sky-high abandoned concubine: the direct daughter does not worry about marriage

Chapter 209 Killing 2

Yu Wenling's tears suddenly came out again, and the hardship of forbearance finally collapsed at this moment: "What on earth do you want? Agu is dead, and my only support is dead! Why can't you let me go and why do you have to say these things?

Su Ying couldn't help shaking her head, and Yu Wenling was also extremely patient. Agu was her favorite man, but when she saw Agu's tragic death with her own eyes, the things she didn't want to think of in the past were exposed. Su Ying doesn't blame Yu Wenling for being so gaffe, but this Aqing...

Su Ying looked at Aqing quietly and saw that Aqing was full of confidence, as if she had calculated that Yu Wenling would be so frustrated. With such a ability to grasp the key of the matter so accurately, it is even more accurate to see Yu Wenling's weakness. If it is just Agu's younger brother, a person who has just been asked for grace by Agu and went to slavery, it would be incredible.

"If I remember correctly, you are Agu's younger brother, who was originally with the prince like your parents. It is during this period that you can follow the army to see the world because of your brother. Originally, I went out this time. Agu wanted to give you a chance to make achievements, but he didn't want only you two to come back.

Su Ying gently supported Yu Wenling and said, "Compared with those soldiers who have been on the battlefield, Agu certainly has some ability to come back in such an end. And you, I have never heard that you have anything extraordinary, but you can come back so unharmed. I'm really curious about what happened after you were besieged by fire.

Su Ying whispered gently in Yu Wenling's ear, "Even if you want to go crazy, you have to wait until you avenge Agu before going crazy! Do you have the heart to let Agu die so vaguely? Open your eyes and see how miserable Agu's death is!"

Yu Wenling's eyes were full of confusion. When he touched Agu's flesh and bloodless body, he sighed deeply and took off his cloak and covered Agu's body.

When touching Agu's body, Yu Wenling shed tears again, but his tone was as firm as steel: "Agu, don't worry, no matter who hurts you, I will definitely avenge you!" Even if he is your brother, I won't let you die in vain!"

When Yu Wenling stood up quickly and looked at Aqing, he had regained his usual calm.

"Please forgive me for my gaffe. I am Agu's wife and the full moon princess of Mobei. I am the daughter of our Shanyu family and the daughter of our royal family in Mobei. Emperor, please rest assured that I will never let the emperor down again. After saying that, Yu Wenling looked at the princess slightly and then at the emperor. The princess looked at the emperor who was already tired, but she knew it.

"I'm really ashamed to say that I haven't done much responsibility for my one-month-month daughter. Compared with my mother, the emperor's grandfather hurts the full moon more than me. I still remember that day when the emperor said that the princess was bullied, she was so open-minded and our good daughter in Mobei. If anyone dares to mention it again in the future, the emperor will never let him go.

After saying that, the crown princess knelt in front of the emperor and said, "Aqing was originally Agu's younger brother, but he didn't have much ability when he was in the prince's mansion. Before Agu came back with the full moon, he was afraid that Agu would implicate him and said that he would break off the relationship with Agu. When Agu came, he was only to this brother to do a job. After Agu's brother died, he didn't see any sadness from Aqing, and he knew that he casually framed Princess Full Moon and Princess An. I really can't bear to be a daughter-in-law. Please ask the emperor to make the decision for us for the full moon!"

The princess has always been weak and extremely filial to the emperor. During the period when the emperor was in poor health, the women around the emperor had long been thinking about the way out in the future, but the princess, the daughter-in-law, took care of them day by day. Because of this, the emperor is also satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

After Situ Guang's incident, Situ Guang's eldest son was already guarding the imperial mausoleum. Although Situ Guang's concubine inherited the title of general, which was not as good as before, the emperor still treated the crown princess as before. Now the crown princess is full of anger, and she is obviously angry.

Even if the emperor is dissatisfied with King An, he will not move easily if he has no choice but to, or even repay high expectations. Ah Qing is just a dispensable slave. Now he is indeed a little too much, and the emperor naturally has a plan in his heart.

"I'm just a slave. In the past, I could forgive Agu. Now that you don't know how to behave, you can do it yourself at the full moon. The emperor waved his hand impatiently, obviously not to care about this matter anymore.

As soon as Aqing saw that something was wrong, he quickly knelt in front of the emperor and said, "It's not a pity to die as a slave, but it's not only my brother, but also the loyal king, Princess Qiya, and our 20,000 elite soldiers in the north. Doesn't the emperor want to know what happened later? Brother, don't run face to face all the way. He is dead. I can't let my brother die in vain!"

The emperor's eyes flashed slightly and scolded coldly, "Try out what you know. If you dare to say a lie, take off your cane as a witch doctor's cane and let your body be bitten off by the wolves. You can no longer be reincarnated!"

Aqing's forehead couldn't help sweating and calm down and said, "It was King An who cooperated with King Ming and the fifth prince of Xiling to betray us. My brother and I finally escaped, but they caught the loyal king and Princess Qiya. My brother sent me out, and then he went back to save people, but they were once again. They caught it."

The emperor's eyes were already angry, but he held his anger and looked at Su Ying grimly and said, "Even if you don't say it, I can't trust Princess An. If your role is just used to prove it, it is useless to keep it.

Aqing has heard the murderous intention in the emperor's tone and said in horror, "If I just run back for my life, I dare not appear in front of you again. But I also know one thing, that is, Yu Wenling has agreed with them that they will help the emperor's grandson ascend to the throne as soon as possible, and Yu Wenling promised not only not invade their two countries for 20 years, but also promised to help King Ming and Yu Wenhao ascend the throne.

The emperor's thoughts changed countless times, and finally asked faintly, "How do you know?"

Hearing the emperor's question, Ah Qing suddenly cried and said, "I couldn't bear to see my brother go alone, so I followed him. As a result, both of us were arrested. They coerced and seduced the two of us and said that it was for the sake of the full moon princess, but my brother is from Mobei, and he doesn't want to get along with them! When he was beaten by them only in one breath, he lied to them that he was willing, but he was willing to watch me leave. Because it was the full moon princess, they believed it. At the moment they sent me away, I ran away on horseback, and my brother also robbed the horse and ran away.

Aqing said this, as if he wanted to come forward and tear Yu Wenling's anger: "You really want my brother to survive, but my brother doesn't care about you anymore, and he doesn't want to apologize to the emperor! He was beaten to death, and he rode all the way. How could he still die! Although you didn't kill my brother with your own hands, it was also because of your ambition that he died!"

Yu Wenling allowed Aqing to scream like a madman in front of her. Without the impulse just now, he snorted coldly, "Ke'er is still young, and the emperor has such trust in Ke'er. Why should I do this? Besides, King Ming and Yu Wenhao are both calculating people. The 20 years I promised not to invade them is an empty word to help them ascend the throne. Will they really believe it?

Aqing slowly stood up and said, "Have you forgotten that there is still King An? As long as King An is here, if you dare to change your mind halfway, Jingwei will not let you go.

Su Ying suddenly laughed and said, "What a good plan. Do you want to put these people together with King An and catch me and the prince's mansion? Not to mention that King An and King Ming, Yu Wenhao does not have such a friendship. Even if King An is willing to help, what good is it for him? The king of Ming's memory for the king of An is no less than that of our emperor of Chu.

"This is your big deal, how can we know it? Now King An has no news, isn't it the best evidence? We don't have any intersection with King An, but we know how unhappy King An has been in the past few years, and he may have any deal with King Ming.

The emperor's face is getting worse and worse, and his eyes at Su Ying and Yu Wenling standing together are already a little subtle.

"I don't have a few days, can't you still tolerate me? If I wanted to change Keer, I would have changed it long ago. The emperor sighed desolately, "You want Ke'er to ascend the throne as soon as possible. I don't blame you. Originally, I planned to leave the throne to Ke'er, but if you take our Mobei as a favor, don't blame me!"

Yu Wenling shook his head and said, "Since the emperor is willing to give the country to Keer, why doesn't you believe us? Can we erase our grandparents' and grandchildren' feelings just because of other people's words? Please think more about it. If there is no support from the emperor, Kerr and I are nothing. How can we pay attention to the emperor?

The emperor shook his head silently and said, "If you were afraid that you couldn't do it before, but after Princess An came, it might be possible. King An can know his ability until now after the death of Emperor Wu. His Princess An is not an idle person. It is not surprising that you are bewitched by her.

The emperor's eyes at Su Ying are also extremely cold. This full moon princess can't stay, and Su Ying can't stay! For Mobei, Su Ying only has nothing but disasters. She must get rid of Su Ying early before she can close her eyes at ease.

Helplessness flashed in the emperor's heart. For the sake of Mobei, he must no longer be soft-hearted. Su Ying feels as elegant and calm as her queen, but I'm afraid the ending is almost the same.