tian chou

Chapter 254 City Without Death

The deeper you go, the more panicked Shi Shen's mind became. This is the first time in history that such a situation has happened. Shi Shen's face also became more and more difficult to look. If he hadn't felt the faint familiar breath in the depths, Shi Shen would not have taken a step forward.

I don't know how long it has been, the familiar atmosphere has become stronger and stronger, and the ghost gas has obviously increased a lot, and the sound of Zizi at the junction of the boundary and ghost gas has become louder.

Holding the Feng Tian halberd, Shi Shen slowly walked forward. At this time, he could only walk by feeling. His mind could not permeate it at all, let alone check the surrounding environment.

"After ten thousand years, you still came." Suddenly there was a sound.

Shi Shen paused, stopped, looked around, and carefully checked the surrounding environment.

In front of him, ghosts were surging and rolling. Slowly transform into a figure. Unlike the human figure I just saw, the humanoid transformed this time has eyes and nose, just like an old man. The eyebrows are long and white.

"Who are you?" Shi Shen stood still and asked coldly.

"If I guess is correct, you are a magic baby, right?" The old man did not answer Shi Shen's words and asked.

"What's so, and what can't it be?" Shi Shen said.

"10,000 years, I thought I would have to wait for thousands of years or never wait for you. I didn't expect you to come." The old man sighed, and his voice seemed to be a little vicissitudes.

"Who the hell are you?" Shi Shen asked again.

"Who am I? Ha ha... Haha... It seems that I have forgotten who I am. You'd better go back. I don't want to kill you. You can't get the wreckage of the unintentional old man. The old man smiled faintly, as if he were laughing at himself and sighing.

"Since you know that I am a magic baby, you should know that I will definitely take away the bones of the unintentional old man. No one can stop me, including you. Shi Shen said coldly. He can't feel the breath from the old man at all, which is enough to show that the old man's cultivation is unfathomable.

"Magic Baby, do you know what the price is for reviving the unintentional old man?" Seeing that Shi Shen did not have any intention of retreating, the old man was not angry, but asked with a faint face.

"I know. The land of Haozhou is bleeding into rivers.

"Since you know, why?"

"Their deaths have nothing to do with me. I just want to avenge my family. Thinking of the people of the Shisha tribe, a trace of pain flashed on his face. However, in an instant, it turned into a firm and indifferent look.

"If I guess correctly, your family suffered a great disaster when you were 14 or 15 years old. They are all dead, aren't they?" The old man is surrounded by ghosts and looks like a fairy.

But Shi Shen knew that the old man was not a fairy at all. It is the biggest obstacle for him.

"How do you know?" Shi Shen's face changed and asked.

"Well, that's true. Do you know that when you resurrect the unintentional old man, not only will the world suffer the greatest catastrophe, but also there is no way to escape this catastrophe in the six worlds. Among them, it also includes demons.

"Well, do you want me to retreat with these words?" Shi Shen smiled faintly and said.

"I don't mean to make you retreat, but I want to tell you that once the unintentional old man is resurrected, no one in the world can escape, even including the legendary gods in your world."

"God? Is there really a god between heaven and earth? Shi Shen was shocked, but then his face returned to normal and sneered, "Don't deceive me here. If there is really a so-called god, thousands of people in my tribe will not die tragically. There will not be so many people suffering in the world.

"Alas, do you think the gods in your legend are really good at it? They have no choice. Some of them are fixed, and no one can change them. Including God. The old man's expression was obviously dim, but then he smiled again. No one knew why he laughed.

"Can they watch thousands of people die tragically in my tribe? Is this the so-called God? If so, it's okay not to have such a god. Shi Shen's heart was full of bitterness. When he thought of the tragic situation of the tribe, his heart was like a needle.

"Since you were born, the death of your people has been doomed. It's not others who killed them, but you.

"What?" Shi Shen looked stunned and suddenly shouted, "You lie, how can I kill my people? It's impossible. Go to hell."

Shi Shen took care of everything, and the Feng Tianji swept away, and a golden light swept towards the old man.

However, just as the golden light was about to hit the old man, the old man's figure suddenly disappeared into the ghost, and the next moment, he suddenly appeared behind Shi Shen.

In the face of Shi Shen's sudden action, the old man was still not angry. Gujing Bbo said, "You don't know how much it will cost to resurrect the unintentional old man. You don't know at all. Your people are just his victims."

Shi Shen suddenly turned around, with a strong anger in his eyes: "Do you believe me when you say that? What you said is not just to want me to resurrect the unintentional old man. Humph, I won't be fooled by you."

"Well, it seems that your magic has broken through the seal. The reason why I have been waiting for you here for 10,000 years is that I really don't want you to resurrect the unintentional old man. Although I know this is God's will and it's difficult for me to change, I still want to try it. Speaking of this, the old man's face finally changed. It has become a little gloomy.

"Let's die." Shi Shen didn't say anything more and went to kill the old man with a halberd in his hand. A halberd cut down, but the old man was like the wind. When Feng Tianjuan was about to hit him, his body would gently move. It seemed simple, but it was easy to avoid Feng Tianhu.

Shi Shen waved hundreds of times, but never touched the old man's body. Shi Shen was shocked. Although he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, the old man's cultivation must be very high, but he did not expect it to be so profound. You know, Shi Shen's cultivation at this time had reached the eighth level, and he was already a master in Haozhou.

"Magic baby, don't fight meaninglessly. You are not my opponent at all."

"Well, I'd like to see if you really have three heads and six arms." Although he was horrible, Shi Shen did not stop, and the fierce Feng Tian halberd hit the old man's chest fiercely.

The old man moved gently again and easily dodged. His face has returned to the original look and smiled faintly: "Magic Baby, it seems that you have not found the remains of other unintentional old people, otherwise your cultivation will not be like this."

"You don't have to worry about this." Shi Shen shouted, and his figure flashed so fast that he could only see a series of shadows. Feng Tianjue stabbed the old man's throat fiercely.

"Well, it seems to be the underworld step of the mysterious skill, but it's a pity that you are not a little worse than the unintentional old man." The old man has dodged Shi Shen's attack while talking.

"You know a lot." Shi Shen shouted coldly, swept around and cut at the old man's waist. The old man's figure faded and dispersed, and next time he appeared in front of Shi Shen.

"Magic Baby, I will give you one more chance. If you go back now, I will spare your life. Otherwise, you can stay with the careless old man.

"Do you think Shi Shen is really scared?" Shi Shen did not hesitate at all, and his whole body surged, forming a fluid-like aperture around him. He knew that the old man had lost his patience and had to take some protective measures.

"Go ahead." The old man waved his cuffs, and a strong wind swept in, and the ghosts around him were also affected and rolled violently.

The halberd split down vertically, and a golden light hit the strong wind, demoralizing the awe-in wind. At that time, when Shen thought it was okay, he suddenly felt a chill behind his back and suddenly turned around, and saw a strong ghost behind him attack him.

He hit Shi Shen's body fiercely. Shi Shen was directly knocked off by more than 30 feet and fell to the ground heavily. Fortunately, he had been prepared for a long time, otherwise it would be a big trouble for the ghost to invade.

When he got up from the ground, Shi Shen's expression changed. He knew that it was difficult to compete with the old man based on his strength alone. Slowly closed his eyes and his mind appeared near his Dantian this time.

At this time, the little man in his body appeared on his Dantian again. However, this time the villain is not like the last time. This time, the villain's whole body emits a holy golden light.


Seeing the change of Shi Shen, the old man shouted doubtfully. At this time, Shen's whole body emitted a golden light, like the legendary "Buddha".

"Interesting." The old man muttered deeply, as if he were talking to Shi Shen and talking to himself.

Shi Shen suddenly opened his eyes. This time, his mind was not replaced, and the Feng Tianji in his hand also turned golden. It looks like a general.

"I didn't expect you to be the guardian of the world? Haha... Interesting, it's really interesting. The old man laughed, and the doubtful expression just now also swept away.

"I am indeed the guardian of the world, but don't forget that you are still a magic baby. No one can stop me, including you." At this time, Shi Shen exuded a sense of righteousness.

"Hey, do you want to use the power of the guardians of the world to take away the remains of the unintentional old man? It's a joke that the guardians of the world and the demons are incompatible with water and fire. He won't help you. The old man said lightly.

"Then you can try it." Shi Shen waved his hand, and the Feng Tian halberd made a sound and chopped at the old man.

This time, the old man was not as indifferent as before, and his face flashed with a trace of solemnness. His figure moved and quickly flew back. At the same time, after he retreated, he formed a ghost barrier.

Feng Tianji hit the ghost barrier fiercely, and suddenly those ghosts were like a glass of water encountering a raging fire, and suddenly turned into nothingness.

Seeing this blow, a smile appeared at the corners of Shi Shen's mouth. Although it did not hit the old man, this strong power was comparable to that of the old man.

"Kid, since you are the guardian of the world, you should know that your responsibility is to protect the peace of the world. If you really resurrect the careless old man, it will not match your identity." The old man said.

"Well, don't forget, I'm still a magic baby." As soon as the words came out, Shi Shen no longer hesitated and flew towards the old man.

Until this time, the old man's face completely changed, and his figure shook and disappeared to the original place.

At this time, Shi Shen stabbed directly to the top left.


There was a faint sound in the place where Shi Shen was thorned, and then the old man emerged. Shi Shen sneered and said, "Let's see where you are going."

Just now, Shi Shen's cultivation has not been achieved, and now he can easily detect the movement of the old man with the help of the guardian of the world.

"Magic Baby, no, I should call you the guardian of the world now. You will regret doing this one day.

"I don't regret it. All I know is that I must take away the remains of the unintentional old man today." Shi Shen said.

The old man hesitated for a moment, then sighed and said, "I'll take you to a place. You can make a decision when you get to that place."

"I'm not going anywhere. I just want to take away the wreckage of the unintentional old man." Shi Shen said lightly.

"Don't you want to see your relatives?" The old man asked.

"What do you mean?"

"All the clans of the Shisha tribe, and your girlfriend, Bishan." The old man said lightly.

Hearing this, Shi Shen's body obviously shook violently. He looked at the old man in surprise and didn't know what to say for a moment. Finally, his face changed: "You, you didn't lie to me. I, can I still see them?"

"I didn't lie to you, but what you saw were in another form." Speaking of this, the old man thought for a moment and then said, "Have you ever heard of No Death City?"

"No Death City?" Shi Shen looked at the old man doubtfully, shook his head and said, "I haven't heard of it."

The old man nodded slightly and sighed, "The city without death is actually not in the human world. It can be said that it is a special castle in the ghost world. We all know that after death, people will enter the ghost world. After staying in the ghost world for a period of time, they can be reincarnated. But there is another possibility."

"What's the possibility?" Shi Shen asked.

"It means that some people are unwilling to be reincarnated or die abnormally for some reasons after death. These people can't be reincarnated, so they will enter the city without death.

"You mean that all the clans of the Shisha tribe are in the city of no death?"

"That's right. They are all here. Because they belong to the second kind of abnormal death.

Shi Shen frowned slightly and then asked, "Although they died tragically, why is it not an abnormal death?"

"I just said that their death is a fixed number, and God has long been doomed. Or, they are unwilling. The old man said with a sigh.

"Okay, I promise you to let me go to the City of Mortality before I come out. I won't go to the careless old man again.

Hearing Shi Shen's words, the old man had no expression on his face. With a wave of his right hand, he suddenly added something like a ghost stick in his hand. He saw a white skull with bleeding red light in his eyes.

Take the ghost stick and point to a space. The space suddenly tore out of an opening, and a ghost-like howling sound came from the opening.

"Go and find your loved ones there." The old man said lightly.

Shi Shen wondered for a moment and suddenly thought of something and asked, "Old man, I almost didn't be fooled by you. Bishan's soul has been put in the soul bell by me. How can he not die in the city?

"Alas, you are quite careful, but I have already said that they survive in another form. It's not the soul." The old man said quietly, "If you don't go in again, it will be difficult to go in after the space is closed."

Although Shi Shen hesitated, he saw that the opening that the space was torn was indeed slowly healing, and there was no doubt at the moment. The figure flashed and turned into a streamer flying in.

After Shi Shen entered the space, the torn opening also completely healed. The old man's face was still unwaved. He shook his head helplessly and muttered to himself, "Kid, if you hadn't been the guardian of the world, I would never have given you this opportunity. But where to go depends on you.

After saying that, the old man's body slowly faded away and finally merged with the ghosts around him.

In front of it is an endless small passage, and there is nothing everywhere, full of chaos. Is there a ghost fire on the roadside? The road was full of human bones.

However, these had no impact on Shi Shen. He just wanted to find the Shisha tribe as soon as possible. Only when he saw them, maybe he could avenge the clan.

I don't know how long it took along the small passage.

Suddenly, there was a burst of light in front of him, and Shi Shen was happy. It seems to be the end of the city without death. The pace suddenly accelerated. However, although he saw the light, Shi Shen walked for a long time and did not arrive. I began to wonder.

Why can't you go to the end when you see the light?

"Kid, I have already said that there is no ordinary soul in the city. If you want to go in and see it with your eyes, you will never reach it. You have to look at it carefully."

The old man's voice suddenly came from the small passage, and Shi Shen's face changed. Do you have to look at it carefully?

"Thank you for letting me know." I don't know if the old man can hear it, but Shi Shen still arched his hand politely. Between words, there is no invincibility.

Slowly closing his eyes, Shi Shen's mind slowly spread out. But the light in front of him slowly faded. In the end, the front turned dark, like absolute darkness.

"What's going on?" Shi Shen was a little confused. He clearly heard a faint sound in the darkness in front of him. It's like a person talking, but it doesn't look like it.

Shi Shen hesitated for a moment and slowly raised his feet and took a step forward. After this step, everything changed, the small passage disappeared, the mountains of bones disappeared, and everything disappeared. A white and tall gate appeared in front of Shi Shen, and four bloody characters were written on the door: No Death City.