Bight of Heaven

Chapter 161 See the same door again

Hao despised him with hatred: "Those three were the so-called giants, the three lawless powers of immortals and gods. There were only three of them in the whole fairyland. They broke through the constraints of heaven and were lawless and acted arbitrarily."

"The rest of the people, no matter how talented they are, will be promoted to the gods in 500 years, that is, the people who will be forever be recorded in history. It took more than 300 years for my Haotianmen to open the ancestors of 'Tian'."

Huang Zheng thought of the current geniuses of Haotianmen, who is not thousands or even tens of thousands of years old. Sure enough, Huashen Yizhong is not at the same level as Yuanshen Jiuzhong.

However, I don't believe it. Can't my tens of billions of ghost beads help me become a god?

Huang Zheng intends to fight for vitality, provide sufficient vitality with countless ghost beads, and promote by accumulating a lot of vitality.

However, according to the estimate of the vitality needed to promote the god, he will sit there without practicing elixirs for 90 years. Although it is nothing compared with others for thousands of years, it is amazing for Huang Zheng. After sitting for nine months, he is about to go crazy. If he sits for another 90 years, his whole person will collapse.

Calculating the time, there are still three months before the end of the seven schools of immortals. Huang Zheng didn't want to go out to cause trouble and continued to stay here to practice. After another month of practice, suddenly the loud noise in the cave woke up Huang Zheng, who was practicing ghost beads.

"Boom, boom."

The whole cave began to collapse, and many ghosts shruce one after another, shaking the mountain with a little fierce shouts, and some masters came in outside.

How can there be masters coming in such a place? The person who comes must be powerful and a genius among geniuses.

In order to save trouble, Huang Zheng sneaked in by relying on the demon mirror, and the other party directly killed him.

"Brother Duanmu, it's really difficult to kill the ghosts here. If it weren't for your artifact, it wouldn't be easy to get in."

"It's good to know, be careful and protect yourself."

"Bum" Kaka, with the removal of the last batch of ghosts, three figures jumped in and came to the bottom of the cave.

Huang Zheng's eyes suddenly opened in the demon mirror at the bottom of the cave. The three people who came in were the only Duanmu of Haotianmen, his boss Yi Suihan, and one was actually his sworn enemy Sha Rang.

What are the three of them doing here?

According to theory, Sha Rang is following Gu Pofeng, and Gu's opposite Duanmu is the only wrong way? How did these two get together?

Huang Zheng felt surprised and quietly paused his practice to look at the three people.

"Huh, is this different from the one marked on the map? Will it be wrong?"

Sharang held a piece of jade slip and raised it in the air. The jade slip shot a fine light and formed a map in the air. The Duanmuyi and Yi Suihan on the side sacrificed a piece of jade slip one after another. The three maps were combined into one piece, which happened to be a complete map.

So it's like this. Each of these three holds one. What kind of treasure map is it? No wonder they come together? Now Huang Zheng finally understands.

This map clearly marks the nearby topography, but when it is marked at this location, it does not seem to be very clear.

Yi Sui snorted coldly: "Is there anything wrong, but a quarter of Baili Hongzhong is marked here. Now he doesn't know where it has been. The contact between us 100 million miles can't contact him, which shows how far he is from here?"

Sha Rang also shook his head: "I asked him to copy a copy for us at the beginning, but he refused. Now it's all right, I'll lose this piece."

The connection between Xiong San and Bull Storm is only tens of thousands of miles, and these four people still have a contact symbol within 100 million miles, which must be specially made by an elder master of Haotianmen.

Presumably, these three people will get together and get here as soon as possible, so what will happen here? Is it worth the only core disciple of Duanmu this time? Instead of looking for ghost beads, he came here?

"Forget it" Dumu's only expression was calm: "It's better to have one less person. He doesn't have three copies of us, and we can't even find it here. We don't have his share, so we can find it carefully here."

looked around: "But there are tens of thousands of deep holes like this. If they are swept one by one, how many years will it be found? Less than three months before the end of the conference?

Yi Suihan frowned and seemed to recall something: "Eter Zhao said that when they came in, there were seven forks at the bottom of the cave. This hole is not. Let's go."

The three looked again, turned around and left for somewhere else.

'It looks like you're looking for something good?' Huang Zheng's heart moved and quickly sacrificed the demon mirror to follow the three people.

They have less than 90 days to find tens of thousands of deep underground holes, and it is indeed time-sensitive.

After that, the three joined hands to search for the deep holes here one by one, and killed countless ghost practitioners along the way. In particular, this end of wood is the only one holding the golden light interception sword, which can be called intercepting the shadow, and must also restrain the ghost cultivation. Along the way, it was like a broken bamboo, and three deep holes were opened in less than an hour.

However, the three were obviously not satisfied with this speed. At first, they took time to collect the ghost beads on the ground, and later they didn't even pick up the ghost beads, grabbing the time to sweep the deep holes one by one.

Huang is quietly following behind, looking at it even strangely. Even ghost beads can give up. What are they looking for everywhere? However, from the dialogue between the three of them, he also heard some clues. It should be that among the previous seven schools of discussion on immortals, the four masters of Haotianmen inadvertently killed ghosts here and found a good place, and then the time for the seven factions to discuss immortals came. The four of them didn't have time to see them clearly and hurriedly carved the map around them. After recording, I returned to Haotianmen.

Now these four people have been promoted to gods, and each of them has their own descendants.

The only piece of Duanmu was passed down from his father. Yi Suihan was passed down by Elder Zhao Qigong, and Sha Rang turned out to be passed down from Ye Chuqun.

Sha Rang is not actually a disciple of Ye Outqun. However, this time, it is estimated that Ye Coutun was under pressure from the other three people to hand over his share, and he did not accept his disciple, so he found Sha Rang to replace him.

The four people in those years were afraid that one person would swallow it alone next time they came in, so each of them recorded a map and made an appointment to send someone to come together next time.

And the unlucky Baili Hongzhong didn't know where it was this time.

Where on earth did they find? Treasure house? Artifact? A place where ghosts are dense? Huang Zheng thought about following the three people at the same time.

One day,

two days,

ten days,

After sweeping hundreds of deep holes for 11 days, this time the three entered a deep hole again.

The ghost cultivation in this deep hole seems to be a little denser than the previous one, more ferocious, and the realm is also a little higher. At least the sixfold of Yuans, most of them are sevenfold and eightfold, and a few ninefold.

The ghost cultivation here is not as good as the ghost cultivation in the city. The ghost cultivation in the city has a unified organization and management, skills and magic weapons, while the ghost cultivation here is like a scattered bandit, with nothing but a magic and power.

The only three people in Duanmu cut vegetables and cut melons, and then cleared them in a while.

"Wow, eight forks?" Sha Rang was the first to rush to the bottom of the cave. At a glance, he was stunned. Isn't it seven forks? Here are eight? Isn't it?

Duanmu Weiyi also rushed in and looked at the eight points and said, "Brother Yi, did you hear it wrong, seven or eight?"

"Is it seven? At that time, each of the four of them found one. After they came out, there were three left, and two people found one at the same time?

In those years, the four people encountered seven separate paths. Each of them searched for one first, but nothing was found. They came out and then searched for the other three. This kind of thing will certainly not be wrong.

If it had been eight, there would have been no two people in the same place.

"Then let's go." Sha Rang was dejected and was about to leave.

But Duanmu said, "Wait, haven't you found that this one has just been dug for a long time? It is obviously different from the other seven soil colors.

He pointed to a passage, as if it was just dug up here by the ghosts. Duanmu was moved and took the lead in walking through this road, and the other two quickly followed.

Sure enough, not long after entering, they met some ghosts. The three of them killed at a speed. After walking thousands of feet quickly, they reached the bottom of the split road, and there were even some ghosts digging empty-handed there.

The three returned to the mouth of the road. They wanted to learn from the last time. The three of them separated and one of them collected one by one. Unexpectedly, Sha Rang disagreed and asked the three of them to accept it together.

After receiving two consecutive paths, on the third path, the three found that there were more ghosts in it than those outside.

This separation was long and dark, and the ghost cultivation was dense. The three of them went all the way in and killed them for half an hour, and their faces also became strange.

That's right. It must be here. The seniors of the three have said that the ghost cultivation on that road is the most intensive. It seems that they have found the right one this time.

After clearing more than 3,000 feet in this way, the front suddenly widened. When the last batch of ghosts were removed, the three of them leaped forward. After turning three consecutive turns, their eyes lit up.

A wide and huge cave appeared in front of the three people, where it was shining and shining everywhere, forming a clear contrast to the previous dark channel.

The openness of this place should be hundreds of feet, and there is a deep hole in the eastern corner.

Including Huang Zheng, he was slightly stunned in front of his eyes. It turned out that the walls, overhead and feet here were full of pieces of top-quality jade essence.

Huang Zheng is fine. His wealth has not been used up, but these three people are probably the first time to see so many Yuan Yujing, and the sand can't help digging up the ground.

" Stop and go to that hole first. They came here last time and haven't explored the deep hole inside."

Yi Suihan stopped Sha Rang in time and looked at Duanmu. The two took the lead and went to the deep hole in the east.

Sha Rang hurriedly followed. Guizhu drank well and had to hand in all of them after going back, but these wealth were real things. He reluctantly took a look and got into the hole after the two of them.

In that hole, the last time the four people walked for half an hour and didn't reach the end. They didn't know how many miles, seven turns and eight turns. They don't know where to lead. According to the terrain, it went all the way down, and it is estimated that it will reach the depths of the earth.

Duanmuyi said as he walked, "After the last transmission was opened, my father and others walked for half an hour without reaching the end. After that, they hurried back to make maps, and we have enough time here."

Sharang still had the heart to reply. Along the way, the two sides were all pieces of top-grade Yuanyujing. He thought of Huang Zheng's upstart's face and dug all the way. Duanmu secretly shook his head and scolded him as a country boy who had never seen money.

This road is indeed long-term, and the three of them are getting more and more frightened. After three consecutive days, the Yuanyu essence inside is getting bigger and bigger, which seems to indicate that it is getting closer and closer to the destination.

After turning a big bend, the eyes of the three people lit up again, and a larger cave appeared in front of the three people.

"Wow, what is this?"