Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 78

Yiyi and Yaoxi sat down, and the waiter poured them some red wine.

Yao Xi gently shook his glass and said, "Now you can tell me what happened to that bitch!"

Yiyi took a sip and looked at the beautiful night scene below, "I don't know what to say!" Everything happened so suddenly. Just after we separated you from the orphanage, all the nightmares came..." Yiyi briefly talked about what happened after that day.

Yao Xi clenched his fist and said, "Damn it, don't let me see him, or I'll beat him directly."

"I can only say that my fate with him is very shallow! But there's nothing we can do!" Yiyi smiled bitterly.

"Then did you come out to clarify that it's not your reason that you will break up with him!" Yaoxi asked nervously.

"Do you think I'm crazy? How can I stand up and respond to others now? I can't wait to dig a hole to hide.

Yao Xi said angrily, "It's his fault!" Why do you have to bear it? Isn't it too unfair!" Come on, we're not talking about fairness now! I can't help but catch the duck on the shelves now, okay!"

"What can I do for you?" Yaoxi asked sincerely.

"I don't think there's anything I can do to help! But with your brother, I feel much better!"

The waiter served three steaks, "Please use it slowly!"

"Wait!" Yaoxi stopped the waiter and said, "Why three! We are obviously two people!"

The waiter said in embarrassment, "It was the boss who personally ordered me to bring three steaks!" I don't know the details. Why don't you ask the boss?"

Yiyi smiled and said, "Maybe I haven't been here for so long. I'll bring you one more to eat!"

"He won't be so good!" Yaoxi shook his head, and Yiyi didn't know the man well.

Du Wei took off his apron and came out. "The waiter is right. The third steak is mine!"

"Then take it away quickly!" Yaoxi can't wait to throw out the extra part.

Another waiter immediately added an extra chair to their table. Du Wei sat down and said, "Do you mind, Miss Huang!"

"It's okay!" I sat down and asked now.

Yaoxi asked with a smile, "If I say I mind, can you go to another table for dinner?" Look, there are two decent sisters over there, and there is no one to accompany them. You'd better go quickly. Maybe there will be an affair or something!"

"I'm not that kind of rotten person." Du Wei smiled and whispered, "Oh, are you afraid that I will take Miss Huang away? Are you treating her..."

"Shut up!" Yaoxi's face turned red and turned angrily.

Du Wei said gently, "Would you like to taste my cooking? Isn't it a pity if the food is cold?"

"Then I'll start!" Yiyi picked up the knife and fork and cut a small corner and put it into her mouth. It has a strong aroma of black pepper.

This aroma is so strong that I seem to have eaten it once. Where is it?

"Master!" The person who blurted out the person he thought of.

"Ah!" Yaoxi was dumbfounded, "What did you just say? Master?"

"Yes, this steak is very similar to my master's skill. No, it should be said that it is more delicious than what my master made!"

Yaoxi looked at Du Wei, "Should you say something!" Why do you cook steaks the same as Master Yiyi?

Du Wei smiled and said, "Maybe it's a coincidence! By the way, I also made wings. I'll get them later.

"What's better than wings!" Yaoxi curled his lips dissatisfiedly and then said to the waiter, "Remove this chair quickly. I want two people to eat quietly."

Yiyi immediately stopped him and said, "No, I really want to see the wings he made!" Wings are also the master's specialty.

"Sister Yiyi, who is the master you just mentioned?" Yaoxi cut the steak elegantly.

"I used to like cooking, so I learned from a master! She is a famous chef all over the world, but she left before I finished learning her skills. Yiyi suddenly felt that she missed the master so well! She is a very kind person.

Maybe I have never felt what maternal love is, and I always feel that the master is as kind as my mother.

Du Wei brought the white plate to the table. "This is my carefully baked wing wings. Hurry up and taste it!"

Although I haven't tasted it yet, the appearance of the chicken wings and the decorations next to it are exactly the same as those made by the master.

"Who the hell are you?" Yiyi suddenly became alert. Du Wei definitely knows the master.

Du Wei sat down and said, "Miss Huang, you don't need to be so nervous!" He looked at her with a smile.

Yaoxi held Yiyi's hand and said, "Yiyi, what's wrong with you? He is Du Vigo! I promise he is not a bad guy."

"You know my master, Ms. Tang!" Yiyi looked at him coldly.

Du Wei nodded, "I know, and I also heard from my master about you. She said that you are a good apprentice. Let's count it! I should be your brother!"

"Brother!" Yiyi shouted in surprise.

"Hey!" Du Wei immediately agreed and reached out to touch her head. "You've been very hard these days! So I want to make something delicious so that you can be energetic. Don't worry.

Yiyi suddenly took off her precautions. "Is it good to say it at the beginning! It made me nervous."

"I don't know if you still remember Master, so how dare you come up and climb relatives! So I made two masters' specialty dishes for you to taste!" Du Wei picked up a chicken wing and gave Yiyi "Eat it!" Although it looks the same, I put something of my own taste as a seasoning.

Yiyi lowered her head and took a bite. "It seems to be a little bitter than what the master made, but it's not bad!" Instead, I feel bitter and sweet."

Yaoxi picked it up directly and took a hard bite. "It's average! It's no different from the chicken wings bought outside. How can it be so good!"

Du Wei trembled angrily, "At least I'm a high-end restaurant here. You don't know how to be elegant when you eat!"

"This is the right way to eat chicken wings. It's more enjoyable to hold them in your hand! Yiyi, give it a try!" Yaoxi motioned to Yiyi with him.

"Hehe! No, I'm used to eating with knives and forks!" Yiyi easily cut off the meat on the chicken wings.

Du Wei said with admiration, "It's no wonder Master said that you are the fastest and best disciple of all her disciples to learn table etiquette!"

Yiyi put the chicken wings into her mouth, "This kind of bitterness should be grapefruit peel!"

"Ye" Du Wei sighed, "I don't think it's possible to separate two people without bitterness. So I think the wings must have a little bitter taste.

"Yes! Love is also mixed with bitterness. Yiyi took a sip of red wine and said, "Ye, this is the best meal I've had in the past few days."

Yaoxi waved his hand, "It's average. Next time I'll take you to a better place to eat!" If you know that Du Wei and Yiyi know each other, you won't bring her here.

"Yiyi, I can call you that!" Du Wei asked.

"Yes, that's what those who are familiar with are called!" Yiyi continues to capture steaks. It's really delicious. It's so delicious that people can't stop eating it.

Du Wei said gently, "If you are unhappy, you can come to me at any time. I can treat you to a lot of delicious food."

"Thank you, brother!" Yiyi made a mischievous face.

Oh, it's so cute! Yaoxi thought depressedly, why not be cute in front of me! Jealous...

Suddenly, a tall man in his forties stood behind them, "Isn't this Mr. Yao! President Yaoxi, right?"

"Are you?" Yaoxi really can't remember who he is.

The man took out a business card from his pocket, "Wanqi real estate developer, my name is Sun Lianzhong."

"Oh!" Yaoxi took the business card and said, "I'm eating with my friends now, so if you're okay, can I ask you to go away?"

A crow flew over Yiyi's head. Sun Lianzhong also had business dealings with her and often fought against him when he took the land.

"Oh, it turns out that the friend of President Yao is Miss Huang! Hello!" Sun Lianzhong took the initiative to stretch out his hand.

Yiyi stood up and said, "Hello, Mr. Sun!" This old fox always uses despicable means to get cheap land.

The Anti-Corruption Bureau should have kept an eye on him long ago, as long as the officials involved with him are absolutely unclean.

"It turned out that Miss Huang suddenly said that she would not get married, which had something to do with President Yaoxi! But I remember that Miss Huang should have a lot of Dayao, right?" Sun Lianzhong smiled with a grin.