Angel War Soul

Chapter 003 The Spread of Hatred

The morning passed quickly, and Ling Lan stood at the school gate early and waited for Barr and Dina.

"Brother Ling Lan!" As soon as Dina walked out of the school gate, she saw Ling Lan waiting for him in the corner on her left hand.

"Hmm. Let's go."

"Brother. Where are we going now?" Dina followed Ling Lan and asked curiously.

"I don't know. Let's turn around first." Ling Lan took the two of them towards their home.

After a while, Ling Lan saw that her original home had been razed to the ground, and the place that was still in ruins in the morning had now been cleared and empty. And he doesn't know where his parents' bodies have gone.

"Mom and Dad..." A transparent tear slowly fell from the corners of Ling Lan's eyes. He knew that his parents had left him forever, including his former neighbors. Now, he only has Barr and Dina, the two children that his parents picked up before.

"Woo..." Dina knew that she had lost her happy and warm home. She cried so much that she touched the scene and couldn't help crying.

"Dina, don't cry. My brother and I will protect you." Barr was very sensible and strong without tears, and he continued to coax Dina tirelessly.

"Let's go. Let's go eat delicious food." Ling Lan said and walked ahead alone.

There are four slums in Senlan City, in the four directions of the city, which are uninhabited streets next to the city wall. In the center of the city, it is strictly forbidden for them to set foot, because they are all areas where nobles live.

Ling Lan took the two of them all the way to the city center. Passers-by on both sides of the street looked at them and unconsciously leaned aside, with a contemptuous and disgusting look on their faces.

"You go to find Uncle York in the east of the city, and I'll come to you later!" Be careful!" Ling Lan stopped at the corner of a restaurant and turned to the two of them.

"Oh. Brother Ling Lan, be careful, too!" Barr did not ask him what he wanted to do, but took Dina to wave to him and quickly left the alley.

Why don't the poor have the right to restaurants, just because they don't have money? Ling Lan thought strangely that this problem has been troubled since his birth, and he believes that he will not have to think about it soon.


In the kitchen of a restaurant, several cooking chefs were knocked to the ground, and the food on the table was thrown to the ground, making it everywhere. They were cooking hard, but they didn't expect a figure to suddenly appear, followed by punching and kicking them. Before they could see what the man looked like, the man had quickly escaped from the back door of the kitchen.

The poor in Senlan City are very united. They will never have conflicts with the people around them, because that will attract more people to bully them. Therefore, when Dina and Barr came to the slum in the east of the city, the enthusiastic York was happy to receive them. Although York himself lived a hungry life every day, he was still very excited when he heard what happened last night and saw the two of them.

At least, they are not dead.

"Uncle York!"

"Who?" As soon as York came out of the room, he heard a cold voice calling him.

"It's me, Ling Lan!" Ling Lan brought several bags of food snatched from the restaurant and quickly rushed over.

"Ling Lan! I was just asking you! I didn't expect you to come so soon. Oh! Why are your eyes so sad, uh...haha... child, I believe you can be strong. You see, both Dina and Barr talk and laugh. As a brother, you should be happier!" York couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Ling Lan's eyes, but when he thought of what happened last night, he suddenly understood.

"Hmm. This is for you. Please take care of them for two days. After saying that, Ling Lan turned around and left here.

"Hey. Ling Lan!" York strangely wanted to stop him, "Wow! This is what rich people eat. Where did they get this!" But when York saw the delicious food in his hand, he quickly shouted excitedly. At this time, he also forgot to call back Ling Lan, who had disappeared.

It's another dark night, and the full moon in the air still emits a hazy light.

A black figure flies in the air, disappears, appears, disappears, appears from time to time...

"Ah...oh...hello, a little harder...oh, yes, that's it! comfortable!"

"Haha...beautiful, my massage is good, isn't it? It took me a month to learn from others before I dared to give you a foot massage.

In the bright room, a man is serving a woman with heavy makeup. In the mood, they would not have thought that a demon was approaching them behind them.

"Ah! Why did the magic lamp turn off? Will the night pearl not shine anymore? How strange!" Harrow just wanted to extend his big hands to the innermost part of the woman's thigh, but the room became outstretched.


I only heard two slight muffled sounds, and then there was no more sound in the house.

"There is still one left!" A cold voice echoed in the dark. The black figure opened another door. There is a little boy sleeping there. With the faint light of the night pearl, the child was Harlow's son, Hashu. At this time, he was having a nightmare. In the dream, a demon suddenly appeared and seemed to eat him...

"It's you!"

The black figure said coldly. He was a little surprised. When he was about to reach out his scaled hand to the child, he suddenly stopped.

"It's cheaper for you to die..."

"No!" Ha Xiu suddenly sat up from **. At this time, he was in a cold sweat and his whole back was soaked with sweat.

"Wow...Wow...It's okay, it's just a dream..."

"Ten people, that's enough!"

With a "dong" sound, three adults were put on the ground.

Enough, enough, haha... My slave, I'm satisfied with your actions tonight.

A series of harsh sounds echoed in Ling Lan's mind. He watched the demon pick up the three people and wave his wings and fly away.

Ling Lan found a total of ten people for the demon to smoke tonight. He didn't know why the demon did not catch people by himself, but sent him. Maybe because he has a slave, of course he doesn't have to go.

Ling Lan shook her head and forgot these strange thoughts. He, who became a demon slave, still had a lot to do. He already knew that the light of that night was the light magic performed by Priest Ron, and the person who ordered him was the bastard Count Senda.

At the beginning, he led the devil to the slum to get him out of danger, and he let Ron completely destroy the devil and living human beings.

"I must kill you! And you!" A sharp light flashed in Ling Lan's indifferent eyes. He looked at the direction of the devil's departure and said the most real thoughts in his heart.