tian nu

Chapter 115 The Way Back

At this time, the two suffered great pain, trembling all over, their faces were distorted, and it was difficult to distinguish their true faces. Chengzong had stopped practicing against the gods hundreds of years ago. His immortality was also abolished by the elders at that time. At this time, he had nothing to do. Looking at the two sons, he was so painful. Although he was happy that the two were passed on, his heart was also mentioned in his throat, afraid that one of them could not support them. The soul is scattered.

When the last ray of soul and the last soul spell penetrated into the two people's spiritual cover, they twitched all over and finally couldn't help falling from the air. Chengzong's eyes were quick, and he caught the two with a flash. Just as the two completely accepted the inheritance, the whole huge mountain roared and began to collapse. However, with thegong fu of tea, the huge mountain has become a ruin. From beginning to end, the giant mountain seemed to play a repressive role. At this time, when the mission was completed, it no longer existed.

Three days later, Lu Lingfeng and Chengjian were already in a "coma" state. Their vitality was very strong, but they did not mean to wake up for a while.

"Fate is impermanent, and the road is reincarnation. I didn't expect that my maple demon family was just guarding my home for others." The old patriarch looked at the two unconscious young people and sighed.

"Why did the old patriarch say this? The city sword is also a descendant of the demon. At this time, he inherited the supreme skill, saying that he was guarding his home for others, and he could not be said to be the heir of my demon clan." The old man Tianshan listened to the old patriarch's words and said.

The old patriarch's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he felt a great feeling. At present, he took a deep breath and said, "Tianshan is right. The city sword is the descendant of my demon clan. At this time, I inherited the divine power of my ancestors, which is really my destiny. It's just the fate of heaven, which is a fact. At this time, the two of them regret the world's skills. If they are not careful, they will not be lucky in the world.

At this time, the five elders of Chengzong, Tianshan, who were in the room, fell into silence for a moment when they heard the words of the old patriarch. Yes! Tianshi Lone Star, defeats the enemy and self-ji, has cultivated to a certain extent, and there is also a legend of destroying the world. At this time, the two of them got immortal skills. For the fate of the two lonely stars, it is really like a tiger adding wings. Then, if there is something wrong, in anger, it will attract nine days of punishment. Not to mention destroying themselves, the world is also turbulent. Everything in the three worlds is covered with mud, which is not an empty mouth to sting.

"I don't know what good the old patriarch has?" Chengzong felt that his words trembled a little. Chengjian died early, and Chengjian was handed over to the old man of Tianshan since she was a child. At this time, Chengjian grew up and finally returned to his side, but she didn't expect such a bolt from happening! It's hard for him to choose!

The old patriarch looked deeply at Chengzong and didn't say anything, but his eyes seemed to be asking. Can you bear it? Chengzong didn't know if he could really make up his mind. Obviously, my son is still alive, but I will never see him! Chengzong is not a cruel person. At this time, this decision really made it difficult for him to decide. Seeing the eyes of the old patriarch, he, who had just made up his mind, suddenly relaxed and did not dare to face the old patriarch.

"In order to protect everyone, and the Dongming mainland, Wan Beast Mountain must take some measures. Under the last resort, we have to consider leaving the two in Wan Beast Mountain!" The old patriarch took a deep breath. Obviously, he also used great courage to make up his mind. Obviously, he was difficult to be trained for thousands of years. At this time, he was passed down, but he was also a lone star. It is certainly a good thing for the city sword at this time, but it is a great misfortune for the whole Dongming continent.

When Chengzong heard the words of the old patriarch, his body couldn't help but tremble and let him seal the city sword in Wanshu Mountain for a hundred years, or even longer. It was really difficult for him to make this decision. Chengjian is his biological son!

"Why don't we wait until the Beast Mountain passes! Anti... Anyway, the old patriarch said that the catastrophe is coming, saying... Maybe it's not caused by them!" The old man in Tianshan can naturally understand the mood of Chengzong. Not to mention Chengzong, he is reluctant to give up. At this time, he excused himself for Chengzong, but he couldn't even believe what he said!

"Oh, all right! I hope it won't be too late. Nothing, I'll wait to go out! We have inherited the divine decision and have survived the most difficult time. Our lives are no big deal, and we will wake up in a few days. After the old patriarch finished speaking, he was the first to leave, but his original tall figure was no longer tall at this time.

Serily, the elders naturally knew the meaning of the old patriarch's words, sighed and followed the old patriarch. Only when Chengzong and the old man Tianshan stood here for a long time before they left.

Just as the old man in Tianshan and Chengzong went out, Lu Lingfeng's eyelids trembled twice, and then slowly opened. But at this time, his eyes were dim. In fact, he woke up an hour ago and just saw a few people talking, so he used the turtle breath method to make himself the same as when he was in a coma, and the old patriarch who was greatly damaged naturally did not find it. Chengzong, who was intact, also ignored Lu Lingfeng's small move because he was worried about the future fate of the city sword, so the conversation between Chengzong and others stopped in his ears.

Lu Lingfeng did not get up, looked at the ceiling with blank eyes, and was confused. Originally, he thought he could live a stable life, but he didn't think of sudden changes, which once again made him have to re-examine how to go on the future. Looking at the city sword that was still in a coma, Lu Lingfeng sighed silently. Invisibly, he was tied to the city sword. If Chengzong thought that the two were together, he could defeat each other. I'm afraid that he had been killed by Chengzong as early as Qinghe Town. Capture the divine scriptures. As time went by, it was learned that the two could not defeat each other, but would become more and more fierce and bring disaster to the world. This makes Lu Lingfeng really feel powerless. He is not a sage who cares about the world, but if he kills and injure countless creatures because of his own reasons, he will also have trouble eating and sleep. However, the mystery of my life has not been solved. How can I live in the mountains and become a mountain village man from now on?

In addition, he is also skeptical of the Tianshi Lone Star for no other reason. As recorded in the secret book, not to mention getting along with the Tianshi Lone Star, even if he says a few words with it, there will be disasters. But Chengzong and others have been with it for so long, why hasn't disaster come? And that old man Shan, who has been with Chengjian for 18 years, is still living well. Thinking of this, Lu Lingfeng felt a lot relieved! Maybe this is a word of self-comfort. After all, the matter of the sea of anger has been learned. Of course, Lu Lingfeng doesn't know what disaster comes to. This is indeed an exaggeration, but the fate of the solitary star does exist. Legend has it that the three worlds can be destroyed, but it depends on the fear of its ancestors against those who commit the solitary star! Of course, he is lucky. All of this is that Lu Lingfeng's cultivation is too low to understand the mystery of heaven. If this person is a first-class immortal, I'm afraid he has already abandoned the mortal world and returned to the mountains and forests, or there is revenge against the sky and changed his life against the sky to get a new life.

(At present, the manuscript is a little!!!! Waiting for a recommendation, we will also explode! Everyone, bear with it first!!!!!!!!!!)