tian chou

Chapter 300 Green Shadow

After a long time, there was nothing abnormal. Shi Shen was a little relieved, but his heart did not relax at all. Since 100,000 mountains are known as a forbidden place in the human world, there must be their dangers.

Shi Shen decided not to walk on the road. He flew to a big tree. The shortest book here was more than 30 feet. If he took out one alone, it would definitely be like a hill. I don't know how many years these trees have lived here.

Walking on the branch, Shi Shen also saved another trouble, that is, he didn't have to open the road. Below are some negative thorns. If you want to pass, you must cut them off. Although it is not easy, it affects the speed.

Walking on branches is almost like walking on flat ground. The density of the trees here is not imaginable by ordinary people. Shi Shen is not afraid of falling.

I don't know how long I have walked. At this time, I looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was about to set. Shi Shen sighed helplessly, sat on a branch, and simply didn't leave. If you go on like this aimlessly, let's not talk about whether you can find the ancient tree family. Even if you find it, I'm afraid it will take at least a hundred years.

Shi Shen took out the token from the Cuntian bracelet and looked at it carefully. Since this token is related to 100,000 mountains, maybe some clues can be found from it.

It's just that Shi Shen has been watching for a long time, but he doesn't see anything. Always in a tense state, Shi Shen was also a little tired at this time. He put the token into the sky bracelet, leaned back and leaned against a branch. Slowly close your eyes. However, Shi Shen's mind deliberately revealed a little. If a fierce beast approaches, he can quickly feel it.

By the time Shi Shen opened his eyes, it was already late at night. I rubbed my eyes and had no choice but to smile bitterly. It seemed that I was still a little reckless when I came to the wild 100,000 mountains in the south this time. I began to worry a little about Tianqi and Huang Long again.

The cultivation of both of them is not too high. If they really meet some powerful beasts, they will be in trouble. But now that I'm worried, Shi Shen has no choice but to sigh slightly. If the two of them are fine now, I guess they are also worried about me, right?

Thinking of this, Shi Shen's heart was warm, but he didn't expect that someone was still thinking about him, which was also a happy thing.

At this time, Shen was sleepless and looked up at the sky. It seemed that the night sky of 100,000 mountains had a mysterious veil.

The night always makes people feel lonely.

I don't know why, Shi Shen thought of the plain woman in the ghost world again. The sad and beautiful song seemed to be in my ears. Just thinking about these, Shi Shen did not fluctuate at all, but only faintly hurt. I'm just sad for the woman in plain clothes.

Am I also cursed by the other side of the flower? Shi Shen shook his head with a wry smile. Now he doesn't even know what's going on, and he always thinks of the plain woman from time to time.

At that time, when Shen was stunned, he didn't know that there were green shadows everywhere on the ground dozens of feet below. These green shadows floated back and forth among the woods without any sound. They seem to be wandering aimlessly and looking for something.

And the token in the Cuntian bracelet also shines faintly, but the brilliance is so weak that it can't break through the Cuntian bracelet at all.

I couldn't sleep all night.

A ray of sunlight shined on Shi Shen's face through the tree gap. Looking at the ray of sunshine, Shi Shen got up and looked around. There was still nothing abnormal and walked in the original direction. I can't find Tianqi and Huanglong now. I hope the two of them haven't seen themselves. Let's go back.

Although he knew that the two of them were not such people, Shi Shen still wanted them to leave. This place is so weird that even Shi Shen feels that this is not 100,000 mountains. After walking for so long, I didn't even meet a fierce beast. This is not in line with the legend of 100,000 mountains at all.

As always, more than ten days later, Shi Shen didn't know where he was now, and he didn't know whether he had reached the deepest part of the real 100,000 mountains. It's just walking aimlessly. As for food, Shi Shen's cultivation has almost reached the second world. Even if he doesn't eat or drink for three months, he will not starve him. Don't worry about this.

Every night, there are countless green shadows swinging back and forth below. Shi Shen is not aware of this at all. He has walked for more than ten days without even one to speak, and Shi Shen also feels boring. I secretly regretted it in my heart. If I had known this, I would have listened to Huang Long and not come to such a place where birds don't poop.

Along the way, except for the dead silence, there was no sound, not even wind.

From afar, in addition to a green sea, there is still a green sea. It's endless, and I don't know when it will end.

The night came again, and Shi Shen had nothing to do. He stayed on it for too long. Shi Shen planned to go down and have a look. But as soon as he was halfway down, his body suddenly stopped, and green shadows floated everywhere. Silent, like a ghost.

"What is this?" Shi Shen hid in a dense layer of branches and watched the green shadows float back and forth. But I was terrified. I'm afraid that these green shadows were already there, and I didn't notice them.

Originally, Shen thought that these green shadows were ghost fire, but after a closer look, they didn't look like it. Shi Shen hesitated for a moment and decided not to show up to see where these green shadows came from and where they would go.

On a long night, Shi Shen didn't even blink his eyes and watched these green shadows float back and forth in the woods. I was also puzzled. It seemed that the rumors were not true. There were no fierce beasts in the 100,000 mountains, and there were so many green shadows. Is this the creature of 100,000 mountains?

Although the night was long, it was finally over.

Those green shadows fly quickly in one direction.

Shi Shen did not hesitate to pursue. Follow closely behind those green shadows. Helpless, the trees in 100,000 mountains are too dense. Before chasing for a long time, the green shadow disappeared.

Although he did not catch up with the green shadows, Shi Shen was not discouraged. Since these green shadows could appear last night, they should also appear tonight.

Shi Shen found a thick branch and leaned down, slowly closed his eyes, and didn't sleep all night. He was indeed a little tired. Shi Shen thought about taking a breath for a moment, but unconsciously fell asleep.

A fierce beast suddenly appeared in front of Shi Shen. The fierce beast had two heads, one was a bear's head, the other was a wolf's head, and its lower body was a tiger's body.

Both the bear head and the wolf head looked at Shi Shen, revealing the unique greedy look of human beings. Almost at the same time, the bear's head and the wolf's head howled, and a bear roar and a wolf howling sounded at the same time.

Shi Shen's face was indifferent, and a trace of murderous intent appeared at the corners of his mouth. I want to take out the red demon from the bracelet. But when he put his hand to his wrist, he suddenly found that the bracelet was gone. His face changed a lot.

The bear head seemed to see Shi Shen's intention and howled excitedly. Shi Shen looked down and saw the bracelet hanging on the fierce beast's leg.

"Why is the sky bracelet on you?" I don't care whether the fierce beast understands or not. Shi Shen shouted loudly. His most important things are stored in the bracelet. Red demon, Fengtian halberd, soul bell and golden soul box and so on. These are the most important things. If these things are gone, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The bear's head and the wolf's head look at each other and rush to Shi Shen at the same time.

In the face of the sudden attack, Shi Shen wanted to avoid sideways. However, just as he wanted to start, he suddenly found that his body was nailed and could not move at all. At this moment, a bear's mouth and a wolf's mouth suddenly bit his neck.

Shi Shen seems to have smelled the blood from their mouths. It's disgusting. But he had no choice but to watch the bear's mouth and wolf's mouth bite his neck fiercely.


Shi Shen shouted in his heart. He felt that the bear's head and wolf's head were sucking his blood greedily.

"Ah--" Shi Shen shouted and immediately woke up, only to see that his forehead was full of sweat. After wiping the sweat on his face, he looked around and breathed a long sigh of relief. It turned out to be a nightmare. Thinking of that nightmare, Shi Shen subconsciously looked at the bracelet on his wrist and was relieved to see that it was still there.