Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 59

"I'm sorry! He was very busy yesterday. He wanted to buy clothes for himself and a suit for Hans, but he hadn't worn it yet.

Qi Shengtian is much more sober. "Only Hans in your mind is not as much as my fiance."

"How can it be without you! I also want to call you today! Because my aunt gave me the Huang family yesterday. I am now the CEO of Huang! Hurry up and congratulate me!" Yiyi said happily.

Qi Shengtian sighed depressedly, "Big fool, why do you want to be the CEO? Let your cousin do it!"

"But my cousin doesn't want to! Don't you want me to sit in this position?" Yiyi looks so disappointed.

"Of course I don't want my wife to wait for me at home. It seems that I can only wait for you at home in the future."

"Ha ha, how can it be! I will also wait at home to cook for you! There are Hans, Xiaotian, and a lot of very capable colleagues in the company!"

"Really? You said you were going to cook for me. I really want to eat the food you cooked. I really want to hug you and kiss you.

"Stop, stop talking!" Yiyi's shy face turned red.

Qi Shengtian laughed loudly in **, "Little fool, I can't see you now. I know you must be very shy. In the future, when we get married, we will give Zhou Gong a gift, and then you will not be shy to find a hole!"

"You are a bad person..." Yiyi said in a low voice.

"Yes, I'm a bad person, but I'm only bad for you..."

There was a very noisy quarrel at the door, and Yiyi frowned, "Hans, go and see what's going on?"

Qi Shengtian asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, I don't know!" Today is her first day at work. How can anyone make trouble without knowing it?

"Bum!" The door opened, and Wang Jinzhong strode in with a murderous angry face.

Yiyi said to the phone, " Shengtian, I have something to deal with. I'm going to hang up."

"Don't hang up, that's it, or I won't worry!" Although he is not by her side, he feels that it is troublesome.

"Whatever you want!" Yiyi put her mobile phone on the table and stood up. "Uncle Wang, do you want to pass it out first when you come into my office? And I've already given you a lawyer's letter, haven't I?"

Wang Jinzhong banged down on the table and said, "Huang Yiyi, are you going too much? At least I'm also an old minister of your Huang family. You actually treated me like this. I'm your second aunt."

"Uncle Wang, what are you kidding! I don't remember my second aunt married you. Am I wrong?

Wang Jinzhong's face has been deformed. "Don't you know that I have been with your second aunt for many years?"

"I didn't know that this happened until recently." Yiyi kept smiling, and Hans stood very close to Yiyi, afraid that he would hurt Yiyi.

Wang Jinzhong clenched his fist and said, "Then you still treat me like this. I'm your second uncle."

"Uncle Wang, let me correct you and my second aunt are not married. If you were really my second uncle, I would not be so tolerant of you, because I hate the betrayal of my family the most." Yiyi said coldly, "Uncle Wang, let's make up the money!" Then I will treat it as if nothing has happened, otherwise you will definitely go to prison.

"You really don't say anything!" He also thought that Huang Yiyi was the best one to be sent by the Huang family.

"If you are willing to talk about your feelings, you will not lose public funds, which makes my second aunt sad. Xiaotian, Xiaomi, see you off!"

Yiyi sat back in the chair, picked up the phone, and wanted to talk to Qi Shengtian.

"Ha ha... The women of the Huang family really can't be underestimated!" Wang Jinzhong sneered, "I will go to your second aunt, because I have a big handle on her hand!"

Yiyi frowned and said, "What handle!" Damn, this man has been lurking for so many years.

Wang Jinzhong approached Yiyi and whispered, "Your second aunt's photos, I will publish those photos in the newspaper now."

Yiyi took a breath and narrowed her eyes, "If you really do that, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life. And which magazine do you think dares to be against our Huang? Especially when such a photo is published, my second aunt has never married. In this era, is there a problem with love and cohabitation?

Wang Jinzhong took a sonorous step back. He wanted to blackmail her with those photos.

"I found the photo a long time ago, just when I found the account sheet!" The second aunt came in, followed by the eldest aunt and the youngest aunt.

"Silver..." Wang Jinzhong immediately called the name of his second aunt and walked forward.

The eldest aunt blocked his way. "Do a man like you deserve to call my sister's name? What does the security guard do? He still doesn't throw him out. He is not allowed to step into the Huang family in his life. Yiyi sent him to prison!"

Yiyi smiled and said, "Of course, that's what I think!" If you dare to hurt her second aunt, you will never let him go.

"Silver..." Wang Jinzhong was dragged out.

The three aunts smiled and said, "We're leaving. We don't need to look for anything. We'll be back later!"

"You go to my parents, right?" Yiyi's heart stung.

The aunt said, "I'm very tired, so I want to go to the eldest brother's side to rest with him. So you can only discuss it with a few of them during this period!"

"Yes, the company's pests have been eliminated. I think there should be no problem." The second aunt held Yiyi's hand and said, "Come on, Huang will rely on you."

The little aunt put down the insulation bucket in her hand. "Work is important, and the body is also very important, do you know? Then let's go."

After saying that, all three of them left for fear that she would open her mouth to let them stay.

Yiyi sighed, "Why are you walking in such a hurry! I haven't said it yet. Let me say hello to my parents!"

There is "Yiyi..." from the microphone of the mobile phone

"Sorry!" Yiyi immediately picked up her mobile phone and said, "It's okay now, Shengtian, when will you come back?" She feels so lonely!

"Do you miss me?"

"Ye" I really want to think that the loneliness in my heart is getting bigger and bigger.

"I miss you so much, and my heart hurts. It's troublesome for you to sit in this position now, right? I envy Hans so much. He can be by your side, and I really want to be by your side and protect you!"

"Then come back quickly!" It's rare to be capricious.

Qi Shengtian choked and said, "You will be coquettish to me for the first time. Don't worry, I will come back soon. Even if you drive me away with a broom, I won't leave. I will move the laboratory to your office and watch you every day.

"Emp! Then you really have to come back early!" I hung up the phone reluctantly.

Xiaotian opened the door and said, "I guess you must have finished talking on the phone now. Someone sent you flowers. I have signed for you. Come out and have a look."

"Who sends flowers?" It won't be Shengtian, he didn't say it, and he is now in the UK.

"Yao Xi!" Xiaotian handed the greeting card to Yiyi, "Do he like you? Otherwise, I would have given you so many roses!"

Yiyi was dumbfounded. A large handful of blue witches were as bright as if they were dripping water.

"How could he like me! He is much younger than me! The greeting card says congratulations on me becoming Huang's CEO.

Xiaotian curled his lips and said, "I don't think it's that simple. Yiyi, did you tell him that you are engaged?"

Yiyi saidnaoly, "Of course, I told him, am I the kind of woman who can deceive little boys?" All right, let's deal with the flowers first! There seems to be no vase in our office.

Xiaotian made an OK gesture, "Give it to me. I will put these flowers directly in the big vase over there."

"I'll leave it to you!" Yiyi dialed Yaoxi's phone.

"Hi, Sister Yiyi!" Yaoxi's happy feeling penetrated from the phone microphone. "I guessed that you would call me."

Yiyi said frustratedly, "Of course I'll call you!" Thank you for giving me such a big bouquet of flowers. It's really beautiful.

"I ordered those flowers myself. Do you think I'm very careful?"

"Yes, you are very careful." This boy is too narcissistic.

"Then I sent you such a big bouquet of flowers, can you accompany me to dinner?" Yaoxi asked expectantly.

"Is it noon today?" Yiyi opened her notepad and seemed to have nothing to do.

"Yes! Yes! Is it okay? It should be okay, right?" Yaoxi answered all his own questions.