tian chou

Chapter 285 Curse of Flowers

The two held hands, and neither of them spoke again.

The sky has always been dark, and there is a dead silence around.

When they came to a blood-red gate, the two stopped. The door was more than 20 feet high and more than 10 feet wide. The woman in plain clothes turned her head and smiled at Shi Shen and said, "Do you see the mirror at the door? That mirror is so interesting. Go and have a look."

Just now, Shi Shen looked all his attention at this magnificent and gloomy gate. I didn't see a mirror by the door. I looked down and saw a mirror more than one person high on the right side of the door.

"Go and have a look. You can see what you have experienced before in the mirror. After saying that, the woman in plain clothes pulled Shi Shen forward.

Shi Shen hesitated for a moment, stood in front of the mirror, and immediately shot a white light from the mirror and shone on Shi Shen.

The mirror suddenly shook, and then I saw a dark cloud in the mirror covering the sky, and the thunder roared through the world. Then it began to rain, but the rain was blood red.

Shi Shen's eyes suddenly lit up, and this strange scene actually happened in the Shisha tribe. As soon as the picture turned, a fence yard and a familiar figure appeared in the mirror, which was his father, Shi Yuan.

"Wow--" The baby's muttering, the blessing of the old patriarch, and the horrible symptoms before Aunt Wu's death were all shown in the mirror.

The scenes of the family being killed have appeared one by one. Just like a movie, it flashed quickly.


After Shi Shen finished reading it, he was silent. It was not only him, but also the plain-clothed women around him.

With a sigh, Shi Shen came down from the mirror. Many past events appeared in front of him, just like what happened yesterday. In particular, the family was killed. At that time, when Shen saw the masked people killing the people rampantly, Shi Shen's heart seemed to be dripping blood, and he almost broke the mirror.

"Are you all right?" The plain woman turned her head and asked.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." Shi Shenchang breathed a long sigh of relief, turned his head again and looked deeply at the mirror. At this time, he already knew something about this mirror in his heart. I'm afraid this mirror is the legendary past mirror.

It is said that before reincarnation, people have to come to this mirror to see some things before their lives. It's a kind of relief and a kind of ending.

Shi Shen looked up at the blood-red door. It is said that the rebirth mirror is in front of the reincarnation door. If this mirror is a rebirth mirror, I'm afraid this door is the legendary reincarnation door.

After entering the reincarnation door, people can be reincarnated. It seems that this is really the underworld. Shi Shen smiled bitterly. The ring frowned slightly again, always feeling that something was wrong. But as for where it is, he can't think of it yet.

"Why are you laughing? You look very unhappy. Why do you still laugh?" The plain woman asked, like a baby who has never experienced the world, she doesn't know anything, but she seems to know everything.

"Nothing, I just thought about some things in the past." Shi Shen smiled and suddenly asked, "What can you see in front of the mirror? Maybe you can remember who you are after seeing the past."

The woman in plain clothes sighed and shook her head and said, "It's useless. I have tried many times before, but nothing is shown except the pieces of flowers on the other side in the mirror.

"How could this happen? Did you do something wrong? Why don't you go up again now? Let me see what's going on." Shi Shen said.

"Okay." The plain woman turned around and came to the past mirror. Shi Shen took a closer look. Sure enough, as she said, the past mirror was full of blood-red flowers. Other than that, there is nothing different.

"How could this happen?" Shi Shen frowned slightly and didn't expect the woman's life to be so tortuous. I really don't know what happened to her back then.

"I don't know what happened. And I can't remember how I came here at all. The plain-dressed woman couldn't help but feel sad when she said this. A person who doesn't know who he is really looks a little pitiful.

Shi Shen smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. After we go out, I will investigate for you. You have also been here for a long time. Why don't you go out with me?"

"But how can we get out?" The woman in white asked.

"I think I have come up with a solution. I just don't know if it can work. Shi Shen smiled strangely and looked at the reincarnation door again. It is said that this is the only place where the underworld and the human world meet. But I don't know whether it's true or not.

"Do you mean we are going to go through here?" The plain woman shook her head and said, "No, I've tried. I, I can't get in at all."

"I'll try." Shi Shen said.

"Be careful. When I used to..." Obviously, in the past, women in plain clothes wanted to go to the reincarnation door, but instead of going through, they suffered a lot.

Shi Shen smiled faintly: "It's okay, don't worry." Saying that, he patted her on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the reincarnation door.

The magnificent blood-red gate exudes a silent majesty. The blood-red pillars are all depicted with horrible evil spirits, who have teeth and claws and ferocious faces. It seems to be a living thing.

"You, you must be careful." The plain-dressed woman seemed to be very worried and said loudly.

Shi Shen turned around and smiled at her, then turned around with a strange and solemn face, breathed a long sigh of relief, and then walked forward. One step, two steps, three steps... Shi Shen actually stepped into the reincarnation door, but nothing happened. He turned around and breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Look, nothing happened."

The plain woman's face showed a look of surprise, but she still didn't move forward. It still seems that I am still scared. Shi Shen waved and smiled, "Come here, don't worry, it's okay."

The plain woman hesitated for a moment and carefully walked towards Shi Shen. Seeing her so careful appearance, Shi Shen couldn't help smiling bitterly. However, before he could laugh, something strange happened.

As soon as the plain woman walked into the reincarnation door, a blood light hit her body and screamed. She immediately flew out, more than ten feet away and fell to the ground heavily.

"Are you all right?" Seeing the sudden change, Shi Shen immediately ran over and picked her up. There was a faint trace of blood on the corners of the latter's mouth. The originally pale face is even whiter.

She coughed twice and shook her head: "I, cough... I'm fine. Anyway, I have been prepared for a long time.

"How could this happen? Why can I walk over, but you can't?" Shi Shen couldn't get out of it, and his eyebrows suddenly squeezed together.

"Because she was cursed." A figure flashed by, and it was Fang Li. Fang Li's figure was still very faint. He took a look at Shi Shen and finally looked at the woman in plain clothes and said, "You are poisoned. If you fall in love with the curse of the other side flowers, you will suffer from eternal love with those shore flowers and can't see each other.

"But I don't have anyone to fall in love with. I don't feel anything other than feeling lonely here?"

"From today on, you will feel it." After saying that, Fang Li took a deep look at Shi Shen, with a helpless tone and said, "And Shen'er is the person in your curse."

"What?" Without waiting for the plain woman to speak, Shi Shen couldn't help shouting, "Master, you are wrong. How can I be that person? Besides, I just met this girl."

"Oh, that's good. The flowers and leaves of the flowers on the other side have never seen each other, so what? Presumably they are happy. At least you have met."

The more Shen listened, the more he felt incredible. He looked back at the plain woman and saw that the plain woman was also confused. He raised his head and said, "Master, do you know how to lift the curse?" Shi Shen thought about it, and the master could not lie to him. The most important thing now is how to lift the curse. Only when the curse is lifted is the only way to save the woman.