Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 155

Qi Shengtian agreed and said, "I'm a mental doctor. As for this child's mental problems, leave it to me!" I'll be in charge."

The social worker said happily, "Thank you so much. Xiaoyun, you finally have a place to live. This child's clothes are very thin, so I want to ask if you need me to send it? Do you have it here?"

Yiyi nodded, "Yes, don't worry, we will take good care of Xiaoyun. When will her parents come out?"

As soon as Xiaoyun talked about her parents, her body was obviously shocked. It felt like a rabbit in the forest and saw the tiger.

The social worker said with a wry smile, "Maybe they can't get out for many years. They are all drug dealers, and they are dying..."

"Oh, my God!" Yiyi couldn't wait to bite off her tongue. "I know, I will take good care of her."

The social worker left, and Yiyi took Xiaoyun and said, "Your hands are really cold! I'll find you a dress to change."

Sister Yue came over and said, "It's normal for her not to talk like this. The children who have just come to the orphanage are all like this. Let me do it!" Sister Yue is used to such a scene.

Xiaoyun let Sister Yue pull up the stairs, and Qi Shengtian sighed, "From the perspective of this girl's situation, it will be very troublesome!"

"My heart is hurt. I really don't know how her parents can do it, but she seems to be very defensive against people."

"If you are unprepared, it is not mild autism, but I don't think it's more than mild. She also has a tendency to commit suicide. I just saw marks of knife cuts on her wrist." Qi Shengtian said seriously.

"Your eyes are so powerful that you can see clearly." She didn't find out.

"If you find everything, what else do you want me as a doctor to do!" Qi Shengtian touched Xiaole's head and said, "You should also talk more with Sister Xiaoyun."

Xiao Le immediately turned the beginning and said, "I don't want it. Ben Meimei talked to her, but she ignored me. I don't want to talk to her!"

"Xiao Le." Yiyi squatted down and said seriously, "Xiaoyun is sick and didn't mean to ignore you. In order for her to recover quickly, we need to love her more, understand?"

Meimei immediately raised her hand and said, "I understand! I will accompany Xiaoyun. Leave it to me!" She patted herself on the chest proudly.

"It's up to you." Yiyi smiled happily.

"Wow, wow, wow..." Zihan has been crying in the orphanage, gently patting and coaxing, but it didn't work.

The windows are full of small heads, and they are all watching why the baby keeps crying.

Sister Yue came over and said, "Yiyi, will you take care of the baby? Look how sad he is crying!"

Yiyi said frustratedly, "Is it more tiring to take him than sitting in the office?" Feed him, he is full, and his diapers are not wet.

"What's going on? I have never brought such a small baby!" Sister Yue said with a headache, "I won't bring it either."

"Little ancestor, don't cry, I'm going to be bored to death by you!" Yiyi almost knelt on the ground to worship.

But Zihan cried with his eyes closed, and tears kept falling like crystal pearls.

The door was pushed open, and all the children squeezed in. They were all coaxing Huang Zihan there. Some made faces and some wanted to sing, but it didn't seem to work for him at all.

"My God, I heard the child crying as soon as I entered the door. What's wrong with Zihan?" Qi Shengtian quickly washed his hands.

"I don't know. He just keeps crying, which makes me want to cry!" Yiyi's tears also fell down.

Qi Shengtian picked up Zihan and shook it gently, but he still kept crying. He touched Zihan's clothes and said, "Yiyi, how many clothes have you put on Zihan? I feel that he seems to have gained a lot of weight."

"I didn't wear many clothes for him! An autumn coat, two sweaters, and a small jacket, followed by the coat you are holding!" According to the board, it is indexed.

Qi Shengtian shook his head helplessly, "Why didn't you put it all on him!" He was really defeated by her.

"Are you wearing too little?" Yiyi frowned worriedly.

The children next to him shouted, "Dad Qi means wearing too much!"

"Will you?" Yiyi looked at Qi Shengtian.

"It's already very hot today. You may have to wear more clothes in the morning, but you should also wear less clothes when it's hot in the afternoon!"

After Qi Shengtian took off Zihan's sweater, the child really stopped crying and fell asleep again.

The children in the orphanage sat on the ground and sighed, "For good that Qi's father is here. Mom is really not reassuring!"

"Yes, I'm so sorry for you!" These little ghosts actually recount her, but they are really not good enough to be a mother. Maybe there is a long way to go!

"It's very late. Don't look at the documents all the time, okay?" Qi Shengtian knew that she was busy again when he saw that the light in her room was on.

Yiyi sighed, "After all, the aunts are old, and I don't want to stand out, so I can only do some behind-the-scenes work. I hope they can relax. But I'm really tired. Why don't you go to rest!"

"I also saw a very late case. I want to help Xiaoyun return to normal and then find a family to adopt her."

Ah? Does anyone want to adopt the children in our orphanage? Why didn't Sister Yue tell her such a thing?

Qi Shengtian said seriously, "I have come to several families to see it, but Sister Yue is reluctant to give up the children, so they all refused. But I think these children should be adopted, which is good for their physical and mental health!"

Yiyi sighed, "Don't say that Sister Yue is reluctant to give up these children. I have deep feelings for these children. It's inevitable! And Huang's contribution is made, so that the child can definitely be raised.

"Some things are not a matter of money, and I think it will be bad for children. I think we will discuss it with Sister Yue tomorrow. If possible, we will try to let the children be adopted and have a good environment for growth. We can't take good care of each one!" Qi Shengtian patted Yiyi on the shoulder, "Do you think I'm right?"

Yiyi bit her lips and said, "What you said is not wrong. I just feel uncomfortable to suddenly let those children leave!"

"I also don't want to leave the children, but if it's good to them, I will definitely agree."

"Well, I also agree with what you said." Yiyi sighed, "But these children have to leave voluntarily." Forget it if you don't want to.

"I'm afraid that's difficult! They all regard you as a mother. You have the responsibility to take care of them. Don't always be capricious.

"I'm not capricious!" Yiyi retorted angrily.

"Okay, it's not capricious!" Qi Shengtian raised his hands and surrendered. He didn't want to conflict with Yiyi.

Yiyi walked to the crib and looked at Zihan sleeping and breathed a sigh of relief, "When will Zihan grow up!"

"What's wrong? Are you tired of taking care of the children?" Qi Shengtian walked to the crib with a smile.

"I'm not bored, but I'm always worried that I can't take good care of him!" Yiyi said in pain.

Qi Shengtian suddenly asked worriedly, "He... have you found it? I know you never gave up looking for him.

"You were wrong. I gave up, and the moment I gave birth to Zihan, I completely gave up." Because I have tried my best.

"You said you weren't looking for Yaojue?" This sounds incredible.

Yiyi said with a wry smile, "It's true. I don't want to find him, because at first I really wanted to find him. Tell him that I didn't mean to betray him. But later, I found that I was more afraid to see him, because no matter how I explained it, I did betray him.

"I'm sorry!" Qi Shengtian suddenly said seriously, "If it weren't for me, your family would be very happy today."

"Stop talking, some things are destined, not one of us can force. I know you are unintentional. Everything was deliberately arranged by Jin Nana!" Yiyi covered Zihan's little quilt for him.

Qi Shengtian suddenly hugged Yiyi and whispered, "Can't I?" I can take good care of you and Zihan."

Yiyi didn't move, just let him hold it, "You know the result, why ask me again and let me hurt you again!"

"Because I don't want to give up yet, I want to work hard!" Qi Shengtian hugged her tighter, as if she could fly at any time.