Bight of Heaven

Chapter 201 Endless Mountain

"Let's go, these ants are brave to take the lead. How can I fall behind as a giant?"

Huang Zheng didn't want to sacrifice the 'Xianjing' and threw himself into the tall 'Endless Gate' all of a sudden.

The 'endless door' is endless, and the doors of life and death are criscrossed. People who don't enter will never know how horrible it is inside. Huang Zheng used the ancient artifact to shuttle into the door, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

There is endless golden light inside. The golden light is shining. It seems that nothing can be seen except the golden light. His 'fairy mirror' is like a meteor lost in the golden light, flying vertically but can't find a channel.

There is gold around him, and he can't see anything. If Huang Zheng has fivefold and sixfold gods, he can leave the 'mirror fairy mirror' to look at the four directions with divine knowledge, but now he has no choice but to look at it with his eyes.

"What is this place? Why is it like this behind the endless door?

At this time, Bai Di and 'Hao' stood beside him one left and one right.

"Don't worry, the legendary behind the endless door is mysterious, as vast as the endless sea. Maybe it will take a while to see it." Bai Dei comforted Huang Zheng.

Hao also nodded repeatedly: "I heard that in ancient times, there was still the power of flying in it for more than 10,000 years before entering the 'Endless Treasure'. Everyone's route is different, but as long as they enter the life gate, they can safely reach the 'Endless Treasure' in the end."

Bai Didi smiled and said, "I'm afraid that it's not the door of life but the door, but the door of death. However, I am confident that with the body of your giant son, whatever you enter, it must be the door of life."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

Even Huang Zheng has never been so confident. No wonder secular people have more money, the more confident they have to speak. Now they are reincarnated as a giant, and they are also more confident.

"It seems that this 'Endless Treasure Library' is also made by the power of ancient immortals and masters. It becomes an independent world, becomes its own starry sky, and is boundless. I don't know what treasure is hidden in it."

"Ha," Huang Zheng smiled faintly. For the immortals of the world, when he saw the seven treasures of the world open, he knew at a glance that these old antiques had never seen the world.

Think about what scenes Huang Zheng hasn't seen since his debut, the treasures of the ancient dragon clan, the treasure house of ghosts and stars, and the ancient fairy artifact 'Chaotic Cave'. What is there that Huang Zheng has never seen?

He was thinking proudly, and suddenly the 'fairy mirror' seemed to hit something with a loud 'boom', and then it was shivering, as if he had fallen into the mud.

The 'Zhenxian Mirror' is very laborious to squeeze in little by little, and even the people in the 'Zhenxian Mirror' feel that the inner world is squeezed.

"What a powerful ban?" All three of them are stunned. It's so hard to have ancient artifacts. How can those old antiques who don't have ancient artifacts to protect themselves come in?

After ten breaths, the 'Zhenxian Mirror' finally squeaked over, and the sound of running water came into their ears through the 'Zhenxian Mirror'.

At a glance, the sky and the earth are blue, the river is clear, the birds, fish and flowers are fragrant, and the beasts are flocks. This place is like an ancient star. It is a beautiful paradise.

Huang Zheng stepped out of the 'Zhenxian Mirror' and looked back. The sky was as one for a long time, as if there was nothing. At this time, he didn't even know how to go back?

"Is this the 'Endless Treasure'?" Do you not believe that this place exactly like the secular country will be the so-called 'Endless Treasure'?

Baiti, hidden in his artifact, came to his mind: "It should be. This endless treasure house is endlessly large, and you can only find the door of the treasure house."

โ€œ...โ€ Copy, Huang Zheng endlessly despises the owner of that treasure house. Is it necessary for you to build such a treasure house? How good is the treasure house of the dragon clan? Is it enough to have a few artifacts in a place with a big palm?

Thinking about it, looking for it or looking for it, Huang Zheng sacrificed a top-quality artifact to fly in this world.

It's okay not to fly, but I was shocked as soon as I flew.

Wow, Zhongpin Yuanyu concentrate vein, so obviously on the roadside? Unexpectedly, no one went to dig? Starwood, what a large high-end material star wood forest, ah, the ancient foreign beast 'Hongzui', Hongzui is also captive here, big and big.

Huang Zheng flew all the way. All kinds of high-grade mines, rare beasts, and precious herbs are everywhere. It is like the world of immortals, immortals, and all kinds of precious things are everywhere.

The seven schools in the world are all valuable good things. However, the masters who come in, including Huang Zheng, are not in the mood to collect these things. Only finding the real treasure house entrance is the first thing.

He was flying happily, and suddenly a space crack appeared slowly in the space not far away. Someone just came in from the outside like Huang Zheng.

Huang Zheng stopped to look and saw a burst of smoke coming out of the cracked space in the air.

This is a master of more than fivefold of Huashen who squeezed the space into a smash. In less than an instant, he reorganized his real body and turned into a middle-aged man in his forties.

"Awesome, so awesome, what the hell is this forbidden?" The middle-aged man was cursing and looked up and saw Huang Zheng.

"Oh" This middle-aged man is very surprised that a small character with a heavy god can also enter here and paused slightly: "Kid, are you from this endless world?"

"Like my predecessor, I just came in. What is the master of that faction?" Huang Zheng is afraid that he is a good sect master, and he is also respectful.

As soon as he heard that Huang Zheng also came in from the outside, the middle-aged man's eyes stared at Huang Zheng's top-quality artifact: "Haha, I'm Chaos Palace Nie Shuanghe, boy, which faction are you from, and the little god dares to hold the top-quality artifact?"

Without waiting for Huang Zheng to speak, he stretched out his big hand: "You need to know that a man is innocent and guilty. Bring it here."

This five-fold old antique of Nie Shuanghe was also a different faction. He thought that he came in with the benefit of the artifact. As soon as he stretched out his hand rudely, he was about to take his artifact.

"Looking for death."

Huang Zhengli shouted and moved his mind. The ancient artifact 'Giant Chop God Sword' evolved into a red-gold sword light and cut off at Nie Shuanghe.

As soon as the divine sword came out, the heaven and earth changed, and the whole 'Endless world' turned pale in an instant. However, the golden light in the sky seemed to be jumping and flashing, responding to the 'giant sword'.

Is it bad, the ancient artifact?

Nie Shuanghe couldn't shrink his hand, and a powerful force intuitively that could not resist came towards him.


Under a sword, Nie Shuanghe directly turned into flying ashe. After waiting for him to reunite his body, the tiger roaring dragon rolled the sword light and swept Nie Shuanghe into the 'Giant Sword'.

A scream shocked the mountains and rivers.

"No, no, no, I'm immortal, immortal, no, no."

I don't know how long it took for this Nie Shuanghe to practice before he reached immortality. He lived in seclusion and practiced for many years. Unexpectedly, he met Huang Zheng, a big killer star, as soon as he came out. After several screams, he finally disappeared and turned into ashes.

And Huang Zheng used the 'giant sword' to kill such a master for the first time. After cutting with one sword, his mana was empty and he almost fell into the field.

Good guy, it is not difficult to cut off the fivefold of the god. It is not what I can successfully complete now.

Huang Zheng is trying out the power of the 'Giant Killing Sword' this time. Last time he killed Zhao Qigong was just a god. Now he tried the sword with Nie Shuanghe and finally knew how much he could play the 'Giant Killing Sword'.

After a short break, Huang Zheng continued to move forward and observed with his divine consciousness. From time to time, there will be some changes in every space, which is a series of masters breaking in.

Look at this, today, there are more than 100 masters from the ancient stars. In the past, no master has been seen in a million years. Today, a gust of wind has rushed over.

Huang Zheng didn't know where to find the gate of the 'Endless Treasure House', but the people who came in went northwest one by one, and he simply followed them all the way.

Along the way, from time to time, a master brushed over his head. Although many people shocked him, a young man who was a god, also came here, the arrogant person like Nie Shuanghe did not make a sound, and everyone was concerned about going to the northwest.

Huang Zheng flew for more than half an hour and finally felt the gap between himself and others. No wonder others came to the northwest. There is a mountain here, towering into the clouds and clouds. There are various palaces on the top of the mountain. From time to time, several cranes and birds pass through the sky.

It seems that the gods of these masters have been aware of it for a long time, and Huang Zhengfei has been aware of it for a long time.

There were a lot of people around, and nearly a hundred five-fold masters gathered in front of the mountain, looking at everything on the mountain and talking about it.

This time, because Huang Zheng was not in the 'Zhenxian Mirror', it immediately caused a sensation around him. Everyone turned their faces and looked at Huang Zheng. All the people here, either five or six, are old antiques of various factions. When will a little man emerge?

"Zhou Bihuo, I haven't seen you for hundreds of thousands of years. If you don't practice well, you still have time to come here, hahaha."

"Qin Tianping, you are not dead yet? Do you still think you're dead?"

"Zhao Changchun, I heard that even the demon mirror of your Haotianmen has been robbed. Is it true, hahaha."

These old antiques have not seen each other for more than N years. Now they haven't opened the treasure house, and many old acquaintances have already said hello.

If he hadn't known that they would definitely fight in a while, Huang Zheng would have thought it was a group of old friends who had not seen him for many years.

"Kid, which one are you from? How did you get in?" An old man with a white beard asked Huang Zheng.

"I'm Huang Zheng, the supreme leader of the Long Life School. Which one are you?"

Huang Zheng saw that he spoke rudely, and naturally he was not polite.

"Elongerty School?"

Huang Zhengyi said that many people in the field changed their faces and their expressions were different. Some of these old antiques had heard of Huang Zhengsu, and some of them were closed practiced and ignored the world. Where have they heard of the immortal school?

Sure enough, the old man with white beard may also be closed and just came out, with a confused face: "What kind of Imbunaga? What a big tone. I have never heard of such a small sect. Why is there an extra Imity school in the world now?

"Hahaha." A demon clan with two horns on its head laughed when he heard the words: "Qi Jiuxiao, you are old and confused. You haven't been closed for a long time. The current era is different from before. Now the immortality school is like the ancient stars in the sky, claiming to be the first in the world. You Haotianmen has been the last one."

It turns out that this old man with white beard is still from Haotianmen.

He was not born for many years. As soon as he was born, he heard that he was the last one in Haotianmen. He was so angry: "Bult, what a bullshit immortal school? Wait for me to go out and destroy this sect?"

"What a big tone." Huang Zheng's eyes are about to get angry.

"Qi Jiuxiao, I heard that the supreme leader of the Longsheng School used to be a disciple of your Haotianmen. After taking your 'demon mirror', he created another 'Longsheng School'. Your Haotianmen is really not as good as before."

Another old antique fanned the flames in the field, and Qi Jiuxiao was furious: "What, are you a rebel disciple of my Haotianmen? And took the demon mirror?"

"Bad boy, get out of here."