sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 154 Under Shaman Evil

The woman was holding her death and thought that she would die. She didn't want to sit on the ground with a whip.

Princess Yueya hurried to hug the woman and said, "Sister-in-law, please tell me well. Here is my father here, and I will definitely make the decision for you. You mother and son have been dependent on each other for so long. If your child Jiuquan knows that you are going to die, I'm afraid he will not be at ease. Do you have the heart to make your child feel uneasy under the nine springs?

Under the persuasion of Princess Yueya, the woman finally calmed down and knelt down again. The eldest prince beside him has long lost his confidence, and his original arrogance has long been gone. In this case, no matter what he says, it is useless. Thinking of this, the eldest prince knelt on the ground.

"Father, please forgive your son. I also listened to the reckless words before I did such a stupid thing! Please forgive me for the sake of my mother!"

When Gongsun Tu saw the eldest prince crying, he said with disgust, "I'd rather not have you as a son!" In the past, for the sake of your mother, I have forgiven you again and again. Even if you are restless, I will tell Yueya to treat you as a good brother in the future. But if you don't make progress, you must break my heart to be willing.

Gongsun Nanman said sadly, and then shouted to Duke Chen beside him, "What are you still standing for? Take people to the eldest prince's house to have a look. If you really find something, don't blame me for ignoring the feelings of father and son. And you, tell me all the truth, and I will definitely give you an explanation.

After the salute, Chen walked out of the door, but the woman seemed to be immersed in painful memories, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

"That day, I took my children out early in the morning and arrived at the market in Changdu until noon. I knelt down with my son for a long time, but I came up to ask for the price, but it was all hard work. I didn't want my son to suffer too much and never agreed. Just as I was about to take my son to rest, a rich man appeared. He came to carefully check my son's body and directly left ten taels of silver, saying that he would take my son to be a book boy.

The eldest prince snorted contemptuously, "I really don't see that your son still knows how to write, and he can still be a book boy?"

The eldest prince said this, but the woman cried, "I hurt my son!" At that time, I was stunned by Yinzi. I only thought that my son could live a good life after becoming a book boy, so I agreed. I also said that my son could not read, but the man said that as long as he served tea and grind ink, I agreed. It's just that I'm worried after all, and I'm afraid that they will know that I'm not good to follow, so I secretly followed.

"I saw that the man took my son into the backyard and didn't come out for a long time. I saw that the house was always gloomy and the hissing of beasts. I felt uneasy and squatted in the backyard all the time. Later, I saw that there was nothing wrong with me. Thinking that there were also some beasts raised by big families, I was relieved. I just wanted to leave, but I saw..."

The woman said sadly and grinned and cried, "I saw in the backyard from afar that the prince dragged my son directly into the woods in the backyard. He grabbed my son's hair. No matter how my son begged for mercy at that time, he still cut my son's head directly with a knife. He dug it out with a knife... The beast actually put him in a silverware, and then someone dragged my son away.

The woman couldn't help crying and said intermittently, "I've been squatting there, but I don't have the strength to move anymore. When I came to my senses, I only saw them throwing my son into a big pit, in which there were only bursts of wild beasts. The man prayed on a table for a long time, and when the moon came out, the eldest prince came.

As the woman said, she was already crying and continued to endure sadness: "I saw the prince sprinkle some powder on the silverware, and then the eldest prince ate it slowly. I always remember the bloody appearance of the eldest prince, and I can't forget it! I didn't dare to leave until dawn the next day. Poor my son is gone!"

After saying that, the woman curled up and cried. The sad cry echoed in this hall, which was particularly harsh. King An, who was present, still looked coldly, and Gongsun Nan and Princess Yueya both changed their faces.

When South Vietnam was founding, saints have always existed like protectors, and shamanism has only emerged in recent decades. When Shalie's master was still in charge of the shamanism, the shaman was still following the rules, but after Shari became a shaman priest, the tantra evil that had been banned by the shamanism began to prevail. Compared with the saint's medical skills, those evil arts do have indescribable effects, but they have to pay too much painfully.

At that time, in order to resist the independence of the saint, Gongsun Nan was also indulgent to Sha fill, and only reminded Sha fill to pay attention to moderation. Now that Sha Lie is in power, these evil arts have long been banned.

At that time, the eldest prince had only half of his life left, but now he is obviously energetic. In addition, as the woman said, Gongsun Nan has confirmed that Gongsun Tu used magic to make his body better.

Gongsun Nan said expressionlessly, "Sha Lie and Sha Mang should be outside the door. Call me in."

The slave waiting next to him hurried down to report. Because the wedding banquet had not yet begun, Sha Lie and Sha Mang also waited outside. As soon as they heard Gongsun Nan's call, the two hurried in.

Sha Lie and Sha Mang came in left and right. Sha Lie looked relaxed, but Sha Mang felt bad. Looking at the bad luck on Gongsun Tu's face, didn't he succeed? But when he saw the woman in green, he was really surprised.

The woman who had always been restrained saw that Sha Mang came, but she suddenly stood up and looked at Sha Mang in a frenze. Sha Mang also sensed the other party's resentful eyes. After all, he looked directly at the hall and did not dare to do anything. The woman suddenly lost her mind and waved her hand to the reckless.

"You still give me back my son, you still give me back!" You beast, he is just a child!" As the woman said and beat, Sha Mang was also angered. She directly waved her hand away and wanted to go up and give her two times. Princess Yueya was already in front.

Princess Yueya hurriedly supported the woman and stood in front of her and questioned Sha Mang, "On the hall, how can you be presumptuous? She is a weak woman, how can she stand you!"

Sha Mang said disdainfully, "The empress didn't see it. Did this woman do it to me first? If you want to be presumptuous, she is also the first to be presumptuous.

Princess Yueya still wanted to scold, but Gongsun Nan asked coldly, "Sha Mang, are you using the shaman's magic to treat the eldest prince? That woman accused you of killing his child. Do you recognize it?

Sha Mang snorted coldly, "Now, I have nothing to say. When our master was still alive, these secret arts were acquiesced by His Majesty. Why did he come to ask me about my sins now? It's just some ordinary people. It's also their honor to die for the eldest prince.

Gongsun Tu can't scream well. This recklessness does have some ability, but it has never been secular. Gongsun Nan was just helpless at the beginning. It was not long after Gongsun Nan ascended the throne when he was in charge of Shamanism. In order to consolidate his position, Gongsun Nan could only acquiesce to what Sha Rong did.

Over the years, the saint has rarely come forward, but the sand filling has become more and more arrogant. Others don't know, but Gongsun Tu knows how much his father hates the sand filling. Now that Sha is dead, Sha Lie is a woman and extremely loyal to Gongsun Nan, but in those days, Gongsun Nan didn't want to mention it.

When Sha fill in power, he also practiced magic in private. The sound of suing Sha fill has never stopped, and Gongsun Nan also put up with it.

Killing a few people can be forgiven for Gongsun Nan, but he can never be forgiven if he dares to offend Gongsun Nan's authority. Those evil spirits seemed to show Gongsun Nan's anger in those days. At that time, the sand filling did not even kneel down to Gongsun Nan! Now Gongsun Nan has also explicitly banned it, but Sha Mang clearly despises the imperial power.

Gongsun Nan's anger kept tossed, but he still looked at it blankly and suddenly smiled and said, "So, do you admit it? Did you kill the woman's son and treat the eldest prince? Those evil arts were taught by your master Sha, right?

Gongsun Tu already felt something wrong and secretly looked at the mang, but the mang had no fear at all, as if he was showing off and said, "Yes, it's exactly what my master taught me. The eldest prince's body is so much better, which shows that our shaman's secret skills are much better than the saint's medical skills. If the emperor is willing, he is willing to serve the emperor. The emperor wants to be more than ten years younger, and there is absolutely no problem at the age of 20.

Gongsun Nan suddenly laughed and said, "Sha Zong has fought so much in South Vietnam, but he doesn't expect a daughter to be ignorant, even his favorite apprentice!"

Sha Mang didn't feel threatened. He only felt that Gongsun Nan laughed and recognized it. He continued to say seriously, "Sha Mang is indeed not as good as Sha Lie, but compared with his ability, Sha Lie is indeed not as good as me. Isn't it because of the master's ability that the emperor used the master in those years?

Sha Lie, who was beside him, said, "Brother does have some skills. If he hadn't been obsessed with evil art and arrogantly, he wouldn't have come to such an end. The emperor is merciful. He did not blame the rest of our shaman after his death. We should benefit the people of South Vietnam for his sins, which is worthy of the emperor's kindness!"

Sha Mang snorted coldly, "Arrogance depends on whether you have such ability. Do you think that as long as you kowto bow like a slave, you can get the trust of the emperor? Since you took charge of the shaman, you have been mediocre and only know how to act like a slave. It's ridiculous!"

Sha Mang's eyes are full of disdain. In his opinion, his shaman's secret skills are so good that the emperor is slowly getting older. If he can help him young, wouldn't he fill his face for the dead sand? Thinking of a woman riding on her head all day, Sha Mang naturally couldn't stand it.

After Gongsun Nan finished laughing, he said calmly, "In your opinion, am I very old? Do you need to use the shaman's magic to survive now?