Bight of Heaven

Chapter 04 Plug-in?

This is not like one heart and two purposes, it's just like a person becoming two people? Is Huang Zheng in the 21st century and Huang Zheng in this era actually on this body at the same time, but I can't feel who I am? Huang Zheng in the previous life is still Huang Zheng in this life.

Huang Zheng is completely confused. If two souls are on one body, he will talk to himself according to the novel, but he knows very well that there is only one soul in this body, but he can't figure out that it is Huang Zheng. Theoretically, he integrates everything of the two Huang Zheng, including thoughts, Knowledge, character...

When he was thinking about who he was, he found another problem. According to Huang Zheng's memory and the law of cultivating immortals, when he practiced a vitality elixir, there was already a vitality into that vitality elixir in his body. You have to wait for these vitality to slowly condense to Dantian before you can eat another vitality elixir. Generally, it takes about 20 hours. This is why ordinary people have one vitality elixir a day, and the most important thing to advance is not the elixir but talent.

But Huang Zheng has just practiced another mindless skill, and he can't feel how much vitality there is in his body. He has vitality, but it obviously doesn't look like he has just digested a vitality pill, but it looks like he hasn't eaten it for a few days.

"I have a fork" without saying anything, Huang Zheng took out a vitality pill and threw it into his mouth, holding up the timidity and starving the timid to death. This is the bug, Huang Zheng sighed in his heart. Don't eat for nothing. What are people who have died once afraid of? As soon as the vitality elixir was used, the vitality elixir turned into ashes again.

I looked carefully for Dantian, and the small air mass didn't seem to be moving. Although there is no progress, I guess that Huang Zheng must have eaten it in front of him. This time, another Huang Zheng ate it. 5555, finally there was a plug-in. Huang Zheng burst into tears. It must be like this, at least he can eat one more than others. Don't underestimate this grain. The longer it takes, the more effective it will be. If others practice for 200 years, I only need to practice for 100 years... Buddha bless, the divine realm is waising to me. It's just that there are so many vitality pills...

This idea is having a headache. Huang Zheng found another problem. His unintentional technique is still working, that is, he finds that the vitality of his body is thick and light for a while. When it is thick, it is like he has just eaten, and when it is light, it is like he hasn't eaten for more than ten days. How could this happen... No, no, there must be a mechanism.

He picked up a vitality pill and watched the vitality in his body change and threw it in when it faded, but the change was too fast. It was so thick that he couldn't grasp the time. "What can I do?" Huang Zheng's brain moved to find a way. As soon as he noticed the matter and figured it out, he felt that his vitality was weak again. And it's not changing." "He wanted to throw the vitality elixir into his mouth. He thought about it for a moment, but he didn't throw it away." I'm here

Think about my father" Thinking of things in modern times, my body immediately rolls like I just ate it. Then he understood that when he thought of modern times, his body became Huang Zheng, and when he thought of things here, he seemed to become Huang Zheng here. But he didn't know why two Huang Zheng could eat three grains. He thought about what happened here and ate another vitality elixir. When all the vitality elixir melted, he thought about his parents and immediately found that it was the same as not eating vitality elixir.

" hiss..." Huang Zheng took a breath of cold air and finally understood what was going on. As long as he thinks about things over there, he will become a person over there. He can first be Huang Zheng in this world to eat a vitality elixir, and then think that modern Huang Zheng will eat another grain. Later, he will think that Huang Zheng in this world can actually eat his grandmother's. It's like a whole day has passed. In such a cycle, as long as there is enough elixir, he can take as much as he can. In other words, as long as Huang Zheng has enough elixir to cultivate immortality, it is countless times faster than others. Although talent is more important than elixir, even a stupid pig will become a fairy pig if he really eats as much in a day.

Sure enough, he ate the rest of the vitality elixir in one breath, and then looked at the small air mass in Dantian, which seemed to be a little bigger.

Huang Zheng wanted to understand this and was overjoyed. He stood up inside and outside the house, carved a few words on the wall with the magic sword, and vowed, "I, Huang Zheng, will be in ten years, oh, no, within five years, no, I should practice in the divine realm within three years."

The so-called practice without armor will take a thousand years.

With a moment of "huh", Huang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. He opened his eyes and saw that it was already dusk. He hurriedly refined all the vitality elixir on his body in one breath. It didn't seem long. In fact, several hours have passed since a seat.

In one day, he practiced 20 vitality elixir, which is equivalent to 20 times the speed of others. Dantian's small air mass has grown a little. If there are enough vitality elixir, the future gods and immortals are also within reach.

After finishing the work, as soon as he was a little complacent, he heard some movement outside and knew that Fang Zhuo saw them coming back.

When they went out, there were four people in a room and several people next door, and nearly ten people together. One of them was a little blue, and it was Fang Zhuojian who was still supported by people.

The tallest face of these people looks a little solemn. This guy looks solemn next door. This guy looks solemn all day long.

The other face is a little fat but strong, named Fu Luoshi. No matter what he sees that he is basically smiling and making money, he almost writes a blessing on his head.

The Fu Luoshi man's laughter has arrived, but this time it's a bitter smile. No matter how happy he is, he can't express it in front of others, right? He smiled bitterly at Huang Zheng, "When he meets the only Fengye Chong, he also wants ghost tiger skin. Xiao Fang is a little injured, but it's nothing serious."

He handed Fang Zhuojian over to Huang Zheng. Cao Pojian always nodded to Huang Zheng with a face that would not smile, indicating that it was probably about this situation. He asked Xiao Fang for other details, and then patted Huang Zheng on the shoulder and went back.

Fang Zhuo saw what Huang Zheng wanted to say and patted Huang Zheng, "Go back and look at the injury first"

"En" Fang Zhuo saw that he was not seriously injured, but he seemed to be a little shocked and in a bad mood. The two returned to the room. Fang Zhuo saw that he breathed for a moment and talked about what had happened a little better.

Just now, Zhou Quan teamed up to go down the mountain to fight pigs. Fang Zhuo saw that Huang was practicing and went with them. As a result, he met Ye Chong, the only peak at the foot of the mountain.

The only peak is also one of the thirty-six peaks, and the thirty-six peaks of Haotianmen are the core figures in the nine gods. And named after the core disciple, the only Zhangfeng brother is Duanmu, and he is also the son of the supreme Duanmu Zongheng of Haotian's teaching.