Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 94

"Do you owe a fight?" Yiyi asked with a cold face.

"I'm just worried!" He secretly lowered Yiyi's collar and looked at the mark he left on it, which seemed to fade much.

Yiyi suddenly found that his realization was all staring at her chest, "pervert! What are you doing?"

"No movement!" Hans suddenly lowered his head and kissed the place where strawberries were planted, deepening the mark, and he was satisfied before letting go.

"You..." Yiyi jumped angrily, "You will be misunderstood like this!"

"Cut!" Hans shook his head and said, "Why are you afraid of misunderstanding? Anyway, you are my woman, and I can't wait for people all over the world to know!"

"Did I promise you?" Yiyi asked angrily.

"I'm very confident about what happens sooner or later! Didn't you say you wanted to take a shower? Don't you wash it?"

"Of course I have to wash it!" Yiyi walked into the bathroom and came out again, "I forgot to take my clothes. By the way, don't peek!"

Hans blushed and said, "Don't worry, I will watch it openly!"


"Bum!" The door closed, but the door of the heart slowly opened. No, maybe it had already opened.

"What are you doing with turning off my light!" Yiyi lay with the document in her hand and was checking it. It was rare for her to work hard.

Hans came in and said depressedly, "I want you to see the ocean!" Just wait a minute."

"What ocean?" He curiously put down the documents in his hand and walked to his side.

"Wait a minute! Be obedient, lie down in **, and I will give you a sea that belongs to us in a while!" Hans said gently.

Yiyi lay down, but there was a strong sleepiness. "You have to hurry up, or I'm afraid I will fall asleep."

"If you fall asleep, I will kiss you up. Of course, I still think it's better for you to fall asleep!"

"No, I'm not sleepy at all!" Yiyi's whole body was alert, and there was no sleepiness.

Suddenly, the sound of waves surging on the beach sounded in my ear, and Yiyi lay excitedly on ** "I really want to hear the sound of the waves."

"Of course, I didn't say that! I'll give you a blue sea!" Hans turned on the ocean light.

A large blue ocean appeared on the white roof, with waves gently shaking on it.

"Wow..." Yiyi sat up excitedly. "It's really beautiful! I like it so much!"

"I knew you would like it!" Hans also lay down and pulled Yiyi and said, "Lie in my arms and enjoy the sea that belongs to the two of us."

Yiyi lay down and watched the waves keep shaking, "Now the technology is too advanced!" The sea can still shake. I really want to see what kind of light can be made.

He was anxious to see the mysterious sea, and Hans grabbed her and said, "No! It's not easy for us to have a comfortable rest.

"I want to see it!"

"Wait for you to see enough tomorrow, or you can lie down now, or I'll kiss you! You choose."

"All right!" Yiyi lay down and said, "It feels like this sea is within reach!" Yiyi stretched out her hand and grabbed it desperately.

"When I have money, I will send you a real sea area!" He kissed Yiyi on the cheek.

"You are so stupid. The sea belongs to everyone. How can it be private!" Listening to the sound of the sea makes Yiyi feel so relaxed. I haven't had such a feeling for a long time.

Yiyi looked up, and Hans was staring at her face with hot eyes, and her face turned red in an instant.

"Don't look at me like that! I will be shy!" Although she is not young, her relationship is very simple.

"I like your shyness! If it's not enough, you can only be shy in front of me!"


"Because your shyness will trigger men's animalism!" He lowered his head and kissed Yiyi's lips. This kiss was gentler and lingering than ever, like treating the most precious baby in the world, "Yiyi... I love you so much!"

"I really want to like you a little!" Yiyi blushed and said, but immediately corrected, "It's just a little bit."

"Ye" Just a little more every day, and you will fall in love sooner or later.

"Don't laugh at me!" Yiyi pushed his face angrily, "How about you go back to your room!"

"No! I want to watch you!" Hans grabbed Yiyi's hand and said, "I won't even have the right to see!"

"Yes, I have portrait rights..."

"Well, it's okay if I don't watch you laugh and watch you cry!"

"It's even worse!"

Women are so troublesome! The novel is really right.

Hans said seriously, "Let's pretend to sign the contract first, and then look at the owner of this building materials!"

Yiyi looked at the contract and said, "It's strange, didn't we order the most prosperous building materials before? Why did it change suddenly?"

"So that's why I suspect that there is something wrong with this store!" Hans took Yiyi's hand and "sit on my lap."

"You're crazy!" Yiyi blushed and said, "This is the company! You want to be laughed at!"

Hans snorted, "If you don't sit on my lap, I won't help you deal with this company. Think about it!"

"How dare you!"

"Guess whether I dare or not! I'm going out now. I'm not going to work today!" Hans really stood up and was ready to leave.

This guy obviously bullied her without him, damn it!

Yiyi took his hand depressedly and said, "Well, I can't promise to sit on your lap!"

"It's almost the same!" Hans sat happily in the chair and patted her on the thigh. "Come on!"

I hesitated...

"It's okay if you don't sit down. I'll ask for leave right away..." He was threatening her again.

Yiyi sat on his lap with a hard scalp, and Hans said with a smile, "That's right!" He continued to look down at the company's profile, and the more suspicious he became.

Yiyi stared at his side face and lost his mind. Hans grinned and looked at her and smiled, "Do you think I'm handsome!"

"Is your face really human skin, not pig skin?" Yiyi pinched his cheek and "thick skin."

"My face is made of rubber, with a thousand-layer bottom, so it's super thick!" He squeezed his eyes at her.

Yiyi reached out and touched the document, "You have to make sure! Is it really this company? Don't say anything wrong."

"No, only this company is a new company, which is easy to recognize! When the phone call comes, let's sign the contract.

"Did Ota contact the police!" Yiyi asked worriedly.


Xiaotian's phone call came. Hans stood up with Yiyi in his arms and carefully put her back in the chair. "I'll just go alone. You wait for me here. OK?"

"Are you going alone? What about me!" It seems that you are the president!

"Just wait for me to come back, okay?" Hans bent down and kissed Yiyi on the cheek and left.

"Is there any mistake? I'm the president. I'm waiting here at such an important time! Ouch! I'm pissed off."

"What makes our family Yiyi so angry?" My aunt came in leisurely with a thermal bucket.

Yiyi lay on the table depressedly, "Auntie, I think I'm so depressed as a president!"

Ah? Why do you say that?" The little aunt became nervous and said, "Tell your aunt what's going on?"

"Isn't it Hans? I found that someone wanted to cheat the company's money, but he didn't let me deal with it. He ran away by himself, auntie, do you think I'm angry? I'm the president!" He puffed up his cheeks angrily.

The little aunt raised her eyebrows and said, "You girl is blessed and won't enjoy it!" But I didn't expect the tramp you picked up to be so powerful.

"It's quite powerful, especially in business, which seems to be proficient. It seems that there is nothing wrong with him.

"It's strange. If he is so powerful, how can he become a tramp!" The little aunt shook her head helplessly.

Yiyi smiled and said, "We once thought that he might have lost all his money, so he became a tramp!" Ha..."

"That's possible. Come on, my aunt gave you a bird's nest. Drink it quickly!" The little aunt poured the bird's nest into the bowl and handed it to Yiyi, "Drink it quickly. If it's not cold, it won't taste good."

"Thank you, aunt!" Yiyi took a sip and said, "My aunt's craftsmanship is really nothing to say."

The little aunt sighed, "How to do it is not as good as your master! Her craftsmanship is good!"

Yiyi suddenly felt that there was no smell in her mouth. "Auntie, my master has left."