Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 153 Heavenly Water Purification

Liu Shishi looked at the tears that unconsciously slipped down Chu Tianyu's cheeks, and her heart suddenly trembled. At this moment, Chu Tianyu's face was full of fragility and helplessness. Since she knew him, she had never seen Chu Tianyu like this.

A trace of tenderness surged up in her heart. Liu Shishi wanted to hug him in her arms and comfort him softly, but finally resisted it, and she couldn't help biting her lips gently.

"Chu Tianyu, is this your hometown?" Lu Yuhan also saw Chu Tianyu's somewhat calm appearance and immediately asked.

Chu Tianyu came to his senses by Lu Yuhan's words, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes without a trace, and said calmly, "Yes, ten years ago, when I was seven years old, I spent seven years in this small village."

Liu Shishi finally came up at this moment, looked at Chu Tianyu's smile, and said softly, "No wonder Tianling has always been longing for his hometown. It turned out that this place is so beautiful!"

"Yes!" Chu Tianyu unconsciously sighed, "Everyone who goes out of Shushan Village will say that this is the most beautiful place. There are not only beautiful mountains and rivers here, but also people who used to be simple."

Speech here, Chu Tianyu's expression faded again and felt that his emotions were a little out of control. Chu Tianyu hurriedly changed the topic and said, "The mountain in front is Shu Mountain. Master and they are probably already on the mountain at this moment. You can follow this path and reach the top of the mountain!"

"Aren't you going up with us?" Liu Shishi was anxious and suddenly said, and her face also blushed two times at the moment when the voice fell.

Chu Tianyu's mind was completely immersed in memories, but he did not see Liu Shishi's shy expression. He said calmly, "I have something else to tell my master and say that I will be there later!"

Liu Shishi did not say anything. When Chu Tianyu entered Shushan Village, her mood was obviously unstable, which made her very worried. She looked at Lu Yuhan, but her body did not move.

Lu Yuhan said to Chu Tianyu, "That's good. Let Sister Liu accompany you for a while, so that you can take care of it. You can come up together later!"

Liu Shishi couldn't help lowering her head. Lu Yuhan's words were in line with her wishes. Her face blushed to her neck and did not dare to look up at Chu Tianyu.

Chu Tianyu also saw Liu Shishi's appearance and knew that if he refused at this time, he would definitely make this kind girl lose face in front of everyone, so he also nodded and agreed.

Following the direction indicated by Chu Tianyu, Lu Yuhan and his party walked straight in the direction of Shushan, leaving only Chu Tianyu and Liu Shishi standing quietly in front of the wooden house.

Chu Tianyu stood in front of the wooden house, quietly without saying a word, and his ears were surrounded by the laughter of the once heavenly joy, his father, mother, Tianling, and himself.

It seems that when he saw his father come back from hunting, he always had to say a few words with each other, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help getting wet again.

Liu Shishi has been standing beside him and feeling the gradually fluctuating emotions around him. She knows that at this moment, only standing silently behind him is the best comfort for him.

"This cabin is the place where we once lived. It is the nearest wooden house to Shushan. There are many beasts around Shushan, so most of the villagers gather in one place, but our family is different from other families, because there is a wolf king in my family, so it is general Beasts don't dare to go around our house!" Chu Tianyu suddenly said.

Liu Shishi did not interrupt and quietly listened to his own statement. A heart seemed to follow his memories and walked into the former Shushan Village.

"I'm going to worship my parents. It's been ten years. This is the first time I've come back to see them. How about you? Do you want to go with me?" Chu Tianyu wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said.

Liu Shishi nodded gently and looked at Chu Tianyu's sad eyes, and couldn't help but feel a trace of tenderness in her heart.

When he came to the storage cave where his parents were buried, Chu Tianyu knelt down on the ground, knocked more than a dozen times, and muttered, "Dad, mother, the child has come back to see you. How are you in heaven? I found Tianling. Next time I will take her to worship you!"

Liu Shishi also knelt beside Chu Tianyu and silently said nothing. She admired this ordinary rural couple and could cultivate children like Chu Tianyu and Chu Tianling, which was enough for her to admire.

Talking about something about himself, Chu Tianyu couldn't help but fall into the storage cave. The dry firewood piled up in it has become a little rotten after ten years.

On the other side, there were also a few moldy animal skins. When they came to those animal skins, a trace of sadness appeared on Chu Tianyu's face.

This is the fur of a snow fox. At the beginning, I also liked this fur very much. I pestered my mother for a long time, but I was prevaricate by my mother with a New Year's gift.

But I didn't expect that my mother didn't have time to make new clothes for herself, and Shushan Village suffered this disaster.

"Those demons are really abominable to attack ordinary villagers!" Liu Shishi asked Chu Tianyu.

Chu Tianyu stretched out his hand and took off the snow fox skin and said, "My master has met with them. The Tiger King led by them was a master of the realm of Xuanri. Even my master did not dare to win. Now after ten years of practice, it is estimated that his skills have been much better. However, I will definitely do this hatred with my own hands. Reported!"

Liu Shishi's face moved slightly and said to Chu Tianyu, "There is also a reason why you brought everyone to Shushan!"

Chu Tianyu smiled and said, "No, Shushan is indeed a good place to practice, and even if such a thing will not happen to them, I will eventually come back for revenge!"

Turning around and looking at Liu Shishi and continued, "Moreover, the reason why I chose Shushan is not only because it is beneficial to cultivation, but also because there is also a cave called Shushan Holy Land inside Shushan, where there is a pool of water that can instantly cure trauma, which is extremely magical."

"Instant healing of trauma, and such magical objects?" Liu Shishi couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Chu Tianyu nodded and said, "Yes, and it seems to be able to wash the body. I once happened to see a seriously injured wolf king there. The fatal serious injuries all over his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, without any flaws, and the blood stains on his body are also intact!"

"It's Tiandao water purification!" Liu Shishi suddenly exclaimed, which also made Chu Tianyu's eyes suddenly brighten.

"What did you say? Is that pool the water purification of Tiandao? Chu Tianyu held Liu Shiying's shoulder in surprise, and his expression was extremely excited.

Liu Shishi was a little stunned by his sudden expression. She didn't understand why his emotions fluctuated so violently after hearing the water purification. He put his arm on his fragrant shoulder and blushed with shame.

Chu Tianyu also found something wrong. He hurriedly withdrew his hands in embarrassment, scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm too excited. Just then, you said that it was Tiandao water purification. Are you sure?"

Liu Shishi also took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said, "I have also heard my master say that such a spirit of heaven and earth is said to be formed by the purest elements between heaven and earth in one place. Among them, the dark fusion of heaven can wash the dirty things of the world, and a drop of heaven can purify water can The waste was reborn, because blood is a dirty thing, and the pool of purified water you mentioned can wash the blood without a trace, so I guess it is a heavenly water purification, but I haven't seen it, so I'm not very sure!"

When Chu Tianyu heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief and hoped that two of the three spirits that removed the highly poisonous in Xiaoqi's body had been found, and now only Tiandao water purification was left.

is also the least clueless one, but at this moment, listening to Liu Shishi mention, there is a trace of hope in Chu Tianyu's heart. If the pool of water is not the pure water of heaven, then the effect contained in it may not be any worse than that of the water purification of heaven.

In this way, Xiaoqi's poison can be completely eradicated. Thinking of this, a trace of longing appeared in Chu Tianyu's heart and couldn't wait to rush to the holy land of Shushan immediately.

When Liu Shishi saw Chu Tianyu's excited expression and the excited light in his eyes, she couldn't help but be a little suspicious and didn't understand why Chu Tianyu had such an emotional change.

At this moment, a low voice suddenly came from outside: "Be careful, those righteous people don't know what evil they have committed. There are so many people who come all of a sudden. It's bad to be found by them!"

Chu Tianyu's face returned to normal in an instant, and the infinite step came out in an instant. He took Liu Shishi's slender waist with one hand and dodged behind the animal skin of the storage cave.

Soft jade was warm and fragrant, and Chu Tianyu couldn't help but be distracted. He hurriedly carried his work to suppress his restless heart and looked at the mouth of the cave through the cracks.

Two little demons sneaked in and glanced around. Seeing that there was nothing strange, they just sat down on the ground.

"The more people come, the more they will die. The tiger king's magical power will definitely make their bones empty!" A little wolf demon said.

"What do you know? I guess the Tiger King is not sure, otherwise he won't let the two of us come and inquire!" Another little demon also denied it.

"Don't talk nonsense, let the Tiger King know that you can't eat!" The little wolf demon said.

The little demon shrank his neck in horror, and his expression also flashed a trace of fear.

Hearing the word Tiger King, Chu Tianyu's eyes burst into flames and broke through the iron shoes. You actually sent them to the door.