Natural dull young master

Chapter 9 Exclusive News

The evil man left by himself.

There are obvious traces of sharp weapons cutting on the rope that binds him, but he is a little curious about how he saved himself. However, his departure did loosen the big stone that pressed my heart for a while. I'm not sure whether he will come to me after his injury. After all, I'm an inconspicuous servant. He won't lose his identity and think about me. I comfort myself.

Although I think so, I still need to find out what kind of angry and resentful thing he has done, so that he is seriously injured and knows that he can win every battle.

The next day, I listened to Chunhong's story and understood the reason why the evil man appeared with me.

At that time, Chunhong was holding a greasy knife. In the blink of an eye, the knife fell, and a piece of meat was cut into several parts by her and placed flat on the side. Her movements were extremely skillful and there was no sense of discord.

When she saw me, she was extremely happy. She grinned and gave me a heroic smile, plus "a female bear's hug".

I looked helpless and rolled my eyes, but I didn't push her. I know that the protest is ineffective. It's better to save some energy and not do those unnecessary protests, because the protests have been so many times that I'm numb~

Once, I also asked her curiously why she hugged me for a long time.

She smiled and said, "I feel very comfortable holding you, just like holding my little flower."

I had a very bad feeling and asked her vigilantly, "What is Xiaohuahua?"

She looked at me in surprise: "Didn't I tell you?"

I was at a loss and shook my head.

She was very happy, took my hand and told me a lot about the past of her and her little flower.

For example, the small flowers are white and have some black spots.

For example, Xiaohuahua likes to arch her quilt with her nose and sleep with her.

For example, Xiaohuahua is very lazy. She sleeps when she eats and eats when she sleeps. She is white and fat, and she can't afford to hold Chunhong.


After she said these three points, I understood what it was. Later, I automatically filtered it.

Is there a bolt from a blue? Desperate, is there any?

At this point, I talked to Chunhong and would never take the initiative to ask questions, for fear that Chunhong would say something that made my fragile heart unbearable.

Speaking of my acquaintance with Chunhong, it is also quite dramatic.

By the way, that day was the first month I traveled through, and it was a good time for spring.

With a strong curiosity about the ancient market, I took Master Dai's monthly silver, talked to Dai on the grounds of buying vegetables, and then went shopping.

When I arrived at the market, I was dazzled by the lively scene, and then looked around, like a fool who had never seen the world when a country bumpkin entered the city.

I guess I was too stupid, and a strange man on the roadside looked at me.

After I finished nibbling a string of ancient sugar-coated haws, he stepped forward and smiled at me that he thought was very kind:

"Little sister, it's the first time to enter the city~"

I stopped and looked at him with a still look.

The whole body is gray, the collar has not been turned over, and the yellow teeth can be seen on the green remnants suspected of leeks. The smile is not kind at all. On the contrary, it makes people very want to beat him, especially with his "rumbling" wandering eyes, which is extremely obscene.

The first thought that crossed my mind: Did you meet an ancient human trafficker?

The second idea: walk for heaven and uphold justice!

Well, in fact, I'm so bored that I'm almost moldy when I stay in the yard. How can I easily give up such a good opportunity when I meet a person who can move my muscles and bones?

I was secretly happy about his appearance, but it was not obvious on my face. In order to cooperate with the scene, I smiled innocently at him and said shyly:

"Yes, uncle, this is the first time I've been to the city. How about you? Are you also here for the first time?"

The strange millet seemed to be amused by my question, "hehe" smiled:

"Little sister, this is not the first time I've been here. I'm originally from the city."

"Ah, really, can you take me to buy silk flowers? I promised Sister Ruhua to bring her a beautiful silk flower~"

I looked at him with "expectation".

According to the script, I should first deal with him to create a rural girl who is easy to deceive, and then pretend to be trapped under his careful layout. However, I really can't stand it anymore. What I'm afraid of is that I will beat him on the spot.

Therefore, I tried to suppress the impulse to beat him on the spot, and I accelerated my progress. Even the classic "Sister Ruhua" joined the supporting role, in order to let him quickly take the bait and find a good place to vent my recent anger.

Wei Shu was a little stunned. Originally, he had prepared a lot of classic words to entertain the little girl in front of him, but he didn't expect me to go out so soon. I'm relieved when I think about it. Anyway, the goal is achieved, no matter whether it's fast or not.

He nodded quickly and took me through the alley without saying anything.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people, and the places are becoming more and more remote.

I guess it's almost time. He stopped at the right time and said timidly:

"Uncle, where is this? Why is it getting more and more biased?"

The strange Shu turned his head and did not have the previous kindness. He narrowed his eyes and smiled:

"This is to take you to the world of bliss. When you get there, you can wear gold and silver and enjoy the glory and wealth!"

"I'm not going, I'm going home!" I was so pale that I stepped back a few steps and pretended to run away.

"Don't go? It's not up to you!" The strange man hurried forward to stop me.

Good time! I raised the corners of my mouth slightly and stretched my left hand to my right chest to take out my exclusive "anti-wolf powder".

Just as I was about to take it out, a full-pitated voice sounded like thunder on the ground, which scared me and the strange man.

"Where did the ** thief dare to rob a good woman in front of my spring red in light?"


I saw a bear-like figure standing in front of me and rushed in the direction of the strange millet.

The strange millet is not Chunhong's opponent. She solved it three times and five times. Only I was stunned like a wooden chicken, and I also took out the "anti-wolf powder" action.

I handed over the strange millet to the government, and I also made a confession.

Out of the government office, my face was full of depression and depression, and her ambition was full of satisfaction. The spring breeze was full of obvious contrast, which made me even more resentful. Oh, my God, is it so difficult to be abducted these days?

Therefore, Chunhong and I gradually became familiar with each other.

However, this time I came here with a purpose, and I really didn't have time to continue to be "sisterly" with her.

I took a deep breath and turned on my biggest lung capacity at present:

"Sister Chunhong, someone has come to buy meat!"

A thunderous sound sounded on the street, frightening a group of sparrows foraging around, but passers-by walked on their own without any attention.

Chunhong really let go of me, rushed to her pork stall with a 100-meter sprint, and then looked blankly at the empty stall.

Aunuch Li, who was beside her, had already bent down with a smile, grinned at me, and said with a breathless smile:

"You narrow-minded man, you teased Chunhong again."

I spread my face and spread my hands, and said helplessly to Aunt Li:

"Aunt Li, how can I blame you? If I don't say this, I will be overwhelmed by Chunhong."

Aunt Li shook her head with a smile and went back to the house.

Chunhong soon came to her senses, touched the back of her head with her hand, and said with a simple smile:

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm a little excited. I will never do this next time."

She looked sincere and told me with certainty that if the person who came into contact with her for the first time would definitely be deceived by her appearance.

I rolled my eyes at her, and her words could believe that the sow could climb the tree.

Chunhong didn't care either. She knew my habit of coming to her stall every time. She picked up the knife and helped me cut half a catty of meat neatly. She gave me some pork liver, tied it with a straw pole, and threw it into my basket.

Of course, her mouth was not idle. When she talked to me, she danced and looked very excited, as if she had experienced it herself.

I just stood far away to prevent her flying saliva from splashing on me.

Beside her, my skill of "left ear in, right ear out" is becoming more and more perfect. I can't help it. In fact, no one can bear it. She is 22 years old and still single. Her father's hair in the Mediterranean terrain is getting thinner and thinner. Chunhong has an indifferent attitude and is as heroic as ever. In private, she also said that she didn't want to get married, just keep her father.

I can see the loneliness under her strong smile, but I don't know what to say. I and her understand many things.

Everyone has their own sadness, maybe something, maybe someone. What's more, the ancient etiquette was strict to women, and unfiliality is the most important thing. Chunhong's family has only one daughter. It can be imagined how much pressure she is under.

And what about me? I was a little stunned.

Yes, I don't seem to have ever thought about my future life. When I read time-travel novels in my previous life, I thought that the goal of coming to ancient times was to eat and drink and have a beautiful man. After really crossing over, I was just happy to be a competent nanny.

Maybe there is no thrilling experience in the novel around A Dai, which is far from my previous goal. At least, I live a full life, without the glitz and noise of my previous life, but I have the artistic conception of "picking chrysanthemums and seeing Nanshan leisurely under the east fence".

Isn't that also very good?

I shook my mind, but there was still a Chunhong mouth in front of me. I was calm in my heart and continued to listen to her speech with a calm smile.

Of course, even if I don't want to listen, Chunhong will not let me go. If I leave halfway, it will be a taboo for Chunhong, unless you will never deal with her again.

In those years, I couldn't stand her noise, lied to her, and left halfway. She hung up and said for a whole month. When she saw me, she told me that I was wrong, and I still had to chat with her (in fact, she was always chatting, and I listened...) I am deeply impressed by her perseverance. Since then, I no longer dare to leave halfway while she tells gossip stories. I'm really afraid of him.

From the romantic affair of "Tofu Xishi" on the East Street, Chunhong talked about the fighting method between Aunt Wang and her daughter-in-law at the foot of West Street. It takes more than half a day for a carriage to walk back and forth. It only takes half an hour to get to the mouth of Chunhong, and you can hear it clearly.

The ancient gossip business relied on hard-working people like Chunhong to achieve such remarkable results. The power of the masses is great~ I can't help sighing!

I know that after you have finished pounding half a catty of melon seeds, Chunhong can continue to talk about it. I quickly came forward to stop and guided me to say if there were any major events around the Lin Mansion yesterday, such as theft, or whether any woman had been " patronizing" by flower thieves.

Chunhong stopped the previous topic. Seeing that I asked her a question, her face was pleated with joy. With an expression that I knew everything, she almost patted her chest to prove it.

"Don't mention, I know a piece of news, absolutely exclusive!" She looked around carefully, and then stared at me and said, "Don't tell anyone!"

I nodded quickly and looked very sincere. I don't care. Who knows how many times the "exclusive" has been passed, but I still got the news first.

Chunhong was very satisfied with my expression. She came to my ear and muttered to me.

In this way, you can see on the street that in front of the pork stall, a bear-like woman bent down to a mediocre little girl and said unknown secrets. Most importantly, both of them looked obscene...

After saying gossip, Chunhong continued her pork stall business with a smile on her face and a satisfied look;

After listening to the news of Chunhong, I also smiled, hugged the basket with a happy expression, and jumped back to the yard~

Before leaving, I specially asked Chunhong, is this news really "exclusive"?

Her simple face nodded quickly, saying that it was more real than real gold!

I glanced at her with suspicion.

I looked at it for half a while, and she finally couldn't resist my eyes and said awkwardly:

"I heard from Aunt Zhao next door."

I was afraid that I would be unhappy, so I immediately added a sentence:

"She told me that this news is absolutely exclusive!"

I suddenly realized that this is really the "exclusive" news circulating among many people~