Bight of Heaven

Chapter 177 Entering the Secret Land

"This is an instant transmission. When taking water, you can't resist the enemy. After crushing it, you can directly return to the entrance, cross the entrance and come back to us.

But if you encounter more than four masters of Huashen, it is likely that they will block the space time at once, so try to use it in advance.

This is the endless pot, which imitates our endless pot artifact and is used to hold water. This is one of the three major charms in the world. This is enough to resist the double blow of the double master of the god. I will give you 50 pieces. Use them together at the critical time, and the triple master can't kill you.

10,000 pieces of Xuanqi elixir provides you with continuous vitality. 100 high-level stealth charms. Don't appear where you can hide, because there are too many demons inside---

Huangfu Tongtian told Huang Zheng what to pay attention to one by one like a child, and the seven unique good things were sent one after another.

For example, the 'Daluo Zhoutian seventy-double charm' and 'Seven Juehe dream charm' can't be bought outside. Their internal movements are hundreds of millions of top-quality Yuanyu essence treasures. Just giving Huang Zheng's self-defense, escape and other rune treasures are valuable as a middle-quality artifact. It seems that the seven unique schools have paid a lot of money on him. The ambition is bound to be obtained.

Huang Zheng nodded with a smile and looked at the dark deep hole in front of him, which was in the center of the Heavenly Demon Hall, which exuded an ancient magic spirit. The Heavenly Demons formed a large array of seven top-quality artifacts to suppress the black hole here.

If the heavenly demons inside run out, the seven demons will soon be in chaos and even have a bloody battle with them. The 'water of heaven and demons' is the only thing that solves the seven absolutes that can't go anywhere else for a long time, and it is also the best thing to deal with the heavenly demons in this heavenly demon secret realm, so the higher the realm of the heavenly demons live. The closer to the river of demons.

Huang Zheng's going here is dangerous, but now he has an ancient artifact, and he still has two triple ghosts, a six-fold ghosts, and a Hao. Anyway, he can come back safely.

"Sister, you just wait for me in the Qijue School, and I'll come as soon as I go."

"Huang Zheng, you have to be careful. If you can't get it, don't force it." Qin Xian's eyes are also full of care.

Huang Zheng smiled and said, "If I come back alive, will you marry me?" Hahaha."

Before Qin Xian's face changed greatly, he jumped into the black hole.

Looking at the dark black hole, as soon as he jumped in, it seemed to travel through hundreds of billions of years, hundreds of universes, a cosmic wind blade, and worlds swayed through Huang Zheng's eyes one by one.

He tried to open his eyes and saw countless worlds flowing like running water from his eyes. The sun, moon, ghosts, and even the earth seemed to pass through this black hole, which was equivalent to crossing all the stars in the universe.

In this process, he felt the passage of time and seemed to stop time. What kind of black hole is this? Is this the legendary cosmic black hole? The existence of devouring everything?

His mind was full of thoughts, and he didn't know how much time passed. Suddenly, he felt that his body sank, his eyes lit up, and he stepped lightly on a pile of turf.

This is a strange world. The whole is not much different from the ancient stars, but the sky is slightly dark, like the dusk of the ancient stars. There is no sun or moon in the sky, but I still don't know that the light from there reflects this land.

There is a mysterious atmosphere around, like the breath of a powerful master and a strong breath of ancient times.

Huang Zheng turned around, and a huge black hole behind him was facing himself. At a slight glance, he felt that the road of justice was all in it, in a trance and dizzy.

Good guy, is this black hole more powerful than an ordinary artifact? Huang Zheng quickly turned his head and looked in front of him. Now he is on a plain, full of flowers and trees, like a secular spring. The flowers are in full bloom, but there is no smell of flowers.

He looked down at the map given to him by the seven unique factions. The target is the river of demons more than 7 billion miles away from here. If he flew by himself, he didn't know how many years and months he would fly.

Huang Zheng sacrificed a low-grade flying artifact of the dragon clan, brushed it, rose to the sky, and flew at high altitude.

The lower-level demons can't fly high, and the advanced addicted to practice. The higher they fly, the safer the theory is.

After flying all the way for half an hour, a demon finally appeared in front of him.

Because the closer it is to the water of the demon, the more beneficial it is for their practice, the peripheral demons are in a lower realm. Huang Zheng looked at most of them are two-layered ants, but as the seven unique faction said, the appearance is similar to the human form, except for the color of the clear eyes and the seven unique heavenly demons, and the appearance looks It's an ordinary human race.

In terms of good-looking, naturally, the current heavenly demons are good-looking, but the seven unique factions think that they are authentic, and they also despise the ugly heavenly demons in this secret world.

Huang Zheng immediately despised the seven peerless people in his heart.

1 billion miles

two billion miles

3 billion miles.

Driven by the artifact, I don't know how long it took, and it got closer and closer to the river of magic.

There are more and more demons, as dense as ants and locusts, filling anywhere on the surface, and their realm is getting higher and higher, with seven primordial gods.



When it comes to 6 billion miles, you can occasionally see the god of heaven and demons.

These gods are extremely ferocious. Hundreds of thousands of gens were taken by them and stuffed into their mouths one by one.

'Gzhi Gezhi'

The mouth that looks like a human race suddenly becomes extremely huge. It can swallow dozens of yuan gods and demons in one bite. Every time you swallow a batch, the strength of the gods and demons is stronger.

However, the yuan god Tianmo behind still pushed forward regardless of his body, and it was too late to eat. More and more Tianmo crossed them and approached the 'River of Tianmo'.

Every demon wants to get close to the 'River of Heavenly Demons' and get the greatest help from the 'River of Heavenly Demons' to strengthen their practice, so no matter how many advanced demons are devouring their companions in front of them, they will rush up, and the unlucky ones will become the food of the senior demons, and the lucky ones will rush out of the siege to become the next advanced heaven. Demon.

Huang is watching the endless demons tearing and impact, crossing the siege to the river of demons. One by one, the demons jumped into the river, absorbing the essence of it and growing.


From time to time, there are nine heavenly demons who are promoted to become gods in the river.

These promoted demons shouted excitedly, repeated what other senior demons did, went to the shore to join the blocked team, and ate a lot of low-level demons.

There are low-level demons dying at all times, and high-level demons are born at all times. The madness here is more exaggerated than the ghost world Huang Zheng saw at the beginning.

I really don't know that there are so many people there, killing endless low-level demons.

In this place, not to mention meeting high-level demons, even if you are surrounded by low-level demons and escape without a good magic weapon, you can't kill them for a lifetime.

After arriving at this place, Huang Zheng has used the stealth talisman given to him by the seven unique factions. The low-level stealth can't use force. As soon as he uses force, he will show his horsepower. The intermediate one can use a little. Now he can use more than half of his strength.

He slowly searched on both sides of the 'River of Heavenly Demons' to find some places with fewer demons and a wider river.

Some of the rivers here are wide and he can't even see his head, and some are less than dozens of feet. They are endless and endless. Yellow is above the river, and he can even feel the faint vitality of the river.

This 'River of Heaven and Demons' is indeed extraordinary. If the seven unique faction gets him, I'm afraid that the strength of the whole faction will increase again, and even mount above the Haotian Gate, which is known as the first gate in the world.

However, Huang Zheng doesn't care about this, as long as Haotianmen is not destroyed.

If you want to say that he doesn't have much affection for Haotianmen, and there are few people in the whole faction who are really good to him. They are similar to those in the secular world and put interests first.

Huang was walking west along the river for a day and finally found a good place.

This river is between two huge canyons. The river is empty but there are not many demons. Some sporadic yuan gods are ninefold and a few gods. Some are practicing in the river, and some are playing on one side.

It's a different scene from the killing scene I just saw.

Huang Zheng is a little confused. How can there be such a big difference between the same demon and behavior?

But now is not the time to care about this. He stopped in the sky, swept around the divine consciousness, and sacrificed artifacts twice from all directions.

Naturally, he can't sweep the high-level demons with his divine knowledge, but at least he is a little sure that there are not many low-level demons nearby.

"Okay, right now."

Huang Zheng suddenly appeared and threw the 'Endless Pot' into the river with his left hand.

As soon as the endless pot entered the river, it turned into a dragon, and its body soared tens of thousands of times, stretching down and straight into the bottom of the river. The dragon circled one by one in the river, and the vortexes spread from the river.

The whole 'River of Heaven and Demons' began to turn slowly, and the earth-shaking event finally happened.

Huang Zheng was stunned and couldn't believe that the seven unique faction planned to receive the whole 'River of Heavenly Demons' into the pot. As soon as the pot moved, the river water seemed to fall from the sky into the pot. The lake below Huang immediately sank ten feet, and immediately the continuous river poured over from the distance.

"How dare you?"

There is a demon screaming in the void. How dare someone sneak into my secret place to steal the water of the demon?


A huge fingerprint, like a big hand between heaven and earth, fell from the sky, like the power of heaven, the giant ascended to the sky, captured the four worlds, captured the sun and the moon, and the whole space where Huang Zheng was located within ten miles, all under this grasp.

"No, at least more than fourfold?"

Huang Zheng's heart moved, swung in the water, and the endless pot returned to him. In an instant, he also hid in the demon realm to tear the space and fly thousands of miles away.

Last time, although the ghost star had a six-fold ghost cultivation, it did not know magic power and only used magic to fight against the enemy.

And the demon shouted loudly: "The group is closed"


All the space seemed to be stopped, and all the time seemed to pause. The demon mirror hit a space, and the situation that could have been torn and escaped did not appear.

A sound in the air seemed to hit an iron plate.

What a powerful magic power? Huang Zheng's eyes fell out, and the demon sealed all the space around him by supreme means.


Huang Zheng crushed the transmitter.

I saw the golden light flashing in front of me, and the whole body was now the shadow of the black hole that just came in, like the entrance.

Forget it, just less. This water is used by the demons. Huang Zheng doesn't know how much he has just collected. Now it's important to escape.

Who knew that another voice sounded in the void: "Heaven and earth return to their position, capture the sun and the moon, and I will catch it."

Huang Zheng's eyes just lit up. Looking back, he saw the black hole at the entrance and was about to leap forward with great joy.

I felt black in front of my eyes, and my whole body, including the demon mirror, couldn't help moving forward.

When I stopped, I took a look and came to the air where the water had just been collected.

Oh, my God, did this demon get me back from billions of miles away?