tian chou

Chapter 33 Shawo

"Actually, there is one more important thing for me to come back this time. So I won't stay here for long." Jiansheng thought for a moment, "You'd better not go out these days. It must be messy outside these days.

"Big brother, are you talking about the Takla Desert?" Shi Shen suddenly remembered something and asked.

"How do you know about this?" After the swordsman asked, he laughed again, "You know, it's normal. Now many masters have gathered here to go to the depths of the Takla Desert."

"What happened? Why are so many people in a hurry to run into the desert? Although I have heard that there are many rare treasures hidden in the desert, it will not cause so many strong people to go together.

According to the vision of heaven and earth, there are auspicious images in the depths of the desert. If I guessed correctly, it must be that something left over from ancient times will be born. I'm afraid few people can resist such auspicious signs**. Jiansheng laughed happily.

"Heaven and earth auspicious? Brother, do you know what that is?" Shi Shen suddenly became curious and asked.

The swordsman shook his head, and the mind of heaven and earth could not be He smiled indifferently and said, "Do you still think your brother is really a god? I'm afraid this kind of thing will only be known after it happens.

"Brother, take me there, too. I want to see it, too." There was a light in Shi Shen's eyes.

"You have an injury now, so you can't go. Unlike other places, the desert is even more dangerous. I don't know how many masters have fallen there. Just tell you when I come back.

"Isn't the eldest brother interested in that ancient thing?"

"Of course I'm interested. But this kind of thing can only be seen by chance. It depends on the meaning of God, and you can't force it." Jiansheng said happily, "I'm just going to join in the fun. By the way, try your luck. If God is in a fancy to me and get the ancient things, of course, I will ask for it.

"Brother, just take me there. I also want to try my luck. Besides, my injuries have healed. All that's left is the skin injury, which doesn't matter at all. Although Shi Shen called Brother Jiansheng, after all, he was only a 17- or 18-year-old child. When he acted coquettishly like this, Jiansheng really couldn't stand it for a while.

"Okay, okay, don't pull me. Can't I promise you?" Kensei can't do anything about Shi Shen. I had no choice but to agree.

Shi Shen opened his mouth and laughed, revealing two small tiger teeth. Even if you don't have your own chance, it's worth taking a look. Suddenly, Shen remembered that night. No wonder she kept looking west. So she is also going.

Thinking of her, a trace of bitterness actually appeared in Shi Shen's heart. I really don't know what's wrong with her heart?

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Shi Shen didn't say anything, Jiansheng asked doubtfully.

"Oh, oh, it's okay. I just remembered an old friend. I don't know if I can meet her in the desert?" Shi Shen laughed. But he doesn't have much hope for this, even if they meet. What should I say?

"Brother, let's rectify here for two days first, and then we will leave in two days. When I watched the sky last night, I found that in less than half a month, I was afraid that Xiangrui would be born. The sword saint smiled faintly.

Two days later, Jiansheng and Shi Shen left the inn and headed west. And there are still many people rushing towards the inn as usual. I believe no one wants to miss such a good opportunity. In case God opens his eyes and lets himself get this opportunity. It is enough to be equivalent to the cultivation of others for 20 or 30 years. It is not impossible to become immortals and gods in the future.

Shi Shen will not drive things, let alone step into the air. So I had to let Kensei take him.

The edge of the Takla Desert and Shihuang Town are only ten miles away. The cultivation of Jiansheng is just a blink of an eye. Shi Shen thought it had reached the desert. After Kensei told him, he realized that this was only the edge of the desert. It's not even a real desert.

With a sigh, Shi Shen looked down and his feet were desolate. Except for the endless sand dunes, it is the skyless sand. You can't see any vitality here.

Even so, the desert gives people an unspeakable wildness and strangeness. It makes people feel daunting.

The deeper you go, the more obvious the desolation becomes. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere. The direction is not clear at all. The sun is warmer, and even the wind blows with a hot breath.

It comes down in one place. Jiansheng took back the silver-white sword and said, "If we go deeper, we can only go by ourselves. If we are flying, none of us can escape once we encounter a desert black storm.

"Brother, what is the desert storm?" Shi Shen heard the name for the first time, and now he asked with some doubts.

"To put it bluntly, the Desert Black Storm is a common natural disaster in the desert. Because there is too much energy here. So sometimes just a slight gust of wind may form a desert black storm. Sometimes the desert black storm can cover the sky and the moon. Even change the space. So as long as it comes, it will immediately turn into darkness.

"So powerful." Shi Shen said with lingering palpitations.

Seeing that Shi Shen's face was a little ugly, Jian Shengle smiled and said, "You don't have to worry too much. It's not so easy to form a desert black storm, so it's generally okay. Let's go quickly. The water we carry can last for ten days at most. We must move forward as soon as possible.

"Brother, let's go." Shi Shen really felt a kind of dry heat that had never been seen before. Whether in the air or under the ground, there is an annoying heat.

Kensei took out a compass-sized thing from his arms, then looked at the upper finger, and finally pointed in one direction and said, "Let's go that way."

All the way down, except for the sand, it is sand dunes. There is nothing else.

The two walked for two days and two nights, and I don't know how long they have walked. I have met several waves of people in the middle. But I won't say hello when I see you. In a sense, everyone who comes here is a kind of competitor. Jiansheng just took a glance at them and left with Shi Shen.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is very large. During the day, the temperature can reach more than 40 degrees or even higher. At night, it suddenly dropped to more than ten degrees below zero. Fortunately, there are people with cultivation. There is not much fear of temperature.

"Brother, when will we arrive?" Now Shi Shenzhen has some regrets coming. It seems that it is not easy to take a look at ancient things.

"We haven't even reached half of the journey. We must leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will really let others take the lead. Rao Jiansheng's cultivation is also a little irritable here for two days.

"Okay, let's go all night." Shi Shenchang took a long breath. Although he felt very tired in the past two days, he deeply felt that his body was a little full. Is it okay to have too much energy in the desert?

Just as he was about to ask Jiansheng if he felt the same way, Jiansheng stood up and said, "Let's go." I hope we can walk a little longer before dark.

Look at the sunset on the western horizon. The whole desert state was dyed golden red. It's so beautiful. Shi Shen stood up and moved his body, and suddenly felt much more relaxed. After swinging two punches, he ran to catch up with the sword saint.

"Help--" came a voice.

Jiansheng and Shi Shen stopped at the same time. Kensei just thought for a moment and said, "This is none of our business. Since we want to get ancient things, we should think of this kind of end. Let's go."

Shi Shen nodded slightly. He was not a good person in the first place. If such people like Jiansheng can't be saved, he won't go.

"Help--" Another voice came, and Shi Shen frowned slightly and stopped.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Shi Shen stop, Kensei asked puzzledly.

"Brother, this voice is so familiar. Where do I seem to hear it?" Shi Shen frowned slightly, but he couldn't remember for a moment.

"Did you hear it wrong? How can it be possible in such a desolate place? Let's hurry up. Otherwise, we will really have to smear the road. Jiansheng looked at it with a compass-like thing. Finally, look up and look forward.

"Help - is there anyone here?" Another sound came. Shi Shen's steps just about to take stopped again. This sound is really familiar. But I really can't remember it for a moment.

"Let's go." He smiled at Shi Shen. Kensei shook his head helplessly. Now we must go to the depths of the desert as soon as possible, otherwise when Xiangrui is born and let others ascend first, we will fail.

"Is it her?" Shi Shen's eyes suddenly shrank. Definitely her. She is in danger. Shi Shen suddenly raised his head and looked around. But no one was found.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Shi Shen's strangeness, Kensei asked.

"It's her. I know who she is, big brother. Give me some time. I'm going to get her out. With that, Shen looked around, but he couldn't see anyone except the vast sand dunes.

Kensei pondered for a moment and said, "I'll help you find it out." With that, he put the compass-sized thing on the ground, condensed a symbol with his hands, and then shouted "go"

I saw the compass pointer rotating quickly. For a moment, the pointer points to one place. Jiansheng said, "She's under the sand dune. Let's go there quickly." Saying that, he sacrificed the silver-white sword. He jumped and jumped up. Shi Shen also jumped up. The silver-white sword trembled slightly, and then roared towards the sand dunes.

came to the sand dunes, and the two jumped down from the white sword. Shi Shen looked from afar. Sure enough, she was the young patriarch of Tianxuanzong, the woman who covered her heart with indifference.