Natural dull young master

Chapter 14 Uncompetent

A familiar voice sounded in my ears.

I couldn't help leaning over and looking at who the person came without a trace.

A crescent white robe, with a valuable sheep fat jade hanging around his waist, and a very coquettish fan in his hand, which is a little literate and elegant, provided that he does not look at my words lightly with his eyes.

Lin Zhi called the second young master and said good by the way.

It turned out to be him. Looking at the people I had met recently in my mind, where did this familiarity come from? Hearing the second young master of Lin Zhi's steward, I immediately remembered.

is the protagonist of the hand-to-hand fight scene in the flower pool!

I remembered that the last time he chatted with that woman, he also revealed his identity, as if it was called Brother Huai. It's just that I was thinking about things and didn't pay attention to these small details at all.

I looked at him again and looked like a dog, but the three father and son were all good-looking.

I carefully withdrew my eyes and came forward to ask him. Unlike Lin Zhi's stuber, I was very timid.

I guess he felt that I was too mediocre. He withdrew his eyes disappointedly, looked over me, raised his eyebrows and casually called Brother to Dumb, and then came to Master Lin with a hippie smile.

I didn't care. I quietly got up and stood behind the idiot again. Like a wooden man.

Master Lin scolded with a straight face:

"If you don't do your job all day long, you know how to play, like a stubborn monkey, every character."

The eyes showed a smile, obviously loving this son very much.

Lin Zhenhuai made a wronged expression and looked at Master Lin aggrievedly, but there was a coquettish meaning in his tone:

"My son has been able to study hard recently. It's not too much to describe it as a cone spur."

Master Lin obviously didn't believe it and looked at him suspiciously.

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the doctor. Have I studied hard?" Lin Zhenhuai hurriedly added a sentence.

This sentence obviously pleased Master Lin. He happily encouraged Lin Zhenhuai, indicating that he was old and that the burden of the family would depend on him in the future.

Lin Zhenhuai restrained the appearance of the romantic talent, stood obediently and listened to Master Lin's teachings, and slapped his father's flattery from time to time, saying that Dad is still young, and this family still needs you to take the helm to develop better.

A scene of father-son filial piety.

Only, abandon A's staying outside.

I looked worriedly at the dull man with no change in his face, but his hands clenched into fists and blue veins.

While they were not paying attention, I carefully moved to A Dai's side, covered it with long cuffs, and quickly grabbed his right hand with my left hand.

A Dumb looked at me in a daze, and his dark and angry eyes returned to calm. I clenched my hands, calmed down, and then held my hand back.

There is a thick layer of cocoons on my hand.

I raised the corners of my mouth and smiled gently.

I was afraid that they would find out that I retreated to the side again. The scene just now seemed as if it hadn't happened.

but each has a kind of joy, which haunts me and A Dumb.

Master Lin finally couldn't resist Lin Zhenhuai's request and agreed to let him go, but he still ordered Lin Zhenhuai's ear and asked for the same carriage as him. A Dai and I rode in another carriage and followed Master Lin.

A Dai sat in the carriage. Originally, I also wanted to get in, but thinking of me, a maidservant, it didn't seem to be good to sit in... Well, to be honest, I'm afraid of being alone in such a small space with A Dai. If I'm not careful, I'll be crazy again. Isn't it a shame? In order not to be ashamed, I had to squeeze with the driver.

This dynasty is relatively tolerant of women. Women who have not come out of the cabinet can be seen in the streets and alleys, most of whom are with curtains to cover their faces. Unless it is a century-old scholarly family with very strict tutoring, it will not be allowed to go out at will.

I was secretly glad that I crossed into a dynasty that was tolerant of women. What's more fortunate is that I met such a good-serving master as A Dai. Although the deed of sale is still in their hands, at least there is no worries about food and clothing. The resentment that I just crossed has long gone.

Looking excitedly at the surrounding scene, although I have been to the street many times, it is limited to the market around the yard. I didn't go further away because of time problems.

After looking at it for a while, I felt that it was not interesting, so I started to talk to the driver.

The driver's name is Wang Da, a simple and honest man about 30 years old. He has three children in his family. His mother-in-law is an embroider in the sewing room and lives a happy life.

I looked at his happy face when talking about his family, full of envy.

Lazily leaned against the wooden clin, and under Wang Da's happiness, his thoughts gradually drifted away.

Once, I also wanted to have such a family.

A husband who loves me and loves me, a cute and childlike child. In his spare time, in the evening, when the sun sets, the family walks in the park on the sunset. When you are busy, you deal with your own affairs. If you don't want to do anything, you complain to your husband and act coquettishly. Or sit with your child in the living room and watch the "Joyful Grey Wolf". A simple family of three lives a happy life.

It's just that the simpler the wish, the more difficult it is to achieve.

What's more, this wish to live in this world like duckweed is more and more difficult to realize.

Three wives and four concubines are the privilege of men in this era. A group of women revolve around a man every day, fighting to the death in private. On the surface, they have to pretend to be sisters. They can't even send a resentment to their husband for fear of losing their happiness and falling into a yard and becoming a pink skeleton a few years later.

I couldn't help shivering.

Wang Da looked at me in surprise and said in a simple voice:

"Miss Enron, are you all right?"

I shook my head at him to show that it was okay.

He grinned, smiled, and then pulled the carriage attentively.

May I heard Wang Da talking to me. There is no flat voice:

"Yes, young master, my shoulder is sore."

I look weird.

I haven't heard such an iconic tone for a long time, so that I was stunned for a long time and didn't react until I was reminded by Wang Da. He thanked Wang Dadao, raised the curtain and drilled in.

In the carriage, A Dai sat cross-legged by the window. There was also a small wooden table on his right side, with a pot of fresh fruit and some exquisite snacks, which made me move my index finger.

The idiot who has been paying attention to me and seeing my starving appearance, he smiled and pushed the snacks and fruits in the direction where I was sitting.

I was not reserved. I directly took a piece of snack with the words "Fuxiangzhai" printed on it. My eyes lit up and I immediately put it in my mouth to taste it carefully.

The soft taste melts in the mouth, with a trace of lotus fragrance, which is worthy of the famous "Fuxiangzhai" dessert.

I heard that "Fuxiangzhai" is often overcrowded, and it is difficult to get a cage of their new snacks. I don't want to be here to eat.

Soon, I ate all the snacks on the table and couldn't help burping. I smiled at Dumb embarrassedly.

A Dumb just looked at me with a spoiled look.

I gradually felt uncomfortable and my face gradually turned red.

Although I used to sit face to face with Dumb, I have never been like this, which makes me feel that my whole body has been drained, which is very uncomfortable.

I'm still used to Dai facing me with a dull face. Although my relationship with Dumb has been much closer recently, subconsciously, I just want to treat him as a loving brother.

"Dumb, didn't you just say that your shoulder is sore? Do you need me to pinch it for you?" In order to break this uncomfortableness, I forced myself to say to him calmly.

A Dumb nodded and turned his back to me.

I gently put my hand on his shoulder and kneaded it for him.

That part has subsided a lot.

My face calmed down and I only focused on helping Dumb relax the muscles on my shoulders.

It's just that this focus has not been going on for a long time, and it will stop.

Because Mo's house has arrived.