sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 109 Poisonous in the dish

Just before everyone could react, a woman rushed over, pulled back her child, and stared at An Wang and the others that they were about to leave. Chen Bofan stopped him with his hand and bowed politely.

"This sister-in-law, we have no malice. We are businessmen who make medicinal herbs." Chen Bofan said that it was an open box, which was indeed full of medicinal herbs. "We passed by, but our house was closed and we were about to sleep on the street. We just took the child to think about a few words, and please don't blame your sister-in-law."

The woman looked at King An and others and saw that they were dressed like rich and noble families. Chen Bofan's peach blossom eyes in red were really beautiful, and the woman also relieved her heart.

"Look at several people who are also status. I have been here for decades. My husband's surname is Bai and he has opened an inn here. Everyone calls me Sister-in-law Bai. Originally, we are not like this. Compared with Yuecheng, Changdu is not as good as that. There are also places to eat and drink. Merchants often pass by. When we rest here, it is easy for us to do some small business. However, a monster came out. At night, he wandered outside our village and several people had died. We ordinary people can't do anything about it. The businessmen who originally came to stay with us didn't come either.

Sister-in-law Bai couldn't help sighing, but Chen Bofan comforted her and won some money in Mrs. Bai's hand, which made Sister-in-law Bai couldn't help but be happy and felt a little sorry.

"I knew at a glance that they were nobles. Looking at my attitude towards several people just now, it's really damn, damn it." Sister-in-law Bai said with a smile, "Isn't there no place to rest? Go to my house. Our house was originally a small inn. Although it is not as good as a big city, hot rice and hot water are enough.

Angwang nodded, said "Excuse me" and followed Mrs. Bai to his house. The white shopkeeper saw that Bai's sister-in-law went to find her youngest son and didn't come back for so long, and he was still worried. Seeing that she came back with her youngest son and brought back the guests, when she put the silver in her arms, the white shopkeeper wanted to pack it up with a smile on his face, and asked his eldest son Bai Shan to feed the horses forage.

Baishan nodded and went to the stable. He turned around and looked at it quietly, just bumping into the cold eyes of King An. Baishan hurriedly lowered his head and left, but King An looked at his back coldly.

"It's really slow. The third floor of our second floor is empty, and the conditions on the third floor are better. Although there are only large beds in the second floor room, it is also spacious, and so many people can live in. I'm going to cook. Do you want to eat in your room or eat downstairs? The white shopkeeper nodded and bowed his head and greeted him. Even compared with Kyoto, his attitude was excellent. I think he had a bad time these days.

"Don't bother, just eat downstairs." Seeing that Chen Bofan said so, the shopkeeper Bai was busy going to have dinner.

If this place is simpler, it is also clean and tidy. Compared with sleeping in the wild, it is also more comfortable. Rong Guifei and Li Xia went up to the third floor. King An, Chen Bofan, Li Qing, and Princess Yueya just sat down at one table, and the rest of the others squeezed into three tables. Mrs. Bai diligently made a pot of tea and brought it over.

"There is nothing good in the countryside. This is the tea dried by the family. Don't dislike it."

Li Qing picked up the teacup and smelled it, but took a sip with a smile and said with a smile, "Sister Bai is modest. This tea is very fragrant."

Seeing Li Qing like this, everyone took a sip at ease. Although it is not as good as the tea in Kyoto, it has a unique fragrance in it. Seeing that everyone had no disgust after drinking tea, Sister Bai was relieved and prepared to go down with a smile, but Chen Bofan stopped her.

"Sister Bai has also worked hard. Come and have a cup of tea and have a rest. We just heard from the child Koizumi that there are brain-eating monsters at night. We are all very curious. Please tell us about it. Chen Bofan said, but he took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Mrs. Bai and said with a smile on his face.

Chen Bofan's appearance is also one of the best in Kyoto. He is good at talking and being polite to people. Sister-in-law Bai is also willing to say a few more words to him. Seeing that Chen Bofan stopped her, Mrs. Bai was not polite. She sat next to the brazier with the tea Chen Bofan made for her, and it was comfortable to drink tea while roasting the fire.

"Looking on your temperament, I'm afraid it's a big business. Not to mention that you who have seen the world don't believe it, even I, a small ordinary person, are also confused. Why is there a monster in this good village? I still remember that day, I went out early in the morning and wanted to say that I would go to the butcher Zhang in the next village to pick some good meat. Who knew that when I walked to the stream at the entrance of the village, I saw a man lying there and did not move.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. There are a lot of drunkards in our village. I also want to say who drank too much last night and fell asleep there. As a result, I just went to wake someone up, but I was so scared that I fell directly to the ground. Even now, I still tremble when I remember. Guess what?" Sister Bai took a sip of tea and was shocked. Even by the brazier, she could still see that people were trembling.

Chen Bofan smiled and said, "Sister Bai, you are still selling your things. What else can you do? Are you dead?"

Aro, standing behind Princess Yueya, said, "Isn't it dead? Is it disfigured? Sister Bai, you said it."

"You're right. When I opened the man and saw that the man's whole body was dry, as if the blood of his whole body had been drained, and his brain was still..." Mrs. Bai swallowed and continued, "That's really scary. I shouted loudly and called all the people in our village. It turned out that Cao Fisherman in our village said that there are many people buying fish these days and want to catch some fish at night. Who knows, hey..."

An Wang pondered and said coldly, "You mean that his blood has been drained and his brain has been split open, right?"

Sister Bai nodded and said in fear, "I just took a look, and then I was so scared that I didn't look again. I heard from our village that the head was split, and even the inside... When such a thing happened, the government came to have a look and left. I guess it's such a thing. They dare not care about it. I invited Mrs. Shaman to come and jump for a day, saying what the gods were doing. We followed the shaman for a day, but it was a little late that day, and the shaman insisted on going back. As a result, several families at the entrance of the village said that they heard the sound of shouting, and no one dared to go out. When it was dawn, when we went out, the old lady's blood was drained.

Chen Bofan's peach blossom eyes suddenly emitted cold light and asked faintly, "You mean that the fisherman was drained of blood and split his head. The old shaman was just sucked dry of blood, right?"

"I'm also afraid to hear what they say. Such two things happened in a row, and no one cares. At night, no one went out, and some merchants would rather hurry than live in our village. Sister-in-law Bai sighed and said, her eyes were full of helplessness and deep fear.

Chen Bofan continued to ask, "You are so careful that you don't go out at night. There will be nothing wrong in the future, right?"

"It's strange that every family in our village closes the door as soon as it gets dark, but such a thing happens every few days later. I estimated that basically a person will die once every seven days. Sometimes it's people in our village, and sometimes it's people passing by. Except for the shaman, she would drain her blood and split her brain to death like that fisherman every time. Today is the seventh day since the last time. By the way, don't think I'm talkavy. Anyway, you guys, don't go out today. It's really evil.

Several people were talking, but a man in old clothes and a few patches came in. Seeing so many people, he wanted to go out, but he was seen by Mrs. Bai and was pulled in directly.

"Sister Bai, I have lost your care these days. It's rare for you to have business. I can't make trouble for you. The patch man said and wanted to go out, but Mrs. Bai still held it and didn't let go.

When Mrs. Bai saw the patch man like this, she said angrily, "Where do you think you can go this night? Don't you want to die? Cao Zhi, the only one left in your old Cao family, is your father who always lets you study. Now you can't do anything. If you lose this life again, your old Cao family will really be over.

"It's rare that I'm busy in the store. Can you come and help me? When I'm done, I'll calculate the wages for you. I don't know how long you've been wearing your clothes. If you don't tidy up well, you really can't get married. When you're done, squeeze in with my two kids. Mrs. Bai said, but she pulled Cao Zhi down. Cao Zhi was also obedient and walked to the kitchen to help.

A Luo, who was beside him, saw that Cao Zhi's patch was funny, but smiled and said, "Mrsister Bai is kind-hearted. She is so good to this young man."

Sister Bai sighed and said, "This child is the son of Brother Cao. He has liked to study since he was a child. Now that Brother Cao has left, his mother can't stand the stimulation. He doesn't have a craft, and he is afraid to stay at home alone. Anyway, we have many rooms, and we often live here to help. It's also very pitiful."

As they were talking, Cao Zhi and the white shopkeeper put the four bowls of meat on the plate.

When Mrs. Bai saw the dishes coming up, she quickly got up and brought the dishes from the plate to the table. She also complained, "Several people have neglected, and the family is not prepared for a moment. There is only a little meat and some backyard dishes. They are not expensive but fresh. I will go and stir-fry them up for some distinguished guests later."

After Mrs. Bai served the dishes, she just turned around and left. Li Qing said coldly, "I think Mrs. Bai is also a cheerful and capable person. Don't you think the store is also harmful?"

Sister-in-law Bai heard that Li Qing was not kind, but she turned around and said, "This little brother, I think you have always been very kind. How can you say such unfair words? I have been in this village for more than ten years, and I have been doing business for more than ten years.

Li Qing sneered and said, "Well, then look what this is?"

Li Qing said, but he took out a silver needle from his sleeve and inserted it into the meat. When he pulled it out, it was faintly dark. The people present also changed their faces, and the white sister-in-law's eyes were straight.

"How could this... be like this? We are honest businessmen, this..." Mrs. Bai's face changed dramatically, but she couldn't think of anything to defend herself.