tian chou

Chapter 210 I'm not a wedding dress

Shi Shen was angry. Hearing Princess Pearl's words, he completely lost his mind. He interrupted a flower tree with one punch and shouted, "I asked you to plant flowers, let you grow them." I ruined it all for you."

Shi Shen shouted, destroying the flowers and plants crazily, breaking almost all the flowers and plants, and the flower pots placed were also smashed by Shi Shen.

" Shi Shen, stop it and stop it." Princess Pearl was in a hurry and hurriedly stopped it.

Shi Shen ignored her at all, pulled out a flower tree directly from the ground and shouted, "I think you stole my things, and I asked you to plant flowers and grass. I have destroyed everything for you and let you taste the taste of things being taken away and destroyed.

"Give it to stop." Princess Pearl rushed over quickly, stopped him and shouted, "If you have anything to do, come to me. Destroying my flowers and plants is nothing. Stop it quickly."

Shi Shen pushed her away and shouted, "You stinky woman, stole my Tianshan snow lotus for yourself, and you even stole my sword. You thief, how do you look like a princess? I just want to destroy your flowers and plants today.

"Give it to stop." Princess Pearl said, tears streaming down, and stopping Shi Shen again.

Shi Shen also lost his mind now. He grabbed Princess Pearl's collar and pushed her fiercely. Princess Pearl staggered back a few steps and squatted on the ground. Looking at the flowers and plants that were almost destroyed, she actually squatted on the ground and cried.

Shi Shen heard the cry of Princess Pearl and stopped. He turned his head and looked at Princess Pearl, who was very aggrieved on the ground, and snorted coldly: "Do you know if it's too late to cry now?"

Princess Pearl didn't say anything and still cried. Two lines of tears slid down her cheeks and dripped down her chin. She stared at the flowers and plants that would be broken, just crying and doing nothing.

Some people looked into the small yard from time, but they had received orders from the elder. No one dared to come forward and saw Princess Pearl squatting on the ground and crying. Although they wanted to beat her, no one dared to disobey the elder's orders.

"Why are you still standing there? Kill him for me." Princess Pearl shouted at the people at the door.

Those people's faces changed and hesitated for a moment. Then he turned around and left in a hurry. In an instant, the gate of the campus was empty, and no one dared to look forward.

"You... You didn't even listen to my orders. I hate you so much." Princess Pearl shouted loudly.

"Well, even they won't help you. It seems that your princess is just a decoration. Hand over Tianshan Xuelian and the sword. Otherwise, I can't make you a princess." Although the Pearl Princess is very pitiful now, Shi Shen has no pity for the jade at all. I only think about the Red Devil and Tianshan Snow Lotus.

"You are damned. You big bad guy, I shouldn't have brought you back. I stole your Tianshan Xuelian, and I stole your sword. What can you do to me? Princess Pearl was in tears, but her mouth was still shouting loudly.

"I'm also forced by you. You really regret listening to you at the beginning. I shouldn't have come here." Shi Shen also regretted it very much. If I had known that I should have listened to her at the beginning, I should not have come to Wanmo Sect.

"You bastard, your Tianshan snow lotus is gone, and your sword can't be taken away. I have eaten both Tianshan snow lotus. Your sword also made me throw it in the stove and burn it.

"You want to die." Shi Shen's face was cold, and he instantly came to the Pearl Princess, grabbed her neck with one hand and said coldly, "I'll give you one last chance to hand over Tianshan Xuelian and Sword, or I'll let you die here now."

"If you die, you will die. It's not interesting for me to live. My father has never taken care of me since I was a child. Since I was born, I am destined to be just someone else's wedding dress. It's better for me to die."

Shi Shen paused and grabbed Princess Pearl's hand and trembled slightly. He was destined to never have his own life since he was born. Everything he had been arranged. He is destined to be lonely. There can be no friends in this life.

Am I also someone else's wedding dress? I'm the wedding dress of an unintentional old man! No, I don't want to be someone else's wedding dress. I am who I am, and I am Shi Shen. No one can control me. Shi Shen shouted loudly in his heart. His eyes began to blurred. At this moment, the true qi in his body rushed around in various veins.

"No, I don't want any magic baby. I just want to be myself. I just want to save Bishan." Shi Shen covered his head and shouted loudly.

The group of people standing not far from the Pearl Princess's courtyard suddenly felt awe of heart when they heard Shi Shen's scream. One of them was very sorry and said, "Look, this is the end of offending our princess. Although the boy defeated the seven elders, he wanted to fight with our princess, and the boy is looking for death."

"Hey, be careful what's your name. What's our princess? If the elders hear this, it's strange not to skin you." Another person rolled his eyes and said.

"I was wrong. I deserved to die." The man trembled slightly and immediately slapped his face twice and said.

"Oc's it, I'm just reminding you and didn't say anything."


A strange picture faintly appeared in Shi Shen's mind. On a large hall, countless people shouted, and he sat on the dragon chair above the hall, with awe-inspiring eyes and a little murderous in his eyes. A high posture.

Suddenly, everything changed, and the hall instantly turned into a valley. The valley was full of wolf smoke and countless corpses lay on the ground. Shi Shen was the only one standing there with blood all over his body. The eyes are still extremely indifferent. He quietly looked at the body on the ground. There is nothing desolate in my heart.

"When the magic baby is born, it will be the day of my unintentional old man's resurrection." The faint sound is like a sound outside the sky, resounding through the whole valley.

"No, you're not me, you're an unintentional old man." Shi Shen held his head and shouted loudly. He knew that it was an unintentional old man, not him.

"You are me, and I am you. We are one."

"No, I'm Shi Shen, not you." Shi Shen roared at the sky, and the surrounding houses were suddenly shattered and collapsed.

Shi Shen's eyes are all red, and there is no whiteness in his eyes. Wherever he looks, his red eyes have turned into powder.

"Don't resist. This is your mission. This is the only thing you have done in the world. You can't change all this, and you can't change all this. The voice sounded from Shi Shen's heart.

"No, I don't want to be your wedding dress. Why? Why did you choose me--" Shi Shen asked loudly.

"No reason, this is your life."

Pearl Princess looked at Shi Shen talking to herself and suddenly remembered the appearance of Shi Shen for the first time in Wuxian City. At that time, he was also so crazy. Princess Pearl suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart. She deeply felt the desolation, loneliness and helplessness in Shi Shen's heart.

" Shi Shen, you are you, and no one can replace you. Wake up quickly. Don't lose your nature." Princess Pearl shouted.

Princes Pearl's voice seemed to fall heavily on Shi Shen's mind. In an instant, all the pictures in his mind disappeared and his eyes quickly returned to normal. He saw the remnants and leaves all over the ground. The yard was in a mess, and he returned to reality.

"I..." Shi Shen felt bitterness in his heart. As soon as he said a word, he swallowed it back. He didn't know what to say, let alone whether it was real or illusory.

"Everything will pass. Don't care too much. I, I'm just talking. Don't take it to heart." Princess Pearl looked at him and said. There are only two tears hanging on her cheeks.

Shi Shen turned his head and took a look at the Pearl Princess, and his heart was extremely desolate. He slowly walked over and squatted down. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the Pearl Princess was shocked and quickly shrank back. Shi Shen smiled bitterly and gently wiped the two tears on Princess Pearl's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's just that the sword is so important to me that I was anxious for a moment..." Shi Shen shook his head helplessly.

Looking at the desolation of the garden, the Pearl Princess sighed helplessly. She said quietly, "Your Tianshan snow lotus has been planted by me as a seed. But I didn't take your sword.

"Didn't you take it? Then why did you say you took it?"

"Who told you to say I'm a stinky woman as soon as you open your mouth? No one has ever dared to be so disrespectful to me. I was so angry that I said I took it. But I didn't know that sword was so important to you.

Shi Shen smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand. Princess Pearl hesitated for a moment and put her hand in his hand. Shi Shenyi pulled the Pearl Princess up from the ground with all his strength. Shi Shen looked back at the remnants and leaves on the ground, scratched his head and said, "These flowers and plants..."

"Since I became sensible, these flowers and plants have accompanied me, which was planted by my mother." Princess Pearl pointed to a flower tree that had broken all the branches and said, "Every time I see that purple gold flower, I seem to see my mother."

"I'm sorry." It can be seen that Princess Pearl is very sad. Shi Shen said with guilt.

Princess Pearl ignored him and then pointed to another flower and said, "That rose flower was planted by my father and I when I was five years old." Then, the Pearl Princess said all the flowers and plants.

It was not until this time that Shi Shen finally understood why Princess Pearl cared about these flowers and plants, and felt even more guilty: "I'm sorry, I didn't know these flowers and plants were so important to you."

Princess Pearl did not say anything, but quietly covered the branches and leaves, and her eyes were foggy again.