Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 69

Qi Shengtian pushed away Ethel's anxious desire to hold Yiyi's hand, but was stopped by Hans.

He shouted anxiously, "Yiyi, I love you the most!" I know I'm sorry for you. Can you give me another chance?"

"I will give you any chance for the second time, and there will never be a second chance! Hans, invite them out!" Yiyi's nails clenched her fists have fallen into the flesh.

Hans really threw them out and closed the door fiercely.

"Yiyi..." Hans called her name sadly. Although he wanted to stop the wedding, he didn't expect it to happen in such a way.

Yiyi suddenly knelt down, covered her face with her hands and cried out, "Why did you betray me... Why..."

Is their love really so untestable?

Why did he betray his love for him?

Yiyi angrily smashed her hand like the floor, and the second time, she was held in Hans's arms.

Hans shouted sadly, "If you want to hit something to vent, hit me!" Don't hit the floor like this!" Hans suddenly found that her fist was bleeding. "Where did you get hurt? Yiyi, answer me!"

Yiyi has fainted.

In the hazy consciousness, I only heard a lot of people talking.

"Damn it, it's all the garbage you introduced, which made my cousin lie here. Damn it!" It's Xiaoman's voice. Who is she blaming?

"It's my fault! I also feel sorry for Yiyi. If I see that guy, I will definitely KO him. But now I want to understand why his new medicine will come back if it doesn't work!" It's the voice of Brother Han.

"Anyway, I don't care. He is not allowed to approach Yiyi! I was really blind and let him approach Yiyi. This super self-blame is Xiao Tian!

I don't know how long it took before the room finally calmed down, and she lifted it much more easily, but she didn't want to get up yet.

I'm so tired that I want to sleep like this all the time and don't want to wake up again.

Because I know very well that as long as there is a lot of pressure when I wake up, I have to face a lot of problems.

If only I had died at this time...

Someone was grabbing her hand and kept trembling. Someone whispered in her ear, "Please, wake up quickly!" I feel so sad about you. There is not only one Qi Shengtian in the world, and I have always loved you so much!"


Who the hell?

Yiyi felt that the kiss on her lips was as gentle and eager as treating a treasure.

I had a headache and slowly fainted.

I don't know what time it was, but her head was still as painful as a crack. She slowly sat up.

Only then did I find that it seemed to be a hospital, with a pipe inserted on the back of her hand, and Hans fell asleep beside her bed.

Is it Hans who kissed you just now? Impossible! Maybe it's just a dream!

Brother Han just came in, looked at her with a smile, and whispered, "Are you feeling better?"

"Ye-huh, it's much better!" Yiyi leaned weakly on the pillow and said, "When can I be discharged from the hospital? I still have a lot of work to complete!"

Big Brother Han sighed, "Now you are still in the hospital to rest!" You have been asleep for three days.

"Has it been that long?" Yiyi sighed and thought he was just asleep!

Han Tianli said sadly, "I'm sorry, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have met Qi Shengtian."

"Brother Han, what are you talking about! What does it have to do with you? My fate with him is gone!" Yiyi smiled bitterly.

"Bear by the way, has anyone seen me these days?"

Han Tianli shook his head and said, "I don't know anything except me, Xiaoman, Xiaotian and Hans! It's just that Xiaotian helped you release the marriage contract with Qi Shengtian. Although I think I should wait for you to wake up, Xiaoman is very angry and said that no matter what, she will never let you meet with Qi Shengtian again!"

"I understand! What Xiaotian is doing is exactly what I want to do! Thank you very much for helping me do it."

Yiyi turned her head and looked at Hans. If that kiss is not a dream, it is most likely to kiss Hans!

Han Tianli looked at Hans and shook his head. "It was the first time I found out that he was really a man. I will guard you every day and help you deal with the company's affairs! You have been sleeping here for three days, but he has been busy for three days.

"Yes! I'm really useless as a president!" I haven't done anything since I took office.

Hans heard someone talking, as if he were bouncing up. His eyes were not very open and he had already asked, "Yiyi...Yiyi..."

"I'm here!" Yiyi shook her head helplessly, "Don't worry, I'm still lying down**!"

Hans hugged her excitedly, "Great, it's really great that you woke up!"

"Pay attention to my hands! Still hanging water!"

Hans smiled and grinned, "I'm just so happy! Yiyi, you don't need to worry about the company and I will help you with it!"

"I know, I'm not too worried!" It's normal to worry a little!

Han Tianli sighed, "I'd better call Xiaoman and say that you're awake!" Otherwise, she will definitely be worried about death!"

"Thank you!" Yiyi closed her eyes. No, she was still very sad. My heart hurts!

It seems that every breath is like a needle.

His mind kept flashing. Qi Shengtian called her, and tears fell uncontrollably.

"Yiyi, why did you cry?" Hans gently wiped the tears off her face. "Don't cry, I'm here!"

Yiyi opened her eyes and said, "I know!" But her heart still hurts!

Hans suddenly remembered, "I know. You must be hungry, that's why you want to cry, right?"

"Fool!" How can anyone want to cry when they are hungry?

"You haven't eaten for three days. The white porridge was bought by Xiaotian. She said she would give it to you if you woke up!"

Hans carefully opened the insulation bucket and said, "Wow, the white porridge here is still hot. You can drink it!"

"Oh!" Yiyi looked at the dark sky listlessly, just like her own mood, without a trace of dawn.

Hans took a spoon and dug a small spoon, "I'll feed you!"

"No, I didn't break my arm and hand. I can eat it by myself!" I haven't eaten for three days, but I don't feel hungry.

It's the first time since I was born that I felt this way.

"No!" Hans stubbornly said, "Hey, when I was hospitalized, Yiyi took care of me. Now it's my turn to take care of Yiyi!"

"All right!" Yiyi smiled bitterly. Even Hans knew how to repay her feelings, but Qi Shengtian only brought her endless harm.

Hans's clumsy spoonful filled Yiyi's mouth. Although it was clumsy, it made Yiyi feel his carefulness and worries about her.

"Enough!" Yiyi immediately stopped "I'm full! I don't want to eat a bite."

"No, you only eat half a bowl! There is also a big bucket!" Hans looked at the insulation bucket next to him.

Yiyi asked depressedly, "Are you going to feed so much white porridge into my stomach?" She will vomit!

"Yes! Only by eating more can your body recover!" Hans did not notice the amount of white porridge.

"I don't eat it. I'm full now. You can eat it!" Yila raised the quilt and said, "I still want to sleep!"

"Are you still sleeping?" Hans shook his head desperately and said, "You can't sleep anymore. You've been sleeping for so long."

Yiyi closed her eyes and said, "Please, let me sleep a little longer! Now I just want to sleep. If you fall asleep, your heart won't hurt so much.

"All right!" Hans helped Yi cover the quilt, "I'll continue to protect you here. Go to sleep!"

Yiyi closed her eyes and said, "No, go back quickly!" I'm all right!"

"I can't sleep when I get home!" Hans lay next to Yiyi, "The house without Yiyi makes me so scared!"

Yiyi couldn't help crying, "Ye, go to bed quickly!"

"Bum!" The door of the hospital ward was suddenly kicked open, and Xiaoman's fan rushed in.

"Yiyi, didn't you wake up?" Little Man immediately became quiet and quietly walked to her side.

Yiyi sighed and opened her eyes, "I did wake up, but I still want to sleep more!"

"As long as you wake up!" Xiaoman began to roll his sleeves and grabbed Yiyi. "How do you want to revenge?"

"Ah?" Yiyi blinked at her. Why did she take revenge?