Handsome president falling from the sky

Chapter 160

Cooking? Yiyi picked up the bag and was about to leave. Yaojue jumped up and grabbed her wrist. "I'll throw your son into the sea to feed the fish as soon as you leave."

"I'll go grocery shopping and let it go. I've heard that it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!" Yiyi pulled back her hand depressedly.

The heart seems to not belong to itself for a moment.

Yaojue, don't want to be seen by Yiyi's panicked look, "I've found someone to fill the refrigerator. You don't need to buy vegetables."

"Is this room also cleaned by you?" No wonder it was so clean when I came in!

"Yes! Hurry up and cook." He urged.

Yiyi put down her bag and walked into the kitchen. All the decorations were almost the same as before, giving her a feeling of nostalgia.

Roll up your sleeves, take out the ingredients in the refrigerator, and start to be busy.

Yaojue's eyes have been staring at her busy figure. I don't know why there has never been such a sense of belonging in so many years.

Huang Yiyi, how on earth do you want to torture me to be willing!

Who will tell him how to remove her from his heart?

Soon smelled the aroma of the rice, and Yiyi brought the last dish to the table. "I've already finished it. You can eat it."

Yaojue came over and stopped near Yiyi, but the fragrance belonging to him came into her nasal cavity.

What a familiar smell, Yiyi's face turned red in an instant, and she lowered her head and dared not look at him.

Yaojue picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of leek into his mouth. "It's delicious, but why is there only a pair of chopsticks!"

"You eat alone! Is Yaoxi coming too?" Look at him puzzledly.

Yaojue clenched his fist and said, "You should immediately set up an extra pair of bowls and chopsticks and sit down to eat with me."

Yiyi did not move, and Yao Jue approached her angrily, "Do you want to see your son's body?"

"How dare you!" Yiyi immediately glared at him, "If you dare to touch my son's hair, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."

"Then sit down and eat with me!" He opened the chair next to him and patted it gently.

Yiyi went into the kitchen and took down her chopsticks and bowls, and then sat down obediently, "Now it's okay, you can eat it!"

"You keep watching me eat. How can I eat? Let's eat together!" He picked up a piece of ribs for Yiyi.

Yiyi frowned and bit the ribs. What on earth does Yaojue want to do?

"You don't put medicine in the dish, that's why you eat so slowly!" Yaojue looked at her defensively and actually nibbled half of the ribs for a long time.

Yiyi took a bite of every dish when she was angry. "You can wait half an hour to see if I have poison and died before eating it."

Yaojue suddenly smiled and said, "Look at your appearance, I know it's not poisonous." He took a big bite.

Yiyi said depressedly, "When will you return my son to me? He is still very young, so he is not bold..."

"He is by Yaoxi's side, and I believe that Yaoxi will definitely take good care of him." Yaojue picked up his mobile phone and said, "Do you want to see your son?"

"Is it okay?" Yiyi grabbed Yaojue's clothes anxiously.

Yaojue sighed, "Yes." Yaojue called Yaoxi's video phone, and Yaoxi's face suddenly appeared "Brother..."

"Are you outside? Didn't I let you stay in the office?" Yaojue roared angrily, and Yaoxi always did not move his brain.

Yaoxi stuffed something in his mouth, "Brother, what are you looking for me for!" He stuffed another thing into his mouth.

"Don't eat all the time, where is Huang Zihan! Is it by your side?" Yaojue asked depressedly.

"Yes! He began to cry as soon as he finished eating the imported chocolate in my office. In order not to let him cry, I had to take him to eat chocolate hot pot. He deliberately turned the camera around, and Huang Zihan was trying to eat chocolate-wrapped fruit.

Yaojue took a look and looked at Yiyi, "Is this little meat ball your son? It seems that he ate very happily.

Yiyi grabbed her mobile phone and shouted, "Huang Zihan, didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to eat chocolate again?"

As soon as Huang Zihan heard his mother's voice, he immediately scared off the food in his hand. "Wow... Mom, Mom... Zihan is so scared!"

"What are you afraid of!" Yiyi clenched her fist and said, "Do you think you are happy to eat? I forgot all the things I told you."

Huang Zihan pointed to the uncle opposite aggrievedly, "My uncle insisted on bringing me to eat chocolate hot pot, although I told him that my mother said I couldn't eat chocolate!"

Yaoxi hurriedly explained, "Sister Yiyi, I don't know he can't eat chocolate with a toothache! He didn't tell me."

"It's okay, I know. His specialty is to shift the responsibility to others." Yiyi said depressedly, "Yaoxi, please send Zihan back to my home, okay? Now my family must be in a mess."

Yaoxi nodded, "But it's not good for me to go straight to your house!" I'm afraid they will take me to the police station. For the crime of kidnapping.

"Send Zihan to Qi Shengtian's clinic. It should be the closest to you."

"Okay, I know that clinic..."

Yaojue grabbed his mobile phone and said angrily, "Did I say I would let your son go? Unexpectedly, he made his own decision."

"Even if you hate me, you don't have to scare the child all the time!" Yiyi said angrily.

"I'm angry, I hate you!" Yaojue suddenly stood up, and his tall figure immediately gave Yiyi a sense of oppression.

Let her feet take a step back uncontrollably. "What do you...do you want to do?" Now his feelings make her so scared.

He trapped her in his arms, put out his tongue and gently licked her neck, and Yiyi got goose bumps all over his body.

"Let go of me." Yiyi struggled desperately.

"I made you struggle so much in my arms. Why don't you struggle in Qi Shengtian's body!" Yaojue roared angrily.

Yiyi stopped and said, "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry..." Yiyi's tears slowly fell down.

Drop by drop fell on the floor, and she couldn't lift her head at all with guilt.

He betrayed him, so he took all his anger and would not complain. He didn't understand and couldn't hurt Zihan.

Because Zihan is the child of the two of them, so...

"Don't cry!" Yaojue originally wanted to play her well, but when he saw her tears, his heart softened.

Yiyi can't control her tears at all. The more she falls, the more she falls, the more urgent she becomes.

Yaojue picked her up, sat on the sofa, held her tightly in his arms, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you betray me at that time? Do you know how painful my heart is?"

Yiyi bit her lips and said nothing, "I can understand that you hate me, but don't get involved with Zihan."

"How can it not involve him!" That little meatball is the child of both of them, and just thinking about it will drive him crazy.

Yiyi grabbed his collar and said, "He's just a child. Why do you have to go too much!"

Yaojue looked at her with a sneer and suddenly squeezed Yiyi's cheek and asked, "Why did you go so much? You obviously opened the door of happiness to me, but closed it at the moment I thought I was going in!"

"I...woo..." Yaojue blocked all the words of Yiyi in his mouth.

Yiyi tried his way to push him away. "Don't..." His kiss actually made her heart and mind all messy and paste.

Yaojue pressed Yiyi on the sofa and looked at her breathlessly, as if he wanted to burn her out.

"I'm going back, or Zihan will be afraid!" Yiyi is anxious to escape from here.

Yaojue tightly circled Yiyi's waist and turned her into a sitting on her body. "Yaoxi gave Zihan to Qi Shengtian, and he should know that I'm back. How do you explain to him where I am when you get home?

Yiyi turned her head and didn't look at him. "That's my business. I don't need you to help me."

There is no need for him to bother! Yaojue sat up and left a deep kiss mark on Yiyi's neck.

"What are you doing!" Yiyi blushed and screamed. Damn it, he came again, "You are a dog. You always like to draw territory!"

"It's really a special adjective!" Yaojue grabbed Yiyi's wrist and said, "I will continue to come here to cook for me tomorrow night."