Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 51

Yiyi looked at the sea and said, "My parents are also very irresponsible!" Although they didn't abandon me, it was almost the same in my eyes. How many times have I waited at my aunt's house, looking forward to them coming to pick me up.

"Is that why Yiyi hit that woman?"

"Yes, this is the first time I hit someone! I seem to have gone too much." Take that woman as the object of venting.

Hans smiled and said, "No! Yiyi is right. That woman should indeed be beaten. She is Xiaofang's mother. No matter what the reason is, she should not abandon her child! So I support Yiyi. If it hadn't been for men who couldn't beat women, I would have beaten them!"

"Hehe! Speaking of Xiaofang, let's go to the hospital! Although her mother will not come, it is also my responsibility to give her an explanation!" This is something you promise, and children can't cheat.

Hansla grabbed Yiyi's clothes and said, "Let's not go! Otherwise, Xiaofang may say that you lied to her again.

"I know! But when you encounter problems, you can't avoid facing them!" Yiyi sighed, what can I do if I don't face it!

Yiyi and Hans walked into the ward. Xiaofang was hanging water while reading the fairy tale book "Sister Yiyi..."

She smiled happily at Yiyi, "You helped me find my mother, didn't you? When will she come to see me?"

"She..." Yiyi sighed and sat next to Xiaofang. "I saw your mother, but she won't come to see you."

Although it is cruel, it is true. Yiyi waited for Xiaofang to scold and cry for her.

Xiaofang lowered her head and said, "I probably guessed that I and the children in the orphanage were really the same. They were abandoned by their parents."

"Xiaofang..." Yiyi called her sadly, "Although you have been abandoned, don't you still have many good friends in the orphanage? I can also be your mother!"

"But you are not my mother! This is irreplaceable." Xiaofang said stubbornly.

"This is also!" Yiyi said shyly, "This is not a game. Mother is indeed irreplaceable by outsiders."

Xiaofang nodded. The fairy tale book pinched with her fingers made a creaking sound, showing how sad her heart was.

"If you want to cry, come out! You are a child, so crying won't be laughed at. Han Tianli touched her head gently.

"I won't cry, because even if I cry, my mother won't want me!" Xiaofang suddenly showed a big smiling face.

Such expressions and words evoke the saddest memories in Yiyi's heart.

Xiaoman stood at the door and saw Xiaofang. She walked to Xiaofang and smiled and said, "I also know a little girl who once said such words when you were so old. I hope you can live a happy life like her."

"People like me?" Xiaofang asked confusedly.

Xiaoman looked at Yiyi and said, "This is the aunt!" She once said the same thing.

"Was the aunt also abandoned by her parents?" Xiaofang doesn't believe it.

Yiyi sighed, "No, I haven't been abandoned by my parents, but my parents are not by my side since a long time ago. But as long as you don't give up on yourself, you have to believe that no one can rotate the earth as it is, and you don't have time to be unhappy. No matter how good the words are, no one can replace the pain in their hearts.

"Ye!" Xiaofang smiled happily! But no one can ignore the decline of the child's eyes.

"Yiyi, someone is looking for it!" Xiaotian pushed open the door of the busy Yiyi office.

Hans and Yiyi raised their heads at the same time. Both of them were very tired. They had to take care of the sick Xiaofang while working.

"Who is it?" Yiyi pinched her eyebrows, and her whole body was very tired and about to fall out.

"If it's not very important, don't see each other. Anyway, all your meetings today have been completed!" Hans is also powerless to lie on the table. He is tired!

Xiaotian said depressedly, "Actually, I don't know her, but she said she was Xiaofang's mother, so I was wondering if... she would get sick!"

"Is it her?" Yiyi and Hans immediately sat up straight.

"What is she doing here?" Yiyi looked at Hans and asked him.

Hans shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know that ruthless woman. I don't know if she will come to slap you back!"

"That's really great!" Yiyi knocked on his legs and said leisurely, "We have security guards here!"

Xiaotian knocked on the door with his hand and said, "What's going on with you two! Should I let her in or not? If you don't let go, I'll let the security guard drive me away. I'm very busy. I also want to go to dinner with my boyfriend tonight!"

"Let her in!" Yiyi stopped her work and wanted to hear what this woman wanted to say!

Xiaofang's mother slowly came in. She kept looking around. This company is too big!

"Sit down!" Yiyi made a gesture of invitation to her.

Xiaotian asked gently, "What kind of tea would you like to drink?" Or coffee?"

"Whatever!" She said timidly.

"Okay, I'll make you a cup of green tea right away. Please wait a moment!" Xiaotian went out.

There are only three of them left in the room! Yiyi looked at her coldly, "What's the matter with me today?" I'm very busy, if it's not a very important thing..."

"No, it's very important!" She said firmly, "I want to see Xiaofang."

"Hehe! You said you wanted to see Xiaofang?" There is nothing wrong with her ears! Did this woman really wake up by her?

"Yes, I want to see Xiaofang!" She repeated her request again.

Hans stood up happily and said, "Xiaofang will be very happy! Yiyi, that's right!"

"Sitting down! Shut up!"


Yiyi looked at her with a smile, "Have you told your husband that Xiaofang exists?"

She shook her head.

"Oh, so you just want to see Xiaofang. After she's free, you leave again, right?" Yiyi smiled very unplealy.

"I can only do so much now. I can't tell him the existence of Xiaofang right away!"

"Good! You can go back now. As for your request to see Xiaofang, I will reject it!" Yiyi said calmly.

"What! She is my woman!" The woman screamed excitedly.

Yiyi shook her head and said, "From the moment you left her and abandoned her, she was no longer her mother. Unless you want to go to court, I will sue you for abandoning your child at will.

"I..." She looked at Yiyi helplessly. "Miss Huang, I know you really love Xiaofang, so I ask you to take care of her." She bowed deeply to Yiyi and turned around and left.

Yiyi looked at her back and sighed, "She finally said she wanted to see Xiaofang. Am I too cruel?"

"No! Because you don't want Xiaofang to be disappointed for the second time! This is much better than giving hope to despair.

Xiaotian walked in with green tea and said, "Miss, your tea...huh? Where's the person!"

"I'm leaving!"

"Ah... I made tea for nothing! What a waste of my time! I have to go on a date tonight!"

Yi half leaned on ** to put Xiaofang in his arms and read the storybook, "Then the prince and princess lived a happy life."

"Wow! Will Xiaofang find her prince like a princess in the future? Xiaofang's eyes are shining.

"Yes, because Xiaofang is an obedient and obedient child!" Yiyi pinched Xiaofang's nose.

Han Tianli shook his head gloomily, "I find that you are more young than me now! All right, Xiaofang, I'm going to bed. The children from the orphanage will come to see you tomorrow!"

Ah? Really?" Yiyi and Xiaofang asked at the same time.

Han Tianli said in surprise, "Don't you know?" Xiaofang doesn't know it's normal!

Yiyi shook her head, "No one told me! Who arranged it?"

"Xiaoman said that after her mother heard about the orphanage, she donated money and specially drove the children to the amusement park for a day. Aren't you Huang's manager? It's too strange that you don't know!"

"Auntie?" Yiyi really didn't expect that her aunt would support her so much.

"Yes! I don't know if I will see your aunt tomorrow. I think I'm still dressed handsomely, so I can get extra points!"

"Brother Han is already very handsome and doesn't need extra points!" Yiyi touched Xiaofang's head and said, "It's time to go to bed! Otherwise, there will be no prince's favorite!"

"Good!" When Xiaofang heard that she could see the children tomorrow, she lay down obediently and went to bed.

Han Tianli and Yiyi sat in the corridor and asked, "Xiaofang's pneumonia is contagious, right?" Does it matter now?"

"It's okay. Her condition has been controlled. Now as long as she has a good rest, she can go back to the orphanage after a while."