tian chou

Chapter 117 Land of God

After wandering outside all day, almost everyone was discussing the conference, but got some useless news from it. It's nothing more than how grand this alliance meeting is, but no one knows its core news.

Until the afternoon, Shi Shen returned to the inn. He had been staying in the inn to practice. At this time, several acupuncture points in his body were opened, but acupuncture points such as Yinzhong, Baihui, Shenting, Qihai and so on were always difficult to get through.

Whenever Zhenqi touches these acupuncture points retrograde, he will feel a slight swelling pain. Shi Shen once gritted his teeth and abruptly penetrated Zhenqi. The pain suddenly increased. Shi Shen opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. The blood spit out that time was not the kind of blood, but the blood in his body.

Shi Shen first condensed his mind and led the true qi to run normally in the body, and then began to slowly retrograde. He has opened more than a dozen acupuncture points, so the retrograde was smooth at the beginning. However, when Zhenqi retrograde to the acupuncture point in front of his chest, the pain hit again, and the sweat on Shi Shen's face suddenly flowed down like rain.

At this time, his face was extremely pale, and his whole body trembled unconsciously, but his lips turned blood red and looked extremely strange.

"Wow--" Shi Shen opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, which was very conspicuous on the quilt. After wiping the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, Shi Shenjian frowned. No matter how he drove the true qi, he couldn't get through the acupuncture point. Shi Shen has felt the benefits brought by retrograde Zhenqi to him, so opening the acupuncture point, retrograde Zhenqi is the only way for him to quickly improve his cultivation.

Reopening the Xuanming skill method, there were still few words written on the dilapidated parchment, and the true air flowed and broke through hundreds of acupuncture points. Strengthen the body. Fast and fast. There is no useful information other than these words.

"Is it true that the method of breaking through acupuncture points is in the second volume of Xuanming Gong?" Shi Shen thought to his heart. If Wuchen really comes to this alliance meeting, he will definitely take out the second volume of Xuanming Gong from him.

Two days later, Twilight City entered its peak. Almost all practitioners have occupied the whole Twilight City. Shi Shen looked down from the window, and the number of people was nearly double that of the previous two days.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the General Assembly. It seems that those practitioners have come. After closing the window, Shi Shen sighed. This was the first time in history that he had seen so many practitioners gathered together. Only the practitioners in the northwest mainland hide dragons and crouching tigers. This alliance meeting may have attracted the practitioners of the whole Haozhou, and I'm afraid that more masters are hidden among them.

"Bumbang..." Someone knocked on the door.

Shi Shen's look changed. He didn't see anyone after he came to Twilight City. Who would it be? Shi Shen lowered his voice and asked, "Who?"

"It's me."

"Brother?" Shi Shen was overjoyed and quickly opened the door. Jiansheng stood at the door with a smile. Shi Shen looked at the sword saint excitedly. The sword saint has always taken good care of him. It can be said that if he hadn't met the sword saint, Shi Shen would not have survived until now. Shi Shen lost his voice and shouted, "Brother, is it really you?"

"Haha... Good brother has been gone for so long, and your cultivation has been added to another level. It seems that it's really good for you to go out and practice alone. Kensei laughed and came in.

Of course, Shi Shen can also feel that the breath of Jiansheng is stronger than before. At the beginning of separation, Jiansheng said that he would find a place to devote himself to practice. He never thought that in two months, the swordsman's cultivation had increased so high.

"Brother, how do you know I'm here?" Shi Shen asked with a smile and poured him a cup of tea.

"Yesterday, I happened to see a man wearing a hat on the street. I thought it must be you, so I followed you behind. But I happened to encounter something yesterday, so I didn't come to you. I have nothing to do today, so I came to see you. Kensei took a sip of tea and laughed.

"When did the eldest brother come to Twilight City?" Shi Shen sat opposite him and asked.

"I've been here for half a month. This alliance meeting is different from the past, and I judge that Wuchen will definitely not let go of this opportunity. I have discussed it with the owner of Twilight City and other masters. It's good if he doesn't come. If he comes, he will definitely have no return. A cold light flashed in Jiansheng's eyes, and his enmity with Wuchen had been concluded as early as a hundred years ago. Now is the time to end it.

"Big brother, have you seen the owner of Twilight City?" Shi Shen asked doubtfully that in his opinion, the cultivation of the city of Twilight City was unfathomable, otherwise it would not have been possible to attract so many strong people to work for him.

"We have met several times, but we haven't seen each other since he became the owner of Twilight City. This meeting of the alliance. He knew that the matter was important, so he ordered me to come early.

Under the smile of Jiansheng, he was obviously a little reluctant. Shi Shen understood what he thought in his heart that a hundred years of resentment was about to end, and Jiansheng must be a little expectant and confused.

"Brother, don't worry, things will pass." Shi Shen comforted that he once heard from the one-sided words in Jiansheng's mouth that the relationship between Jiansheng and Wuchen must be extraordinary. Although Jiansheng tried his best to say that it was just a general acquaintance, I'm afraid there must be some hidden feelings in it.

The greatest blessing in life is to have a confidant, but the greatest misfortune is to meet a confidant sword and live and die.

"I'm fine." Kensei shook his head and his face returned to the previous calm as much as possible. "Brother, tomorrow is the first day of the alliance meeting. Don't show your face. Jin Chen and Liu Jie are also here. I'm afraid they will secretly kill you."

"Brother, don't worry. I'm not who I was two months ago. I will take good care of myself. Shi Shen's heart warmed, and Jiansheng still thought about him as usual.

People die for their confidants, and women for those who please themselves. Shi Shen believes that it is a great honor and his most grateful thing to meet Kensei in this life.

The next day, the square in the center of Twilight City was full of people, and many people gathered here. The square was surrounded by two-story halls, which were also full of people. These people sitting are all people with heads and faces. The size of the square is far beyond Shi Shen's imagination, which is as big as three football fields.

There are several old guys sitting on the rostrum, among which Mr. Feng sat. What Shi Shen didn't expect was that Li Yi was also sitting in it.

And the sword sat on the lobby in the west. Liu Jie sat in the south. Shi Shenhu looked at Li Yi sitting on the rostrum suspiciously and couldn't figure out whether Li Yi's cultivation had been higher than that of his eldest brother in just two months?

As for the rest of the practitioners, they are not so lucky. They all stand around the square, cramming the whole square. Shi Shen stood in the crowd. This time, he did not wear a bucket hat, because it was difficult for Liu Jie to find him in the sea of people. If he wore a bucket hat, it would attract their attention.

"The Lord of Twilight City is here." I don't know who shouted in the crowd, and then everyone began to shout.

Does the owner of this Twilight City have such a great influence? Shi Shen followed the eyes of others and saw a man in his thirties, dressed in red and purple, coming with a smile on his face, followed by two attendants.

People sitting on the rostrum stood up to meet each other. The owner of Twilight City wanted to laugh, and naturally showed a hegemony.

After talking to everyone, everyone sat down. At this time, an old man with a white beard came to the owner of Twilight City and whispered a few words, but the owner of Twilight City nodded repeatedly.

The old man with a white beard flashed, and the next moment he had come to the table in the middle of the square. There was a sigh from the stage. Obviously, the old man's cultivation had reached the level of a master.

The old man looked around and then arched his hand and said loudly, "Thank you to my fellows from all over the world for coming to my Twilight City. As we all know, the League Conference is only held once a year, and it has always been held in Twilight City. This time, I have the honor to be the chief judge of this conference..."

The voice is loud and the tone is firm. Obviously, he exercised his true spirit. The old man seemed to have talked tirelessly for nearly an hour, but he still didn't mean to stop. Shi Shen stood in the crowd. Because there were too many people, he couldn't move at all. At this time, his legs and feet were already numb, and he secretly cursed the bad old man in his heart.

"Now I announce that the general meeting will officially begin." The old man's words immediately brightened everyone's eyes. Listening to these words of the old man, I feel that it is longer than waiting for another year.

Shi Shen suddenly came to his senses when he was about to fall asleep.

At this time, an old man flew from the rostrum. Seeing the voices of the people below, I couldn't help roaring. Some people with low cultivation almost fainted on the spot. Even Shi Shen felt dizzy.

"Now everyone can't speak. The alliance meeting, as the name implies, is to gather the world's heroes to compete for cultivation again. The sword has no eyes, and I hope that the people in the same path can finish. Thirty-one competition platforms have been set up at the conference. If you think you have a good cultivation, you can try here. The old man paused, and then there was a smile on his face. "According to the rules, the top ten of each alliance meeting are qualified to go to the land of God for ten days."

Suddenly, the people under the stage began to discuss, and many people also heard the name of God's Land for the first time. The main reason is that the League meeting is only held every Jiazi year, and the people present are all young practitioners. I have only heard of the League Congress, but I don't know much about it. Just like Shi Shen.

"According to my Grandpa, the land of God is an excellent place to practice. One day there is equivalent to one month of practice in other places."

"Has your grandpa been there?"



"Land of God?" Shi Shen whispered, and the name alone was quite tempting. If you have a chance, you must go there to have a look.

"Well, don't talk anymore, and you don't have to guess. I don't know the land of God. Only the owner of Twilight City knows where it is, and only he can open the door of God's land. But there is one thing I want to remind you. Being able to enter the land of God will certainly be of great help to your cultivation.

I remember hearing Jiansheng say that Jin Chen was the champion of the last league conference, and it was the time that his cultivation suddenly improved. Sixty years has made him a symbol of the northwest region. Shi Shen's eyes contracted, and a hot light emitted from the depths of his eyes.