a clan ran over in a panic and knelt in front of Shi Yuan with blood: "Pagain, no, a large number of unidentified people in black broke into the clan. Our people have been killed a lot by them. After the man finished speaking, he fell to the ground and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"Humph, who dares to be wild in our clan. Don't panic, stay in the square and don't run around. I'll come as soon as I go." After saying that, his whole body was surrounded by green light, and then turned into a green light and flew away.

The original festive atmosphere was suppressed by sudden events. Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what had happened.

Shi Shen also noticed something strange. There was a trace of red light in the depths of his eyes. He raised his head and looked south. He saw a shining light in the southern sky, with bursts of roars. Obviously, his father fought with the people of unknown origin.

After a while, I saw a few rays of light falling, and then I heard a man shouting, "The patriarch asked me to tell everyone to find a place to hide for the time being."

The whole square suddenly became chaotic, and everyone scattered. Ghosts cried and wolves howled to find a place to hide. Shi Shen stood in the chaotic crowd and looked at the lights in the south, with strange brilliance in his eyes.

"Shen'er, Shen'er, where are you?" Mei Niang was rushed to the edge of the square by the crowd, and she still shouted Shi Shen's name hoarsely.

Shi Shen didn't hear Mei Niang's call at all, and his eyes kept staring at the south. The fist was also slowly clenched, making a click.

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