tian chou

Chapter 287 Robbery

In a moment, the reincarnation road returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, but Shi Shen's heart sank. Judging from the look of Fang Li and the girl, as well as what had just happened, the so-called monster must be very terrible.

Although I can't imagine why the monster suddenly left. However, Shi Shen's heart was still not put down. He held the Red Devil tightly in his right hand and looked around carefully.

I don't know how long it has been. A bright light suddenly appeared in the distance of the reincarnation road. Then the light became more and more bright, and Shi Shen was happy. Is it possible that I have come out of the underworld?

The light suddenly increased, and Shi Shen quickly closed his eyes. At this time, he suddenly found a very serious problem. He came out of the reincarnation path, and the reincarnation path was a yin reincarnation... He is Uncle Long's.

Shi Shen couldn't help but learn from Huang Long's tone and cursed. He was really angry and slowly stabilized his body. However, it seems that he has thought too much. In addition to a dense forest, there is an endless snow-white color below. Shi Shen fixed his eyes and saw that it was snow. He walked with the sword and walked around the forest without finding anything. Maybe it's really a coincidence to come here.

After leaving the forest, Shi Shen walked for an hour to finally find someone. After asking, Shi Shen was completely dumbfounded. This is already the edge of the northwest continent, and further away is the cold snowy world.

There is also a continent in the northernmost part of Haozhou, where there are ice and snow, icebergs that have not moved for ten thousand years, and there are many unknown fierce beasts. It has always been a forbidden area of Enmen. Even many highly cultivated practitioners dare not go there easily.

I didn't expect to come here. Shi Shen took a look and found that it was indeed much colder than the central continent. People here wear clothes made of animal skins.

Although it's cold, it's nothing for Shi Shen, since he already knows where it is. Shi Shen did not hesitate and flew quickly to the south.

I flew for a day and a night, and it was already afternoon after hitting the Five Immortals City. Shi Shen came to the inn, but he didn't find a living and Tianqi.

Huanglong's thief can't live without doing anything "unreasonable" for a day. He didn't go to the inn again, but Tianqi was not in her room. Shi Shen couldn't figure it out.

I waited in my room until night and didn't see them come back. Shi Shen frowned and had a bad feeling about China. He was about to go out when he heard someone going upstairs. At first, I thought it was an ordinary guest, but I heard the footsteps getting closer and closer. Then the door opened.

When they looked at each other, they were stunned for a moment.

"Where have you been these days? Do you know that Ruffian Long and I have searched almost every 50-mile radius to find you. Tianqi suddenly said loudly.

She hasn't slept well these days. Every day, I was scared and even dreamed that Shi Shen was dead.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Many words can't be said in front of the mouth. I just apologized.

"Do you think a word of apology can be finished? Do you know that until now, the ruffian dragon is still looking for you around the Five Immortals Mountain? He comes back late every night. Because he was worried about the people of Wuxuanmen, Huang Long asked me to come back first. Where the hell have you been these days?

"This matter is a long story. I'll tell you in detail when I have time, and I'll get Huang Long back. You don't go anywhere here." After saying that, Shi Shen walked out of the door.

"I'll go with you." Tianqi suddenly followed and said, "In case you get lost again, won't it make me and the ruffian dragon busy?"

Shi Shen smiled bitterly and nodded, "Don't worry, it won't be like this again. I don't worry about you being here alone. Just come with me."

The moonlight is like glory, and the stars are few. On a sword, two figures flew away in the moonlight. It soon disappeared into the vast night.

The two quickly came around the Five Immortals Mountain and stood on the bank of the "flowing cloud" river. Shi Shen's mood surged up. I can't help thinking of the plain girl in the underworld, although I still don't know her name. But that song, the pale and beautiful face was deeply imprinted in Shi Shen's heart.

When flowers bloom and leaves fall, we are forever far away.

In our previous life and this life, we have never met.

However, there is no sign of us side by side under the bridge.

On the road to Huangquan, we are destined not to meet each other.

Whose love has been witnessed by the reincarnation of thousands of generations?

A thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years, and another thousand years of missing.

We will never see each other, and love is not cause and effect. It is destined that we will never see each other forever...

A thousand years have been opened and fallen for a thousand years. I miss you for another thousand years. Shi Shen couldn't help crying. He didn't know why he wanted to cry. At this moment, he really wanted to see the girl in plain clothes, and even had an impulse to jump into the "flowing cloud" river immediately.

"What's wrong with you?" As if feeling the strangeness of Shi Shen, Tianqi came from behind and asked.

"I'm fine." Shi Shen suddenly came to his senses, quickly wiped the tears on his face and said, "Let's find the ruffian dragon quickly."

"Okay." Tianqi didn't care too much. The two began to look for it.

After about half an hour, Huang Long still hasn't been found. Shi Shen stopped and said, "I haven't found it for so long. Maybe that guy has left long ago. Let's go back."

"No, it's been going on for several days. Ruffian Long always finds it late at night to go back. Tianqi said.

"How do you know that the ruffian dragon went back late at night?"

Tianqi stagnated and whispered, "I haven't slept much these days. Every time I can hear the sound of Huanglong climbing the window. So..."

Hearing this, Shi Shen was shocked and whispered, "I'm sorry, I've been worried about you for me for so long."

"It's okay. Now that you're back, nothing is done." Tianqi suddenly smiled and said, "It's not the time to talk about this. Let's find the ruffian dragon quickly."

Shi Shen answered, and the two began to look for it again. However, Shi Shen always felt something wrong. According to common sense, if Huang Long was still here, he should have heard the shouts of him and Tianqi long ago. But it has been an hour. There is still no movement from Huanglong.

"Miss Tianqi, I think the ruffian dragon is likely to have gone back. I think we'd better go back." Shi Shen said.


"Don't worry. After all, this is the territory of Wuxuanmen. I believe that no one dares to be wild here. You don't have to worry about the safety of Huanglong. Besides, I'm afraid the person who can catch him hasn't been born yet.

Tianqi has the same opinion as Shi Shen. Thinking of what Huang Long usually did and said, she now also began to call Ruffian Dragon. Tianqi seemed to think of something again. Her face couldn't help warming up, and Huang Long complained in her heart.

"Tianqi girl, Tianqi girl..."

"Uh, ah. I'm here. What's wrong?" Tianqi suddenly came to her senses and asked quickly.

"Are you all right?" Shi Shen asked.

"I'm fine. Er, let's go quickly." Tianqi's face obviously feels hot. Fortunately, it's night. Otherwise, it would be difficult for this woman, who used to be cold on the surface, to see her blush.

"Okay. Now I can only go back to the inn to have a look. I hope the ruffian dragon has gone back. Shi Shen said lightly. Although I'm still looking for Huanglong. However, Shi Shen still inexplicably remembered the plain girl in the underworld.

Heartbreaking song, indifferent sadness. Everything is so desolate, everything seems so real.

A lifetime of love, a world of love. Is fate doomed like this? Will the flowers and leaves never see each other?


"Are you all right?" Suddenly, the crisp voice pulled Shi Shen back to reality again.

"I, I'm fine." Shi Shen took a long breath. But I feel a little sorry for Huang Long. Obviously, I came to look for him, but I always thought of another woman in my heart.

With a sigh, Shi Shen sacrificed the Red Devil. He jumped and jumped up. Then he said, "Come on. Let's go to the inn."

Tianqi gave him a strange look and didn't say much. The shadow flashed, but it also went up. The Red Devil trembled slightly and regained his balance.