Bight of Heaven

Chapter 166 Replay

"Well, I knew you didn't believe it. Since I left Tianmeng and opened the treasure house, I got thousands of various artifacts--"

"Snor--" The northern ghost king's eyes jumped hard, and sparks were about to fall out of his eyes. Thousands of artifacts? The ghost king of the north would rather never hear such news, and he was almost crazy with jealousy.

"Our strength has greatly increased. Under the leadership of today's Ghost King Bullstorm, the forces have advanced rapidly and swept around. Like the Ghost King, we have integrated various forces within a billion miles. It is no exaggeration to say that the forces of the League are not under the King of Ghost King."

"Nonsense, let me open it. After more than 10,000 years, the whole ghost star has been unified. Your bull violence is nothing." The ghost king of the north secretly dissented and despised 11 million years of cattle violence in his heart.

"In that treasure house, there are not only a large number of artifacts, but also various magical skills and elixirs. One of the 'shengyuan ghost cultivation elixir' is a grain of elixir and ten ghost beads to turn the ghost beads into the elixir that we can use for ghost cultivation."

Huang Zheng said, and a ghost bead appeared in his hand. He threw it into his mouth in front of the North Ghost King and practiced. The eyes of the North Ghost King were about to fall out.

Ghost Xiu can't practice ghost beads. As soon as he practices, he will hurt his body violently, but Huang Zheng eats it in front of him, which makes him more convinced. Our alliance leader also knows that the ghosts hate the barbarians, but their strength is not good. In order to deal with the great enemy, he did not hesitate to set up a trap thousands of years ago to set up a huge array, hide many ghost beads needed by the barbarians, and then put them to an artifact to suppress protection. Now it has attracted all kinds of barbarians in ten months. Tens of thousands of people gathered there. They all wanted to break through the defense of the artifact and get the treasure house inside, but they didn't know that we wanted to catch them all and kill them all.

It's really a big deal. The ghost king of the north has just not convinced the bull violence. Now when he hears from Huang Zhengyi, he also admires Li Tianmeng's handwriting. He set up a fake treasure house to lure all kinds of barbarians. The more the barbarians can't beat them, the more they think that there is a treasure of heaven in it.

"Well, the barbarians are sinister and selfish. Our alliance leader knows best that as long as they break the ban and rush into the so-called treasure house, they don't need us to fight. When they see so many ghost beads and an artifact, they will tear them up and kill them first. Finally, we will suddenly take action and practice with thousands of artifacts. Kill them all and seize their bodies, magic weapons and everything.

Insidious, sinister. This bull violence is really sinister. Fortunately, it was not designed by me, the ghost king of the north. Now when the ghost king hears it, he is about to sweat all over. This bull violence really counts the mentality of the barbarians clearly. He also knows that the three members of the barbarian may be divided into three factions, and they will molest each other for a little profit. Kill, not to mention artifacts and countless ghost beads.

The Ghost King of the North has now changed from arrogance just now to a little weak: "Lord Huang Meng, what can we do for the King City of the North?" Naturally, he put his side on the weak side.

"We need a little help from your city now."

"But is it okay to say it?" The Northern Ghost King thought in his heart that you are so rich now, do you have to pay something to help? My mind also began to float.

"Ghost beads, we need a large number of ghost beads. We also have billions of people in the Tianmeng now. There are countless artifacts and treasures are like rain, but the masters are still far from the barbarians. If we have 'shengyuan ghost cultivation elixir', we need a large number of ghost beads to improve our strength, and we Many of the ghost beads have been put into the treasure house to lure those barbarians, and now they need more.

The Northern Ghost King would like to say that in fact, we have many masters here, but it is impossible to say it.

The eyes turned and turned: "This, ghost beads, there are many in our king city, but, just,----"

"Tell the truth to the ghost king, Shengyuan Guixiu Dan, we are not enough to leave Tianmeng, but the alliance leader said that we originally exchanged artifacts. Although I personally like to seize it with strength, hey, everyone is a ghost cultivation, and there is no need to damage our reputation of Litian League."

Huang Zheng scared and said good words, which shocked the Northern Ghost King.

I want to use Guixiu Dan Mao. If I use more, I will be promoted to Huashen to leave here. It is so majestic now. The strength of the people below is too strong and it is dangerous for me. What I want is an artifact.

The ghost king of the north was happy and nodded repeatedly: "That's right, there, if your League looted everywhere like the barbarians and let other ethnic groups on the ghost star know, it's always not good for your alliance."

They actually exchanged it with the original artifact? Humph, this bull violence must be afraid of too many artifacts. There are too many people using it, which will affect his status. For example, I am the only one who has an artifact, which naturally suppresses the four directions, and no one is not convinced.

After figured out this key, the ghost king of the north also knew it in his heart: "Then how do you plan to change it and how many pieces do you want to change?"

"We have left the Heavenly Alliance to send people to the four ghost kings and the eight ghost emperors to see who pays a high price. In addition, we will also send people to some large forces such as the Heavenly Ghost Gate, the Devil Religion, and the Imperial Ghost Palace. There must be too many artifacts. We can't leave too many. In exchange for others, everyone will strengthen their power if they resist the barbarians. ."

"What, what eight ghost emperors--Heavenly Ghost Gate--" The northern ghost king stammered. I have heard of the four ghost kings. When did another eight ghost emperors emerge?

Huang Zheng gave him a look of a small place in the countryside: "Well, in the past, we didn't have an artifact. We thought that the ghost star was the largest, but it was far away from the Heavenly League. Later, there was an artifact to fight east and west and far away from the edge of the sky. Only then did we know that the world is too big. There is a place called Endless Mountain, with hundreds of small forces, the largest The whole family is bigger than you, the ghost king of the north.

"What--" The ghost king of the north was shocked, and his face turned slightly red. It is impossible for a person like him to fly out for many trillions. He has long heard that the ghost star is endless, and he didn't expect that there was such a strong power outside.

The ghost king of the north is extremely inferior. He has always thought that he is the four ghost kings and the four forces. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a trap.

Seeing that the ghost king in the north has almost fooled himself, Huang Zheng said seriously, "Ghost king, do you want to change a few artifacts in the king city of the north? What is the price for each?"

The expression on his face almost wrote a few words, 'If I'm not satisfied with it, I'm afraid this business can't be done.'

Ghost beads exchange artifacts? This is a good thing that I can't think of. The ghost king of the north suddenly began to circle in his mind, and then saw Huang Zheng taking out pieces of artifacts, putting them away, taking them out to have a look, and then putting them away.

Eyes are about to shed tears for this kind of artifact.

After thinking for a moment, the ghost king of the northern land nodded fiercely: "I can't make all the big event. I'm going to summon the six Shangshu of Wangcheng to study together."

It's true that his ghost beads are also limited. Most of the ghost beads are still in stock of major families. He didn't expect this ghost beads to be useful one day before. Who cares?

"Go ahead. I'll wait for you."

The Ghost King of the North went there for nearly an hour and returned here with the so-called six Shangshu.

The scholars also had bright eyes. When they saw Huang Zheng like a loyal puppy, their tongues were about to stick out.

"Lord Huang Meng, this is the six Shangshu of our royal city."

Huang Zheng nodded slightly and was arrogant, but no one felt that he was arrogant at this time.

"After research and discussion, we decided to buy seven artifacts at the price of 100 billion ghost beads each."

The Ghost King of the North was a little worried when he spoke, as if he was afraid that Huang Zheng would suddenly get angry.

Sure enough, Huang Zheng frowned as soon as he heard it: "100 billion yuan for an artifact? Ghost King, are you kidding?"

The seven ghosts suddenly praised: "Lord Huang Meng--"

"There are trillions of ghosts in your whole sphere of influence. I don't know how many of people kill each other or die in heaven every year. In addition, how many ghosts do you have in tens of millions of years? To put it unpleasantly, you have obtained an artifact and can immediately leave here to create a new force that is not weaker than the king city in the north. A few years later, not to mention 100 billion, trillion ghost beads can be obtained.

That's right, but even if you rob one trillion ghost beads, how many years will it take? Ten thousand years to rob 100 million a year.

The ghost king of the north gritted his teeth: "Three hundred billion, three thousand for one."

Huang Zheng's expression was still not satisfied, but his heart was full of laughter. Your sister's, it turned out that you were so rich. The seven faction came to grab it desperately in order to make ghost beads. Why not? Just take some artifacts to exchange them.

Two Shangshu rubbed the ghost king with their shoulders. The ghost king of the north quickly said, "500 billion, Lord Huang Meng, we really have limited ghost beads. In the past, who knew that ghost cultivation could use ghost beads. To be honest, we don't care about many ghost beads, and no one picked them up when they were thrown on the ground. This is still the previous inventory. Since the establishment of the royal city, I have never collected the ghost beads of the following major families.

Huang Zheng shook his head with a little difficulty: "Well, as a member of the same family, everyone takes a step back and exchange three trillion for four pieces."

Four pieces? Six of us? The seven ghosts suddenly looked at each other in condolence and cost more than 700 billion yuan for one.

The Ghost King of the North gritted his teeth again: "Five trillion for seven pieces."

"It's a deal." Huang Zheng said cheerfully, and all the ghosts and cultivation breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Zheng waved his hands and appeared seven different artifacts in mid-air. He got nine pieces of low-quality products and four pieces of medium-sized products in the dragon treasure house, and gave them two of them one medium and low-quality products.

gave Fang Zhihua and his wife another medium product, and now they have left seven lower products.

Seven artifacts are dazzling and excited, like seductive treasures.

"Wait, let's collect the ghost beads."

This time, seven people hurried away for half an hour, and seven different-style storage bags were held in the hands of the seven people, each with more than 700 billion ghost beads in each storage bag.

The ghost king wanted to be the first to exchange, but Huang Zheng was the last to exchange for him and deliberately took a Shangshu first. Although the ghost king wanted to choose first, the six Shangshu did not give him face at this time.

Huang Zheng naturally had his idea. The ghost king used the artifact and knew that the first thing was to get the sacrifice, so only the last one was given to him.

Seeing the seven people quickly change their storage bags into artifacts one by one. After the last storage bag arrived, Huang Zheng smiled and moved his mind. Several storage bags arrived in the demon mirror, and the whole person also disappeared at the scene.

The seven ghosts were stunned for a moment and found that the artifact in his hand was also brushed and disappeared into the air.


A mirror-shaped magic weapon directly tears through the space and escapes.

I only heard the shocking shouts of the seven ghosts behind him: "Huang Zheng!"