Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 115

Xiaotian pulled her and asked, "Do you remember the cartoon we watched last time? It's the monster whose whole body is green.

"That's Shrek!" Yiyi regretted it as soon as she said it. Xiaotian did it on purpose!

Xiaoman smiled and said, "There are also monsters whose whole body is green from head to toe!" Oh, it's not surprising if it appears again. Otherwise, I'm going to find someone to visit and do anatomy research by the way! Maybe his heart is also green!"

"That must be because there are many cuckolds!" Xiaotian and Xiaoman sang together, so happy.

Qi's mother's face changed, "Ether, let's go!"

"I'm not leaving. You talk too much. I want you to apologize like me!" Arthur was so loud that many people stopped to watch.

Xiaoman suddenly stood up and said, "You said you wanted me to apologize to you, no way! I know many men in nightclubs who have an affair with you. Do you want me to tell them about your glorious deeds? Although you haven't been in Taiwan for a long time, you have something to do with many men!"

Eiser's face changed greatly and pulled Qi's mother coquettishly and said, "They are talking nonsense."

"Then sue me for slander!" Xiaoman took advantage of the victory and chased "If you want all your previous events to be investigated, I will accompany you to the end. I've been wanting to shake things out for a long time. I've been waiting for the opportunity!

Qi's mother protected Ethel and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Ethel is a good girl and not that kind of woman!" Instead, Huang Yiyi hides a man at home, which is shameless! Ethel, let's go!" The two of them left.

"Why am I so unlucky today!" Yiyi lay on the counter and said, "If I don't come, you won't be so unhappy."

"No, you guessed wrong!" Xiaoman sat down and said with a smile, "I'm in a good mood now. You don't let me scold them every time. I've been holding this tone. I just want to lose my temper in the wedding dress shop. This time, I still scold them directly on their faces. It's really cool."

Xiaotian also agreed and said, "I'm really happy to see their faces changed greatly today when they were humiliated by us."

"Is that right!" Xiaoman looked at the gold jewelry and said, "I think any of them are very beautiful now. Take them out and I'll try them on!"

"No...no!" The two of them are extraordinary people!

"Toss to death!" As soon as Yiyi got home, she was so tired that she was about to be paralyzed.

What about Hans? Have you fallen asleep?

The mobile phone suddenly rang, and it was a strange number "Hey!" Yiyi stretched out.

"Yiyi, do you remember me? I'm Ethel's brother, Andy. The unpronounced Mandarin emerges from the receiver.

"Hello, Andy!" Yiyi wondered in her heart that she called to scold Xiaoman for the quarrel with his sister today!

Andy sat in the car. "I'm downstairs at your house. Can you come down? I want to talk to you."

Yiyi opened the curtains and saw a very advanced convertible sports car stopped downstairs. "Okay, I'll come down right away."

I thought I could have a rest! I didn't expect to go out.

Andy opened the door of the building as soon as Yiyi said, "Miss Yiyi, please..."

"Say it at the door! I've been busy all day today. I'm really tired. Yiyi's tired appearance is not pretending.

Andy smiled and said, "Then sit in my car and say it, so that you don't have to stand."

"Good!" Yiyi got into Andy's car, and the room was full of strong perfume. The biggest thing about their brother and sister was that they like to wear heavy perfume.

Andy sat in the car and clenched the steering wheel tightly. "I want to apologize to you!"

"Ah?" Didn't you come to ask for guilt?

"I'm really sorry, Yiyi, my sister has hurt you a lot!" Andy said seriously, "I apologize to you very much on her behalf."

Yiyi waved her hand and said, "I don't need it at all, because for me, it's over, as long as you don't mention it."

"I should stop Arthur. She is really too capricious." Andy sighed, "Do you know they are getting married?"

"It seems to have nothing to do with me. I don't think I need to send a gift!" Yiyi joked.

"But Lyle is drunk every day now. He doesn't want to marry Ethel at all. It's really sad to see my brother so painful!" Andy is at a loss.

Yiyi smiled bitterly, "You are in pain now. On the one hand, you are the best brother, and on the other hand, you are your own sister. I understand very well."

"Yes! I hope Ethel can be happy after getting married. I heard that you are going to get married, right? Andy looked at her and smiled and said, "My sister said that she saw you and the other two ladies when she was buying jewelry today, and she humiliated her."

Yiyi nodded, "This is true, but it's not that I'm getting married. The other two are going to get married.

"Oh! I thought you were getting married!" Andy said shyly, as if he had misunderstood.

Yiyi sighed, "Don't worry, even if I don't get married, I won't ruin your sister's happiness."

"Thank you..." Andy said with a smile, "It seems that you can easily see through my thoughts. I'm really afraid that you will appear at the wedding ceremony. I think as long as you show up, Lyle will definitely leave my sister."

"Anla, that kind of thing will never happen!" Yiyi yawned, "I'm really going upstairs, and I have to accompany them to decorate the venue tomorrow."

Andy suddenly took Yiyi's hand and said gently, "Do you want to consider me!" I may be a good husband!"

Yiyi blushed and said, "No, I already have someone I want to be with for a long time. Although the time is very immature, I believe he will be my lifelong partner. Thank you!" She waved her hand and went upstairs.

Andy sighed disappointedly, "Is it because I'm too fancy?" Actually, I'm really good!"

It's not his fault, because it's all those women sticking to him! When will he find a gentle woman who can cook?

Halfway through sleep, the ringing of the mobile phone is ringing, and I can't wait to shake the whole house.

As soon as Yiyi connected, the people immediately shouted urgently, "Sister Yiyi, aren't you serious? How can you get married so soon!"

"Yaoxi?" Guess by instinct.

"Who else cares about you so much besides me! Let me tell you, I have never seen a man who is not allowed to marry so casually!"

"I'm not married!" Yiyi said depressingly.

Yaoxi blinked "Ah! Aren't you married? I heard that Huang is going to hold a grand wedding and at the resort where he cooperates with Yao!"

"That's right! But the people who held it were my secretary Xiaotian and my cousin! Is there anything wrong with you? Don't look at what time it is and call me!" Yiyi couldn't help complaining.

"It's daytime now. What's the problem? It's strange that your voice sounds like you just woke up. Are you going to work off again!"

"Idiot!" Yiyi roared, "We are here in the middle of the night. Have you forgotten the time difference?"

"I forgot... Dudu..." The mobile phone has been turned off.

"Yiyi, your spirit doesn't seem to be very good!" Du Wei looked at Yiyi sadly, "Did you go to bed late last night?"

Isn't it Yaojue who let this girl go to bed too late? Alas, next time we meet, we should remind him to be moderate in the evening.

Yiyi said depressedly, "What it feels like when you are called in the middle of the night to see if you have enough sleep."

"You are still so busy in the middle of the night!" Du Wei smiled evilly, "Be careful!"

"Then ask Yaoxi to call you next time, don't call me on my mobile phone!" Yiyi continued to look at the menu.

Du Wei thought he heard it wrong, "What's wrong with Guan Yaoxi?"

"He thought I was married, so he called me yesterday for verification, and it was midnight!"

"Yaoxi is indeed a nervous man. By the way, if you watch the menu, I will start to cook some dishes for you to taste."

Yiyi pointed to Du Wei, "Do you cook? No, there are thousands of wedding banquets! Can you handle it alone?

Du Wei patted his forehead and said, "I'm really stupid! I want to say that I have found a chef and asked them to make it for you to try.

"I absolutely believe in your ability in this matter!" Yiyi patted Du Wei on the shoulder.