Natural dull young master

Chapter 24 Phoenix Man 2

When a man says the three words "I love you" to a woman in public, probably everyone will be happy and hug each other and give each other a kiss to encourage each other's way.

But how would you feel if a man said "I love you" to another "man" in public?

Well, to be honest, I want to throw up. If I were a bystander, maybe I would secretly bless in the bottom of my heart and pretend to wipe the corners of my eyes to show that I was moved by their true feelings.

There is no doubt that I actually acted as the protagonist today, and I was still in this feudal society with strict requirements for etiquette in ancient times.

I feel like I'm going crazy. In particular, Lv Feng kept picking up dishes for me and said one or two words:

"Princess, my heart for you can be seen from the sun and the moon, and heaven and earth can be seen." Such words accompanied the image of an infatuated lover who immediately turned his head and jumped off the building to commit suicide if I didn't agree to him.

I really want to smash the soles of my shoes into his shoehorn face.

I really feel that coming out to eat with Li Tian today is one of my biggest failures, which is a shame to my grandma's house.

At that moment, I even wondered if Lv Feng had been premeditated for a long time. Otherwise, how could he publish such an impassioned statement that even I listened to a statement that he had no other than want to shoot him to death?

Well, this party is definitely an organized and premeditated plan.

Once again, I affirmed this sentence in the bottom of my heart. I raised the vicissitudes of the face of the uncle with a beard, gritted my teeth and looked at the cup. From time to time, Lv Feng, who was affectionate and charming, appeared angry and helpless.

What else can I do when I meet such a best?

Even Li Tian, who had always hated Lv Feng, was moved by his affectionate lover appearance, and almost cried and hugged Lv Feng and said:

"I'm so touched~" and so on.

However, I felt very cold. The goose bumps on my body stood up in the warm room, and there was a cold wind blowing, which was cold and uncomfortable.

Actually, Lv Feng is really suitable for returning to modern Korean idol dramas. If he plays an idol drama, with his endless mentality of hitting the heart of the south wall and his acting skills at the level of the movie emperor, coupled with his little white face, he can definitely set off a new wave of ratings frenzy!

Fortunately, Lv Feng still took into account my identity and wanted to maintain a good image in front of Mo Xian. He did not come close to me and move his hands and feet. Otherwise, my life's reputation will be shattered. Fortunately, I don't think he can do anything about my tough man's dress, especially in front of a group of onlookers who know the truth or see the truth.

However, if he dares to move his hands and feet, I will dare to give him a shoulder fall directly.

What makes me feel sorry is that I don't know if he has the skills to predict danger. Although he has repeatedly stressed how deep his feelings for me are and deeper he is, he still maintains a polite attitude, not far from me, just the right distance. Half a sound passed, and I was not given this opportunity, which made the joints of my fists under the table clenched blue, and there was still no room for movement.

What a pity!

I sighed in the bottom of my heart and thought with regret. With him, he bit his lower lip and stared at the energetic Lv Feng.

Lv Feng withered quickly and dared not look at me. He said dryly:

"Princess, why have you been looking down? Is it possible that there is a flower on your face?"

I didn't reply and continued to stare at Lv Feng with resentful eyes. At the moment when Lv Feng couldn't stand it, I moved my eyes, nodded slowly, and said in a dull tone:

"Dog tail flower!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Tian gave a face-saving smile, but she quickly stopped and her face turned red. She probably wanted to maintain her lady image in front of Hua Xiangrong, without the previous sharp laughter. He covered his mouth with his hand, and his body trembled violently.

I didn't forget to look at the others by the table with my head hooked and continued to struggle with the food in front of me. At first sight of Li Tian's appearance, I couldn't help rolling my eyes on the plate.

As for, you can laugh if you want. Maybe Huaxiangrong will still think that she has a cool personality, but what's the difference between her appearance and those beautiful ladies who pretend to be in the boudoir?

Besides, it is easy to have problems with such a smile. I don't want to count down the greeting of the three guards by Li Tian, who grinned with a smile.

However, these officials on the table look really wonderful...

Huaxiang Rongyun's light eyebrows had a strong interest, looking at me and Lv Feng; Mo Xian's evil face slightly raised the sexy thin lips and squinted at me with a smile; another blue-shirted teenager who I didn't know his name laughed and didn't give Lv at all. Fengzizi said:

"Haha, dog tail flower, haha, it's so funny!"

After saying that, he bent down and gently hammered the table with his hand from time to time. I thought that this blue-shirted teenager originally wanted to hammer the table fiercely to vent his happy mood, but thinking that there was Mo Xian, who was higher than him, he restrained a little and gently knocked with a little force. In this way, It can vent his pleasure caused by my "dog tail flower" without making everyone present feel disgusted.

I really want to rush to him, hold his hand and say: You are so cooperative!

The lack of face of the blue-shirted teenager directly caused Lv Feng's smiling face to turn red and white, and even the hand holding the cup trembled slightly.

However, this blow was just a small episode for Lv Feng, who was extremely thick-skinned. In a short time, Lv Feng returned to his elegant teenager image, with a warm smile on his face again and smiled softly:

"The princess is really funny."

Then he gently exposed the matter. Before I could continue to humiliate him, he immediately turned his head and raised a glass to toast Mo Xian and others. There was no previous embarrasment on his face. He calmly and obscurely wore a high hat on Mo Xian's evil spirit. Even the blue-shirted teenager and even the flowers did not fall behind, and his behavior was polite and moderate. In addition, his little white face looks pleasing to the eyes. If I hadn't known his little calculations, I guess I would have been deceived by his appearance.

At least, he will not be rejected from psychological to physical. I didn't know it was okay before. I regarded him as a joke. Anyway, he was bored in the house. Now, as soon as he approaches me, I will beat him violently and tear the hypocritical impulse on his face.

Or did I use the strength of breastfeeding to contain the tyranny in my heart? Otherwise, how could his white face be kept so complete?

Actually, I'm also very strange. People say that people are grouped together. I can't figure out why Mo Xian is mixed with him. Is it because my eyes are too bad to find the advantages of Lv Feng?

Well, I didn't observe him carefully. When I first saw him, I looked at him. Until that day, I began to avoid seeing him. As long as I knew where he was in advance, I would deliberately avoid him, and I was not afraid of him. The main reason was that I was a woman, if I was with a man. After being entangled for a long time, it is inevitable that gossip will come out. You know, it's not new for three people to become tigers in the mansion. I know that the majority of gay men have gossip and curiosity, and some even have broken mouths, so I have always been very careful.

I often walk by the water, and my shoes are inevitably wet!

Sometimes, I can't be unpredictable, especially Lv Feng often brazenly follows Mo Xian, and I, a duckweed person, can't always stay in my small room. Although I don't like to join in the fun, there should be some interpersonal relationships, not to mention that I live in Wang. The house should always go around the princess to show its sense of existence. After all, people are soft-mouthed and short-handed.

Once again and again, the probability of encountering is relatively high. As a result, I was disgusted by him more often.

No matter how dull I am, how much I can't say, and how puzzled I am, Lv Feng is as infatuated with my affection.

Of course, that was when he was in front of people. The queen is another appearance, that's why I especially hate him.

After being, the most common sentence he said to me was:

"Get out of here, disgusting nerd!"