Heavenly Wolf Line

Chapter 313 The Secret

Outside the fire and rain mirage, a white figure stood there quietly, with a slightly twisted handsome face and a bloodthirsty light jumping in his eyes.

"Chu Tianyu, are you still moving quickly? Well, let's break up with you here!" Lin Tianqi's eyes flashed, and immediately, an earthy yellow protective air gushed out of his body.

The awakening sword is also turned into a sword light that walks around the body, wrapping the whole body in it and directly entering the fire and rain mirage.

The fire in the heart of the earth constantly invades Lin Tianqi's body protection, but it is blocked outside by the essence of the awakening sword.

Lin Tianqi's eyes flashed and directly turned into a streamer and sank into the mirage.

"Wow--" Lin Tianqi breathed a long sigh of relief, looked at the awakening sword in his hand, and sighed, "If it hadn't been for you, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to enter here all my life!"

A flash of light flashed around the awakening sword, constantly trembling in the palm of Lin Tianqi's hand, as if to be saying something!

Lin Tianqi Buddha stroked the awakening sword in his hand and said, "If you brought me here, I will naturally believe you. Let's go and see what kind of wonderful things you will bring me!"

The awakening sword made a happy buzzing sound, turned into a ray of light, and flew directly out of Lin Tianqi's hand and shot in one direction.

Lin Tianqi's eyes flashed and quickly followed him. His figure kept shuttling through thousands of pavilions. The awakening sword was an ancient fairy sword, which itself was spiritual.

And the most important point is that the Xingyan Sword was originally broken. It is said that Emperor Yao had three divine swords in ancient times, namely Tianjian, Houtu Sword and Xingyan Sword.

Emperor Yao once used to calm the world with these three divine swords, and he dared not obey in the four seas. Later, before Emperor Yao abdicated, he passed the Houtu sword to his disciple Yao Chonghua, and passed the awakening sword to his son Danzhu.

In the battle between Prince Danzhu and Shundi Yao Chonghua for the throne, Danzhu was killed by a mysterious master, and his sword was also broken in two.

Later, the mysterious man thought that this sword was left by Emperor Yao, so he took the supreme mysterious power as a guide to extract the aura of heaven and earth to restore the awakening sword again.

And left it in the fire and rain mirage, and Dan Zhu's suction formula left in the awakening sword is said to have been almost destroyed by the mysterious man, but after all, because the origin of this work is too complicated, it can be allowed to exist.

These are all the information Lin Tianqi got from the Xingyan Sword, and the most important point is that the Xingyan Sword is the divine sword that protects the chaotic trunk.

At the same time, it also suppressed the violent dong of the chaotic torso with its own supreme spirituality, but because of its own spirituality, this sword was unwilling to stay in the fire and rain mirage, so it broke through the shackles of the fire and rain mirage and escaped out. It happened to meet Lin Tianqi, and Lin Tianqi was also filial piety. On the grounds of respect for the door owner, he dedicated it to Feng Wuyun.

And when Lin Tianqi gave the awakening sword to Feng Wuyun, he already knew the suction tips hidden in it. While silently writing it down, he also planned a great plan.

He knew that if he wanted to reach a peak that people looked up to, the original formula was undoubtedly the best cheater, and with his own cultivation at that time, if he forcibly absorbed the true spirit of the master, he would definitely be smashed to pieces after being discovered.

And Feng Wuyun's identity can just help him unconsciously absorb the cultivation of those rulings and magic mountain masters, and he judged that with a wind-free grass bag-like personality, he will not be willing to hide it after getting the formula. He will try his best. Absorb the cultivation of others.

Lin Tianqi is very careful. He knows that the hatred between Feng Wuyun and Chu Tianyu is also very deep, so he skillfully uses this to make Feng Wuyun constantly take risks to absorb the cultivation of those injured masters.

While his cultivation improved rapidly, the friction with Chu Tianyu became more and more intense, finally making him the biggest fisherman in the struggle between the two.

Lin Tianqi's eyes flashed, and everything was in vain, but it was just a foundation for himself. Feng Wuyun died, and the righteous alliance was also completely disintegrated by himself.

After absorbing the true spirit of everyone, Lin Tianqi's cultivation improved all the way with the help of the practice left in the Xingyan Sword. He not only caught up with the sense of heaven, but also reached the early stage of the third level of Taoism.

After reaching the third-order cultivation, Lin Tianqi rushed to the fire and rain mirage. From the awakening sword, he learned the role of Chiyou's real body, so he was bound to get Chiyou's real body.

In particular, Xingyanjian knows a lot about this place, which is also the most ideal help to get the chaotic torso and break the lock soul array outside the rebirth platform.

The rebirth platform is the legendary place where Chiyou's real body is placed. Only when all the chaotic jade kit is placed on the rebirth platform will it be combined into a complete one with the help of the lock soul array.

The awakening sword constantly breaks down one space barrier after another, just like the life and death gate that trapped Chu Tianyu and others in the middle. With the help of the awakening sword, Lin Tianqi hardly encountered any obstacles.

Quickly following the back of Xingyanjian, Lin Tianqi finally stopped in a wide square with a radius of more than 200 feet, and Xingyanjian also returned to his hands.

Lin Tianqi's heart moved and his eyes swept around. There was nothing on the square, completely empty.

Lin Tianqi couldn't help frowning, and the power of Tao rippled directly around. He didn't believe that the awakening sword would bring himself here for no reason. There must be some mystery hidden here.

While the power of Tao was detecting around, Lin Tianqi couldn't help but be secretly alert, because he felt a trace of danger, as if there was something terrible hidden here.

"Hung--" The awakening sword trembled violently in Lin Tianqi's hand, and the crisp cry also sounded. Lin Tianqi couldn't help looking at the awakening sword.

At this time, in the center of the square, a huge fiery red sphere slowly emerged from the ground, and Lin Tianqi couldn't help taking a breath.

The huge fireball that came out first turned out to be a head, and then a huge monster with flames all over slowly exposed its body.

The monster's figure is a little similar to its chisel teeth, and its shape and appearance are similar. The difference is that the fire monster does not have a shield or a mace in its hand.

And it is covered by flames, and it can't see its real appearance, but it can faintly see the twisted eyes under the flame dragon's claws and cold fangs.

"What?" When Lin Tianqi saw the monster, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. The momentum emitted by the fire monster was obviously much higher than himself, and the fighting spirit in his heart also faded.

Looking at the awakening sword in his hand, Lin Tianqi couldn't help smiling secretly. Are you going to help me or hurt me? This big guy is so horrible that I'm afraid I can't even escape!

Xingyan Jian seemed to understand what Lin Tianqi was thinking at this time. He automatically took off Lin Tianqi's palm, turned into a yellow light, and coiled in mid-air.

Suspended there, the awakening sword suddenly sprinkled thousands of sword lights. The fire monster looked at the awakening sword above his head, and couldn't help but flash a trace of fear and struggle in his eyes. It seemed that he wanted to resist something, but he was depressed.

It seemed to be an appointment. The fire monster shook its huge head fiercely and stared at Lin Tianqi.

Looking at the unwilling eyes of the fire monster, Lin Tianqi was more surprised and stunned while doubting. He was not sure whether the fire monster would suddenly give himself a fatal blow.

If that's the case, his life is really bitter. Before he could avenge Chu Tianyu's humiliation, he died quietly here. He was unwilling and didn't want to do so.

In Lin Tianqi's confused eyes, the awakening sword once again made a harsh sound of the sword, and the light emitted by the sword body directly enveloped the fire monster.

At the same time, the flame on the fire monster's body was uncertain, and his huge body trembled slightly, as if he was very afraid of the anger of the awakening sword.

Finally, under the pressure of the awakening sword, the fire monster looked up to the sky and let out a shocking roar, and his body gradually shrank.

Finally, it turned into a fiery red bead less than the size of an eye and lay quietly on the ground.