Bight of Heaven

Chapter 191 Past Life

What's the fart?

Huang Zheng's expression is self-righteous, as if he is really the protagonist of heaven and the son of fate. Without Huang Zheng, the ancient stars will not turn, and the ghost world will die.

The eighteen ghost owners first stunned him, and then the ghost owner of a evil state shouted angrily: "Soul?" As soon as he stretched out his big hand, a force of evil encircled Huang Zheng.

This evil power makes monks encounter and can't escape for a lifetime. When they go there, they are like criminals, and they will be punished in the depths of their hearts.

People who are blind, not to mention immortality, may have no hope of promotion in the future.

"Looking for death" Huang Zheng's eyes opened to 'turn the universe, top yin and yang'

Since he was promoted to God, he has become more and more familiar with the use of ancient magical power. This time, he didn't even move his hands. His eyes stared, and his eyes were like two stars. After brushing, he turned around.

I heard the evil ghost master jump up in place, and a force of evil obstacles spread from the top of his head, and several ghost owners close to him screamed and avoided it.

What a powerful magic? The ghost Xiu's eyes suddenly brightened. Huang Zheng's magic power reversed the universe and returned to the other. It was the same as beating himself. Isn't it invincible in the world to practice to the extreme?

"Should you stop?" The Lord of Killing also shouted fiercely and stepped between Huang Zheng and Gui Xiu: "I finally found Huang Zheng. If you are so rude, everyone will break up. It doesn't matter if this treasure house can't be opened. Anyway, it has been sealed for hundreds of millions of years."

In the field, the killing ghost master's realm was the highest, and his reputation seemed to be the greatest. With a fierce shout, all the ghosts were slightly stunned.

"Well, evil, you are also a big man. How can you do such a deignified thing?" At this time, another ghost owner of a state in vain spoke.

They are all three or even six powers. In any case, it is a loss of identity to deal with a person who is one god.

Seeing that the ghosts no longer speak, Huang Zheng doesn't want to cause trouble. Fortunately, this incident is the highest level of the killing ghost master organization. If the killing ghost master can't speak, I'm afraid it will be much more difficult to do.

"Let's go."

The ghost killer saw that there was no sound around, and the leader immediately tore open a large space canopy with a wave of his hand in the reincarnation desert.

The ghosts used various means to cross through the canopy of the space. Huang Zheng and Qin Xian quickly hid in the demon mirror and followed the ghost master to this mysterious space.

This space is different from the space Huang Zheng has been to before. It is very bright, without square and three-dimensional, as if he has entered a mirror.

This space is as flat and transparent as a mirror. Everyone can see themselves in it. No matter when they look up, back, left or right, as long as you look at yourself.

There is a small self, an old self, a previous life, and a future self.

This is the most mysterious 'reincarnation' in the 18 states of the ghost world.

Legend has it that those who can't reach a certain level and can't pass their own demons will always sink into the 'land of reincarnation'.

The voice of killing the ghost owner once again reached Huang Zheng's brain through the demon suppression mirror: "Don't come out inside now. If you want to come out, look around and don't think about the past. I'm afraid you can't resist it."

Only the ancient artifact can resist this place. If you change it to a top-grade artifact, you will also be affected by hiding in it.

Huang Zheng looked around strangely. The sky and the earth were all about himself, as if they were everywhere, but fortunately, now he is in the demon mirror and can't be affected by the 'land of reincarnation'. What he sees is himself now.

What will my future be like? What was the previous life like?

Huang Zheng's spirit is the state of killing: "I want to go out. Can I see my future and previous life?"

"The future of this life is invisible. Yes, everyone knows their own future. What's the point? In the realm of reincarnation, you can only see your previous life and the next life. This is called reincarnation. The higher your ability, the more times you see reincarnation. Now you become a god, and you can see before and after the tenth generations.

"It's fun. You have to see this."

Huang Zheng decided to go out, and Qin Xian also wanted to go out.

"No, Qin Xian, don't go out. You can't stop it. You will go crazy." Hao reminded Qin Xian that Qin Xian had to pout and watch Huang Zheng go out alone.

The outside world is completely different from the demon mirror. The whole world is like a two-dimensional parallel space. Huang Zheng feels like walking flat and sticking to the wall.

This mirror of reincarnation is exactly the same as one side of the situation? Is it also a magic weapon?

While he was thinking nonsense, countless different Huang Zheng appeared around him.

Wow, this baby is so cute. I used to be so cute.

Hao covered his eyes in the demon mirror and despised him again and again.

Who is this, flirting with girls? Huang Zheng saw a teenager in the Song Dynasty, who looked similar to Huang Zheng, flirted with a girl on the street, and then naturally beat another handsome man.

Damn it, next time I want to travel to that world, who dares to beat me in my previous life? If I don't kneel down and sing conquest, I won't believe in pornography.

Oh, previous life? Huang Zheng suddenly saw Huang Zheng before he crossed, wearing a straight suit and peeking at the black silk coming and going on the street from time to time on the road.

Dad? Mom? When I saw my familiar family, I had been buried deep in my heart. Like endless tides, Huang Zheng lost his mind in an instant. If I could, I would rather be false. I would rather be Huang Zheng of Haotianmen. I want to go home. I want to buy love madness. I miss Mr. Cang.

When missing came, it was like a tide, and he couldn't stop it. Huang Zheng lost his mind and was stunned. Looking at the pictures of his previous life around him, he couldn't help walking towards those pictures, getting farther and farther and farther away from the direction of killing them.

He will sink, he will be lost, and then walk around this place forever, intoxicated with the past of his previous life.

"Azheng, you're awake"

"Mom, I'll take a shower first and call me for dinner."

Huang Zheng seems to have returned to modern times, surrounded by clear three bedrooms and one living room, touching, dining table, refrigerator, bathroom toothbrush, faucet, everything is exactly the same as the real thing.

It turns out that the cultivation of immortals in front is just a dream? Huang is looking out of the window. It's morning. I have to get up, take a shower, eat and go to work.

Forget the past, it's just a dream.

"Huang Zheng--" Hao shouted loudly, like enlightenment, and the shocked Huang Zheng's brain buzzed, like flying into dozens of fly bees. His eyes lit up. Looking again, an ancient Huang Zheng in a robe and flying sword into the clouds appeared around him.

"Be careful. Just look around you like reading. Don't replace yourself. If you replace yourself in it, it's likely that I can't call you back."

Huang Zheng came to his senses in an instant. Sure enough, it is an extremely powerful 'reincarnation'. If no one calls and can't resist the demon, he will really live in illusion forever.

But looking back, he actually reached the end of Huang Zheng of Haotianmen. There is no ten generations of the next life mentioned by the ghost owner?

B bastard? Don't I have an afterlife? Am I in this life? Huang Zheng also had a chill.

"Huang Zheng, don't worry. You're right. There is only one kind of person in the world who has no afterlife, that is, the immortal giant of heaven." The voice of the ghost killer came to his ears with joy.

"The giant of heaven?"

"Yes, don't look at us as three, fourfold or even fivefold sixfold. We have a previous life and an afterlife, which means that one day we will fall, die, or disappear, and then we will come back and start again. If you don't have an afterlife, you represent the destruction of heaven and earth, and you will die, the universe will die, and you Undead, you are the giant of heaven that transcends heaven and earth, violates the way of heaven, and is free and eternal in the world.

"The giant of heaven?" Huang Zheng almost fainted in shock from what he said to the killing. Giant? Those are the three lawless masters who competed with heaven and Taoism in ancient times. You won't say that I am one of the three giants in ancient times, right?

"It must be." The cheerful laughter of killing came to his ears, which seemed to be happier than Huang Zheng himself.

Your giant hasn't woken up yet. I have a good relationship with you now. It can save my life when the era comes. It is said that the world has an era every 6 billion years. When the era comes, except for the three giants, all people will be extinct, heaven and earth will become chaos, and the universe will be recreated.

The giants will reopen the world and evolve the world. If they want to survive in the era, only with the help of the giants can do it.

Hearing that Huang Zheng is the giant, even Hao of Zhenyao Mirror was stunned. Heaven and the giant are the biggest enemies. Why did the original Tiandao Treasure Book help Huang Zheng?

Hao is also confused. He really doesn't believe that Huang Zheng, a native turtle, will be the three lawless giants in ancient times.

People under lawlessness will die and will be reincarnated. Only the giants will not die. If Huang is the giants, it means that he travels through time, returns to the past, or the future by supreme magical means. When he comes here, the giants have no previous lives, no afterlife, and everything is through time travel.

Even in the previous life that Huang Zheng saw before, it was a giant who traveled to some magical space worlds without incident.

This is a giant, a giant who can't kill and won't die. There is no previous life, no afterlife, and eternal existence.

Have I become a giant? Huang Zheng suddenly found that this killing really fooled people, so he talked a few words and thought he was a giant.

"Ha ha, believe it or not, the future will be clear. Just remember that I saved you twice. Let's go. There is the treasure house in front of you."

Then Huang Zheng saw a sudden light in front of him, thousands of lights shining in all directions. After walking for so long, they finally came from the same space to a space with only light.

This space is full of light, shining brightly, covering up the sun and the moon. People seem to be walking in the light. Huang Zheng can even clearly feel the existence of these lights and the speed of light.

Legend has it that as long as the speed exceeds the speed of light, time can be reversed, forming a so-called crossing. Huang Zheng opened his eyes wide and saw the light here, and there seemed to be a picture in each beam of light.

Ten days ago? He just thought about it, and a beam of light slowly retreated forward. Huang Zheng saw his appearance ten days ago from the light.

"This is the light of reincarnation. Only those who can receive the light of reincarnation can finally open the treasure secret of reincarnation. Huang Zheng, we can't receive it. You can try it."

The first task of killing Huang Zheng is to ask him to collect the light.

Put away all the light? This task is simply tailor-made for the giant. What magical master can take the light in the hands?

Yes, that's the giant.