Bight of Heaven

Chapter 121 Haotianmen Conference

" really let him go?" Hao was also stunned. The demon mirror and Huang Zheng have been integrated. He is an instrumental spirit and can also feel Huang Zheng's mood. Originally, he was feeling Huang Zheng's anger, the hatred of Taotian, which was full of people and robbed all the world, and the majesty of waving tens of millions of people's heads when he was an emperor on earth. He has been talking about his hero. The world of cultivating immortals is to respect strength, interests first, killing as the strong, and the law of the jungle. What can we do to convince people? Look at you, you didn't provoke others, but a lot of people cried and shouted to kill you, alas.

"You... really let him go," Hao asked again, "If you miss today, it's not easy to suppress him like this next time. You think that Huashen is like Yuanshen, and you can step on it if you want."

"I don't want to, but it's not be a matter of practicing him for a day or two. He is the only one who provoked me to death, and once I can suppress him, I have the confidence to suppress him a second time. What we need to do now is to concentrate on suppress this double, and we must suppress him to death."

"Okay, it's really the owner of the demon mirror, bold and generous." Huashen will be released as soon as he says it, and the Yuanshen suppresses the double of Huashen? It is a rare masterpiece. Up to ancient times, I have never heard of the eight yuan gods to suppress a double god.

"In order to make you set a record and become famous all over the world, I have tried my best to help you suppress this old thing with a double god"

This is the fourth month. Shaoyang Zhenren is getting closer and closer. Now it is less than 300 million miles. From trillion to 100 million miles, Shaoyang Zhenren can be said to have sacrificed his ability. "Isn't this Huang Zheng want to take me to Dongsheng Education? Let's use Dongshengjiao to deal with me?" Shaoyang has been across the endless sea for hundreds of thousands of years, and the approximate location of this area can be clearly divided. Huang Zheng's whereabouts is obviously Dongshengjiao, but fortunately, at this speed, it will take at least two months for Dongshengjiao to arrive, and it seems that it is still needs to be accelerated a little faster. Fight for the ancient magic power and ancient artifacts. Shaoyang Zhenren took a deep breath, directly losing 50,000 years of power and 50,000 years of life. His body first turned into a virtual shadow, and then turned into nothingness, and caught up with him in the space channel pierced by the demon mirror.

The demon mirror travels through countless spaces and forcibly opens a channel that connects everything in countless spaces. Although it is so small that it can't be seen with the naked eye, the real Shaoyang, who has become a god, still relies on powerful divine consciousness and still firmly follow this channel. Because the speed has reached the extreme, there used to be some resistance when he followed with the ontology. Now he has damaged his own life and bursts his body into nothingness into every dust in the air. People and space are almost integrated, and there is no longer any resistance. All of a sudden, the distance has been brought a lot closer. 280 million, 250 million, 200 million, 170 million, 120 million"

"No, the old man blew himself up and hurt himself, turned into nothingness, and was much faster." After Hao said this, the distance had reached 60 million miles. 60 million away is enough for a person to punch a planet with one punch. If Huang Zheng hadn't had an ancient artifact, Shaoyang would have killed him as soon as he stretched out his finger at this distance.

Huang Zheng's heart moved, and the top-grade Yuanyu essence burned in large quantities, and the demon mirror ate **, and suddenly rushed forward 100 million miles. Shaoyang Zhenren shouted and regretted it. Just now, he wanted to try to sacrifice a medium-quality artifact to stop Huang Zheng. As long as he stopped a few breaths, he would definitely catch up, but he had never dealt with ancient artifacts. It is said that every ancient artifact was the existence of the universe, so he had no sure. Hesitating, he opened 100 million miles away.

"The little animal is really cunning." Shaoyang Zhenren has suffered a great loss of mana power at this time. Although he has become a god and has the same existence as an immortal, after all, his mana is limited. If he leaps into the sky in the real world, even if he can fly for hundreds of millions of years, he will have high requirements for mana by tearing the space, and he has been chasing after it for several months and is almost depleted. He has 30% of his mana, but he is confident that even if he only has one mana and only one blow, he can easily control the yellow to death. The distance between the sevenfold of the Yuanshen and the Huashen is simply unimaginable by ordinary people. Even if you have ancient artifacts and ancient magic skills, I will definitely kill you.

"Go, I calculate that his mana has also been consumed a lot. When we go to the bottom of the sea, the deeper the sea, the better. When we tear the space and return to reality, he will definitely return to reality. We have ancient artifacts to protect themselves. He will directly detonate the pressure of the seabed and greatly damage his power again. Just hit him. "

The endless sea is infinitely large and infinitely deep. There are dozens of trillions of miles in the deepest place. The sixfold of gods do not need to protect the body with divine power and only reach a maximum of ten trillion miles. If you go down, it will be directly compressed and need to protect yourself with strong magic power and magic weapons.

Huang is calculating Shaoyang Zhenren, and Haotianmen is discussing sanctions against Huang Zheng.

In a mysterious space of Haotianmen, 18 people in charge of the supreme, the elders, the elders, and the elders gathered together. Two of them are women, with a total of two gods, five with two gods, eight with one god, and three with nine gods. It shows the real strength that is not known to the outside world.

The three masters of Huashen are Du Buhou who supports Dumu and Lu Chengxian who supports Gu Pofeng. In addition to Duanmu Zongheng, there is another woman and three men. In addition to Ye Chuang and Lin Zuo, there are five men and one woman in addition to Ye Chuang and Lin Zuo, who have seen by Huang Zheng. The three Yuanshen Jiu Chong are mostly of the same generation of Duanmu. The old man can't be promoted because of his talent. One is Yan Zhanhuan, the elder of the meritorious service, and the other is the elders of the Penal Palace - Zheng Yuetian and Zhou Cungong. Haotianmen, the nine-fold elders of Yuanshen, are more than these three, but because these two are from the Penal Palace, what we are talking about sanctioning disciples today, so all of them have come.

Duanmu Zongheng took the lead in saying, "Ege Yan, tell everyone about the situation outside."

"This matter has been confirmed by the Thunder Sword Sect of the Endless Sea. I sent my disciple Huang Zheng to get the true biography of Xiao Chuan, the first master of the demon clan, and learned his ancient magic skills of heaven and yin and yang. Now this matter has been known all over the world. All schools in the endless sea are ready to move and have their own plans. I If you don't react, I'm afraid the matter will get bigger and bigger. The Heavenly Gate, where Xiao Chunshen used to be, has sent someone to send a message to ask Huang Zheng to their headquarters to talk about it. He simply told the whole audience about Huang Zheng's endless sea of bombing, but he didn't seem to know that the Hua Shen Yizhong who Huang Zheng's explosion turned out to be a person from Haotianmen.

"Well, it's very good. As a human race and a disciple of Haotianmen, I got the true biography of the demon saint, which is simply a big joke." Ye outqun finally found an opportunity to go. "At the beginning, I proposed to take away his top-quality artifact. Some of you actually refused. Well, now he still has ancient magic skills. He doesn't hide such an important thing. He is selfish. How can such a villain deserve to be a disciple of our Haotianmen? In my opinion, he must be taken away. All the magic powers and magic weapons, exhaust the magic power, and expel them. Ye out of the group said wild words, accusing Huang of being a villain.

"What Elder Ye is right" is a bearded and a rough-aged elder called He Cong. "He is a small peripheral disciple who can't protect the ancient magic power at all. It's good that the top artifact was taken away by people. The ancient magic power was taken away by people. With the power of the other party, he did not treat us. Li, Qiankun Yinyang Road - known as the first ancient magic in the world. Is there still Haotianmen in his eyes? It's too selfish, and it is said that he spends a lot of money everywhere, arrogant and domineering. The typical style of the mortal prince has the backbone and temperament of our immortals. "Where does this go? Speaking of wind and bones and magnanimity, his face does not change. Touching his beard, he seems to be a fairy who doesn't eat the smoke of the world.

A kind-looking old man's name is Meng Xingchen. He is the ancestor of Meng Qingtai. He frowned, "He is a little young and floating. I heard that this time he went to Dongshengjiao. He saw people throw money along the way and bought people's hearts around in the sect. He is only sevenfold. What does he want to do?" With a worried face, he looks like he is for the country and the people.

Another woman, who is a double god, has been closing her eyes. She can see that she was still beautiful when she was young, but now she looks like she is still 50 or 60 years old. This person's name is Wei Fenfang. She suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Lu Chengxian, looked at Du Fenhou, and slightly opened her mouth and said, "I don't think it's necessary to be too exciting. Lie, recruit him back to the sect and be reasonable and affectionate with him. If he is smart and knows to take the initiative to hand over the magic weapon, we can also give him a chance. After all, he is only in his 20s. Compared with our storage position, he is simply a newborn baby. We, the leader of Haotianmen, is a group of immortals and set an example in the world. Light disciples must follow good guidance and be good at education, so that they can subtly accept the principle of sect supremacy and collective interests first. As he spoke, he looked at the four directions and looked at everyone's expressions. At the end, his face suddenly changed, "If he is not interesting and the snake's heart is not enough, it's too late for us to punish him severely?"

Many people look contemptuously. Women are just beating around the bush. It's strange that any person is willing to hand it in. I really want to be a bitch and set up an archway.