Bight of Heaven

Chapter 182 The Devil

Just as Huang Zheng was stunned, a powerful spirit swept over this void.

It's not good. Is there also a peerless master of transforming gods here?

Now Huang Zheng's ancient artifacts and magical power can barely fight against people who have no good magic weapons and good magic power below the fourfold of the god. When he meets the demon emperor's sixfold and unparalleled magical power, he can only escape.

As soon as his face changed, dozens of big hands roared in the void, and each hand seemed to be more than fivefold.

Every hand can capture the world and catch the stars and the moon.


Huang Zheng didn't dare to think about it. He brushed and sacrificed the demon mirror and suddenly fled back to the secret land of the devil.

This gathering place of heavenly demons and zombies is simply more horrible than there. I'm really convinced by the seven unique factions. Where did you find this place?

The more Huang Zheng thinks about it, the more afraid he is. He would rather fight against the Demon Emperor there than stay here for a moment.

"Come out."

He went out with his forefoot and cheered outside.

"Haha, I knew this boy didn't dare to stay there."


"Don't let him run away."

"Block it"

After a while outside, a big light curtain suddenly covered Huang Zheng, who had just rushed out, with an ancient artifact.

Huang Zheng rushed left and right, and felt that he seemed to have broken into a space world created by a fairy master. No matter how he ran, he could not run to the end, and he could not run out.

He stood in the demon mirror and saw a universe surrounded by countless stars. He was like dust in the universe, which was small and helpless: "What kind of big array is this?"

Hao's face was grim: "I'm afraid this is a self-created world left by ancient immortal masters. Once you enter it, I don't know how many years it will take to fly to the end, unless there is a special way of passage."

Huang Zheng heard it, which is almost similar to the big array of the underground ghost world that day, just like the magic power of a sand and a world, so that you can't run out of old age in an independent world.

At this time, outside the light curtain, the five magics seemed to overflow, and the six demons sat on each side to watch everything in the curtain.

They sit in the direction. The one sitting in the east is the Oriental Demon Emperor, and the one at the top is a little higher than the other four people, which is recognized as the strongest central demon emperor.

The secret realm of heaven and demons is endless. Usually, the power areas of these demon emperors are not known for trillions, and they do not exchange with each other. However, today, the door of this 'secret realm' has been opened, and the demon emperors have to gather together to discuss countermeasures.

Huang Zheng has been here for several years and has flown for many miles. In fact, he is still straight on the territory of the Western Demon Emperor, so this time the other four emperors heard that some individuals have been here for several years and have not been caught, and they came here to have a look.

At this time, the Oriental Demon Emperor took the lead in opening his words: "It's not a problem for us to seal him with the 'World of the Five Emperors'. It's impossible for the five of us to be here all the time. How can we kill this clan?"

The Western Demon Emperor shook his head slightly: "He has an ancient artifact to protect himself, and there is also a magic power that can reverse the universe. I hit him with magic power and was turned into himself twice by him? I'm fine alone. If the five of us take action together, if he can reverse the magic power of the five of us, hit you with mine and hit me with him, and all five of us will be busy, and he will escape.

The Southern Demon Emperor also nodded: "I guess he didn't know what the secret door was just now. He thought it was an escape, so he escaped. Now he came out. If he is allowed to escape, our secret land is so vast. Where can we find him?"

The ancient artifact tore open the space and escape faster than the sixfold of the god. Once it escapes, this clan is a part of the secret land of the devil. Whoever escapes to anyone will have a headache.

"Can't you let him escape?" The central demon emperor dominates the secret world, the first in the world, and groaned heavily: "Only ancient artifacts can break the door of the secret land, and so can you. Without our demon emperor's 'Demon Emperor Black Hole True Classic' to remove the prohibition on the door, his ancient artifact has no chance to break this door. How could you hit the prohibition on this door? ?"

The Western Demon Emperor's face turned slightly red: "Who knows that he has an ancient artifact? I just want to restore this ban after killing him."

"Well, now the door is broken, and the prohibition is also broken. In addition to the broken door, make up for it."

"It's useless for us to temporarily protect this small hole with the 'Five Emperors' Flag'. After a long time, the 'Heavenly Demon Clan' opposite will definitely find a way to come in from this hole. If we let them rush in, our secret land will be destroyed."

The demon emperors looked at each other and thought of a way.

"Find a way to force this human race to hand over the ancient artifact. Only the ancient artifact can penetrate the 'heavenly magic crystal iron', take a piece and fill it in this hole."

"That's right. He beat it and asked him to fix it for us."

"Then will you talk about it? Do you think he will talk to us? What does our survival have to do with him?

The demons fell into peace.

"I'll go." The Western Demon Emperor gritted his teeth and said, "I am also half responsible. I will enter the 'five emperors' world' to negotiate with him. If he refuses, we will threaten not to let him out unless he wants to die here."

The demon emperors looked at each other. Now, this is the only way. However, there is a faint unwillingness in everyone's eyes. Who are they? The peerless master who dominates one side, the heavenly demons who usually turn into gods are like pigs and dogs. I didn't expect that they would go to beg for that clan together today?

Hateful, hateful. It's because the seven sects in front of us don't let us go out and can't learn the magic weapon. We need to have magic weapons and ancient magic skills. Don't be afraid of this small human race.

If you can go out in the future, you must flatten the seven schools.

If Huang Zheng knew their thoughts, he would laugh to death. These three heavenly demons are afraid of one place. The seven peerless schools are afraid of the secret realm of heaven and demons. After the secret realm of the heavenly demon secret realm, they are afraid of the secret door, and they are afraid of the seven peerless sects.

But now he naturally doesn't have time to laugh, but is about to cry.

This 'five emperors' world' is ten times bigger than the ancient star. He suddenly burned a trillion yuan of jade essence, as if he had not moved in place.

Suddenly, I almost spit out a mouthful of blood. I really hate this kind of person.

What do you hate most about this kind of unskilled world array? What kind of ability is it to be trapped here?

Hao rolled his eyes, big brother, you have no technical content, and this is the real means.

Just as he was thinking about how long it would take to practice the triple of Huashen here. He could really use the magic power of the universe, yin and yang, and turn the universe upside down, and then he could escape from here.

A huge figure in the void roared with the majestic consciousness and covered him.

Come again? Run quickly, Huang Zheng was immediately ready to escape, thinking that the six-fold master of Huashen also came in.

"Don't go, his consciousness is not malicious? Can't you feel it?" Hao despised this yellow run.

At this time, the other party brushed and suddenly came a hundred miles away in front of the demon mirror, sitting in the starry sky, pretending to talk.

The distance of a hundred miles is naturally possible to kill people instantly, but Huang Zheng holds an ancient artifact. Unless he is close to him, this distance can't really kill him. This is what the other party means to say good words.

"Oh, negotiation, right?" Huang Zheng saw his intention, and his body also appeared in mid-air in a flash. He protected himself with a demon mirror in his hand. The Xuantianming light tower above his head was covered, surrounded by a bright shield around him. He despised and despised it again and again.

"Hello, human race, you should see that I have no malice. You are respected by our secret world with your strength. My name is the Western Demon Emperor, and you can call me Western."

The two words in the West can't be called anything. Except for the five demon emperors and the former demon emperors, all the people in the secret world should call them demon emperors. Even if those whose strength is similar to theirs are similar, those who have not chosen the demon emperors have to be called so. Whether you are convinced or not, otherwise you will be punished by the five demon emperors and the former demon emperors. Our production.

It can be seen that the Western Demon Emperor put Huang Zheng in the same position.

You have a vision and know that my strength is strong. Huang Zheng is naturally in full of his heart, but he still hasn't relaxed his vigilance: "It turns out to be a Western brother. Hello, Huang Zheng, who was entrusted by the seven unique faction to take a little water of the devil. Now that the water is finished, there is no hatred for everyone. It's better to make a friend and have a cup of tea and chat together in the future. Chat or something."

Hmm, it's true that those seven unique demons don't give up. They want to take away the water of the demons who are lazy to survive. They can't enter by themselves. It's really sinister to ask the human race to enter for them: "Brother Huang, right? Hello, once you take the water you want, you should go back, but before you go back, do something for your mistakes? What about the compensation?"

Huang Zheng was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then communicated with him. He knew about the secret door, which was even more shocked.

Originally, there was only one space for the ancient heavenly demons, which is where the current seven unique schools are located. The heavenly demons are naturally nourished and endlessly. However, one day, the natural heavenly demons appear in the eyes of the bastards in the secular eyes. One is the founder of the secret realm of the heavenly demons, and the other is the founder of the 'Heavenly Evil Demon Clan' after the secret door.

When the secret world of the devil appeared, he did not look like a human figure of the devil. The seven unique demons naturally regarded him as a freak and threw him directly into a place regardless of his life or death.

When the founder of the Tiansha demon clan was born, it was raining strangely. In the space that never rained, the seven unique faction was even more amazing. The seven unique faction regarded it as an ominous omen. In addition, he was about to devour his peers as soon as he was born, so he was thrown into an unknown space to survive and die.

Before long, the era of every six billion years has arrived. When the era arrives, the world will be destroyed. It is said that only the sixfold or even ancient artifacts between the chemical society can survive, and the rest will become ashes.

After the disaster, the seven unique faction had no ancient artifacts. Although there was the protection of the world's first famous array of 'Seven Treasures Endless Array', it still suffered heavy losses and was never existed.

At the same time, after the great change of heaven and earth, the galaxy was broken, the universe was reborn, and various spaces have also changed one after another. The seven unique schools have appeared on the side of the seven unique demons, the side of the secret realm of the demons, and the three-sided space on the side of the evil demon clan.

The abandoners in front of them have developed to the present in billions of years in their respective spaces. The demons in the secret world have the spirit to speak. They have always remembered the messages of the ancient predecessors, and one day sweep away the seven unique sects and avenge the abandonment of those years.

And the Tiansha demon clan can't speak, and its consciousness is also extremely violent. In addition to killing and devouring, it can be said to be the biggest enemy of the seven unique sects and the secret world of Tianmo.

Now Huang Zheng accidentally opened this secret door. Although the hole is as small as dust, the masters of Huashen can enter. Now the Huashen masters of the Tiansha Demon clan may not pay attention to it. If you notice it, a large number of people will flood in, and the secret realm of Tianmo will immediately face a bloody battle with them.

It's okay to win. If you lose, the whole secret land of heaven and demons will be unlucky, and even blood will be washed.

Huang Zheng opened Pandora's magic box.