Angel War Soul

Overview of this book

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There are three professions in this article: magician, contractor and armor warrior.

Each profession is divided into nine levels, among which the level of magicians is classified as level 1 magician, level 2 magician, level 3 magician, level 4 magician, level 5 magician, level 6 magician, magic mentor, big magic mentor, and magic god.

The contractor and armor warrior are the same. At the seventh level, the title will be changed. The seventh level of the contractor is the trainer, the eighth level is the spirit beast master, and the ninth level is the beast god.

The armored warriors are the 7th-order war king, the 8th-order war emperor, and the 9th-order god of war.

The magician is divided into five systems, wind, water, fire, space and light.

Among them, armored warriors practice fighting spirit. Levels 1 to 2 are white, and levels 3 to 9 are distinguished by red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.

The contractor must have a contract beast to cooperate with weapons to fight.

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