tian chou

Chapter 220 Devil's Right Leg

I don't know how many years have passed here. He has been sleeping. If it hadn't been for Shi Shen's arrival, I'm afraid he's still sleeping.

There have been many strong people who have entered the inner circle, but they have never come out. They all died in it. With infinite emotion in his heart, maybe the teenager will break the saying that he will never die when he enters the inner circle. Looking up at the depths, he muttered to himself, "Boy, I believe you will come back alive."

Shi Shen stretched out. He didn't know what had happened. When he took a step, he suddenly lost consciousness, as if he were asleep, but he didn't know what had happened.

At this time, he suddenly felt a strong breath calling him not far away, which seemed to come from the depths of his heart and from his blood.

At this moment, his magic blood is boiling. If you look carefully, you will find that the true qi in his body has turned pale red. Although the color is not too dark, it is enough to see that his true qi has completely changed.

"True ontology?" Shi Shen was surprised. What happened? He is a little confused, but one thing is certain that no matter what happens, it is indeed a great opportunity for him.

Feeing the flesh-and-blood call, Shi Shen no longer hesitated and stepped forward. Although he still felt a little depressed, it was no longer a threat to Shi Shen. Isn't it said that the gravity of the inner circle is the largest? How can it not feel it?

I couldn't figure this out, so I didn't think about it and walked forward.

It was still dark around. Shi Shen tried to drive his mind. Originally, he just planned to try it, but he didn't have much hope. However, what surprised him more was that his mind swarmed out, and a distance of 20 meters was clearly visible. This is a big surprise for him.

There is no need to grope forward like a blind man. At this moment, the most important thing Shi Shen wanted to do is to find those pig-faced beasts and beat them severely. Although these little things did no substantial harm to him, they also made him eat a lot of saliva.

Thinking of this, Shi Shen felt like vomiting, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Before going out, be sure to give those little things some "gifts", otherwise I'm really sorry for their "care" for him for so long.

Shi Shen suddenly stopped, and he suddenly found a two-foot tombstone ten meters in front of him, and the familiar breath emanated from the tombstone. What surprised Shi Shen was that there was a strong sense of death in the tombstone.

"Is it possible that the skeleton of the unintentional old man is buried underneath?" Shi Shen hesitated for a moment, took a few steps towards the tombstone and stopped. Because in addition to the familiar breath, he also vaguely sensed another breath. Although it was very weak, it was a real existence.

"What's going on? Is it possible that two or more immortal skeletons of unintentional old people are buried in this tombstone?" Shi Shen was a little surprised.

Just as Shi Shen hesitated, the square coffin in his arms suddenly sounded and then flew out of his arms. Hanging over the tombstone, the coffin rotates quickly downward.

Shi Shen's mind rushed to the tombstone, which surprised him and almost didn't scream. He saw a lot of dense words and many paintings that he couldn't understand in the tombstone. This was not what surprised him the most. What surprised him most was these paintings. He seemed to be dying. I saw it in the desert and found it when I found the left hand of the unintentional old man.

However, he frowned slightly. Although these pictures look familiar, they are a little different from what they saw last time, as for the differences there, he can't explain clearly. Until now, he has not figured out what these pictures mean.

Turning his head to look at those words, the first sentence also shocked him deeply.

The extreme of life is death, and the extreme of death is life.

"This..." At the beginning, Shen also saw these two sentences in the desert of death. However, there are two sentences below that the extreme of righteousness is evil, and the extreme of evil is righteousness.

Shi Shen continued to look down, and there was another sentence below.

The extreme of emptiness is color, and the extreme of color is emptiness.

This sentence is very similar to that in Buddhism, empty is color, and color is empty. But after thinking about it carefully, I don't think so. Shi Shenben didn't do much research on Buddhism. He didn't continue to think about it.

Next, the text seems to be telling a story and a set of mental methods. It's similar to the situation in the dead desert. Shi Shen finally affirmed that there must be the remains of the unintentional old man under the tombstone, because what happened was almost the same as what happened in the dead desert.

Those words slowly changed, and all the words were distorted, and finally formed a small man. The villain jumped his body, as if he were doing a set of profound skills.

I don't know when the strange villain in Shi Shen's heart has appeared on his Dantian and practiced with the villain on the tombstone.

Shi Shen was terrified and his mind gushed out. This time, he wanted to thoroughly check what the villain in his body was. However, when he was about to surround the villain, his mind paused and could not rush forward for half an inch. The villain in his body is still looking at nothing and practicing insipidly.

Shi Shen's heart was even more feared. This was in his body, but he didn't expect that he couldn't even control his body. The more Shi Shen thought about it, the more scared he became. When the little man in his body really became strong, he might eat him back. At that time, he will really become someone else's wedding dress.

"Who the hell are you?" Shi Shen's mind returned and condensed into the same mind as Shi Shen's.

The little man above Dantian skillfully practiced that set of strange skills, as if he didn't exist in his mind.

"Why did you come to my body? What's your purpose?" Shen asked coldly in his mind. But the little man still didn't say anything, just made all kinds of strange fingerprints.

No matter how the mind asks, the little man is like no one, but he has many strange fingerprints. In the end, Shi Shen had no choice. The current situation is to ask him, but he doesn't say anything. But you can't beat him, not to mention that you can't beat him. This is his body, and it's him who suffers a little damage.

After the little man on the tombstone finished practicing, it turned into dense words, and the little man on Shen Dantian also disappeared. Shi Shen also searched lazily. He had searched countless times before, and every time he returned without success. He knew that even if he searched again this time, he would get nothing.


A loud noise suddenly sounded, making the whole gravity space tremble violently. Shi Shen immediately came to his senses and saw that the tombstone was also spinning rapidly. The sound comes from under the tombstone.

The square coffin is still rotating on the tombstone, but the speed is twice as fast as before. Making a "bang" sound, Shi Shen guessed that if it were not in the gravity space, I'm afraid that the square coffin would also emit a strangely bright light. However, the gravity space can absorb light, and even if the square coffin emits light, it will be absorbed by the gravity space in an instant.


There was another loud noise, and the tombstone collapsed and turned into a piece of gravel. Just after the tombstone collapsed, a box suddenly appeared in mid-air, emitting a strong evil spirit. Shi Shen was happy when he saw this. He knew that what was contained in this box was the fairy skeleton of the unintentional old man.

After the square coffin made a continuous "bang" sound for a quarter of an hour, the box suddenly exploded, and the whole gravity space vibrated violently again. There was a "cracking" sound on the ground, and countless cracks suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Haha... Magic Baby, I was buried here, thinking that I would never see the sun again, but I didn't expect you to come. The laughter was full of excitement.

"The descendants of the demon clan see the unintentioned old man of his ancestors." With the last experience, Shi Shen certainly knew that the speaker was a spiritual knowledge of the unintentional old man. He immediately knelt down and looked at a foot bone hanging in the air.

"Well, yes, I found a left hand. I believe that you have got the magic power of your left hand, and now I will pass on the magic power on your right leg.

As soon as the words fell, the foot bones shone brightly, and a divine blood light rushed to his forehead, and then integrated into Shi Shen's body.

Endless power emerged on Shi Shen's right leg, but compared with the death desert, Shi Shen was obviously much calmer this time. He immediately sat cross-legged and began to guide slowly.

"Magic Baby, your current strength is still very weak, and the magic power of your right leg has also sealed me. At that time, you can slowly refine it." Seeing Shi Shen's appearance, the sound came from the right leg bone again.

Shi Shen did not say anything. He vaguely remembered the heartbreaking pain of inheriting the divine power of his left hand. Now he is not eager to refine the divine power of his right leg, but first guide this divine power to the body. In this way, he no longer has to bear such great pain.

Just when Shi Shen guided the magic power of his right leg, the square coffin suddenly enlarged and changed into a crystal coffin. Almost at the same time, the unintentional old man's right leg slowly rose and finally fell into the crystal coffin. The crystal coffin slowly shrank and finally became a square coffin. Slowly flew into Shi Shen's arms.

I don't know how long it took before Shi Shen slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a turbid breath. At this time, his face was extremely pale. Although he guided the divine power this time, the unintentional old man's strength was extremely strong. Even so, Shi Shen still had a lot of pain. However, in general, this time is quite smooth.