Natural dull young master

Chapter 27 Wang Langyi

In the season of every girl Huaichun, there will be more or less imaginary objects. That person may not be very handsome, not very rich, not necessarily very talented. But he broke into your world at your most careless moment and captured all your mind and attention.

Of course, I have missed that season.

Now I only occasionally daydream, envying those young girls in previous lives who can squander infinite youth. Although I am also very young and only 14 years old, my mental age is 27 years old, long past the period when I hope that Cinderella will be appreciated by Prince Charming one day.

What's more, I haven't been hinted by the princess once or twice about my marriage. Those were blocked on the grounds that I was "young".

However, I can block it once, twice, and it is impossible to block it until I finish the ceremony at the age of 15. Even if I am willing to be single for a lifetime, the princess can't agree. Besides, what else can I do if I don't get married? Do I have to stay in the royal palace to eat and drink all my life?

I guess I don't need those unrelicated people to drown with saliva. I don't know where to put my own face.

At present, a very serious and realistic problem is placed in front of me.

How on earth am I going to marry myself? Or, what kind of person do I want to marry and spend my life with?

This question has been lingering in my heart recently, like a big mountain pressing on my chest, making me feel breathless.

Six months ago, I didn't have the urgency I have now.

First of all, he is still young, only 13 years old. In his previous life, he was only at the age of junior high school. Although it is possible to talk about marriage in this world, don't you have to wait until the end of the ceremony and the ceremony before considering marriage.

Second, when I crossed over, my parents were not alive, that is to say, I lacked a real guardian. Furthermore, I have the right to have an independent part of my life, and no one will be anxious to let me marry early. What's more, Dumb doesn't interfere with my life, so I just need to do my job well without thinking so much.

Three, I have no idea of getting married at all. I just think that it's good to stay by A Dai's side. At that time, A Dai's revenge will be successful, and I also have the position of a first-class maid to do it. Then sit and wait for the old man to ascend to heaven.

However, many things are not planned by you, and reality will follow that trajectory.

Finally, I left Lin's mansion, followed Mo Xian to Pengcheng, where everything was unfamiliar, lived in the royal palace, and even had the title of princess that others could not envy.

Everything looks so beautiful except today.

I think there should be no hope to see Ah again in this life.

Shaking the glass of wine in my hand, I looked at the transparent wine ripples and spreading around.

From time to time, I can smell the mellow smell of wine, which makes me immerse myself in it. My nose was ** twice, and when I was about to send wine to my mouth, a pair of slender white hands blocked my glass, and a mellow sound sounded in my ear:

"This wine is cold. Let's burn it before drinking it."

With that, the man picked up the glass of wine from my hand with a little force.

I was helpless, squinted, leaned lazily on the chair, and looked at the perfect man in front of me. I felt a little trance.

I didn't expect that I would meet him when I squatted against the cold wall. Originally, I didn't want to pay attention to him, but when he said that, I felt surprised and warm:

"Girl, it's cold. After sitting for a long time, it's not good for your body and bones."

God is so bad, I blurted out:

"Can you drink with me?"

He was just a little stunned and nodded with a smile.

In this way, he and I came to a warm room and sat quietly face to face. No one spoke.


"Is it because my whimper is too loud?"

I muttered with a voice that I could only hear.

I'm a little curious about why the other party knows my real gender. Obviously, I disguised it very well. People who think they are not familiar with will definitely not recognize my true gender. But this man can know that this is also one of the reasons that attracted me to rush to invite each other for a drink.

The man paused from placing the wine glass to warm water, and then continued his previous action.

I squinted, like a lazy kitten who had finished playing, leaning weakly on the chair and looking at the person opposite.

At first glance, it didn't look amazing. The facial features were surprisingly ordinary, only those eyes were clear and watery, like a clear spring at the bottom. Looking at it, the whole body became comfortable. I feel like a brother next door.

It is also because of these eyes that the man has an unspeakable affinity, and the more comfortable he looks at it, the more comfortable he becomes. Moreover, there is a faint faint fragrance of medicine on his body.

One more point is choking; one point less and loses the charm it deserves.

After watching for a long time, the other party was still calmly doing things like green bamboo. In this atmosphere, the sadness in my heart also dissipated a lot. Suddenly, I became curious about this man, leaned forward slightly, and smiled:

"I live in the same room with the prince, but I still don't know the prince's name. It's really a little unreasonable. I don't know why the prince's name is?"

The man looked at me in surprise and saw that the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and there was a faint blush on my face. He lowered his head and hurriedly fiddled with the wine glass in the warm water.

"Eh, why did he blush?"

I restrained the smile on my face, pondered a little, and couldn't help laughing.

No wonder the original sentence I said "being in the same room with the prince" is ambiguous and easy to cause misunderstanding.

This man is quite decent.

I glanced at him with a smile and shook my head gently.

"Wang Langji."

Just as I made the man opposite blush and laugh because of my rudeness just now, the man's mellow voice sounded in the room.

"Wang Langji?"

I looked up at him doubtfully.

He looked at me with a smile and nodded. Then he lowered his head, picked up the warm wine in front of him and put it next to me.

"Wang Langji."

I said it softly, and my eyes suddenly lit up.

Lang Ji, I remember, is the name of Cuizhu, and it also has the meaning of describing beautiful jade.

However, when put on him, it complements each other and is very appropriate.

Seeing that he didn't ask my name, I, who had a good character of "courtesy and exchange", reported myself to my family:

"My name is Enron."

Wang Langji, who placed the warm wine in front of me, looked up at me with clear and peaceful eyes and nodded slowly to show that he knew.

I felt happy, as if I had a rare friend, and I was still a man.

In the previous life, there were also a few "boy friends" who talked very well and played well, but it is difficult to meet now. In this world, the closed ideas of ancient people determined that men and women could not have any other relationship except husband and wife.

It's rare that I met a feeling today that I didn't feel uncomfortable because I was a woman. After all, in this era, men and women are very taboo, and even pay attention to "men and women have different seats" when eating. Unless there are some special circumstances or the other party is also a free and easy person, these rules will be ignored.

Originally, I was still a little worried. It was very impolite to ask the other party's name rashly. As soon as I said it, I felt regretful. However, Wang Langji still gave me his name, which made me unhappy.

Maybe they exchanged names with each other, and I felt that the relationship had become much closer. I said with a smile:

"I have a doubt in my heart. I don't know if Mr. Wang can tell me?"

Wang Langqi elegantly picked up the wine glass in his hand and took a sip. Seeing me say this, he hesitated slightly, put down the wine glass and put up a "please" posture.

Seeing this, my eyes smiled like a crescent and said happily:

"How did Mr. Wang get out that I am a woman?"

After saying that, I looked at Wang Langyi with a little expectation.

"Your ears have ear holes."

Wang Langji looked at me with a comfortable smile and shook his head slightly.

I suddenly felt that so. I thought it was because of my crying that Wang Langji convinced me that I was a girl.

This man is quite careful.

I took a sip of warm wine and felt warm all over my body.