Angel War Soul

Chapter 073 Lance's debut

The news of Ling Lan and others's return spread throughout the royal city that night. Although they were students of several Holy Spirit College, because this competition involved the secret battle between princes, the next morning, thousands of royal armies lined up neatly on the road to the Holy Spirit College. By the side, maintain order.

No one can pass here today except being a student and teacher of the Holy Spirit College. Not only that, even those students who watch the game can only enter and cannot go out.

Because the only two princes of the Hill Empire are coming here to watch the confrontation between the strong, its grand show must be enough to show the imperial power of the empire.

Ling Lan didn't go back that night. However, as everyone was arranged to stay in the college for one night, in the morning, before dawn, the square of the college began to make noise. Groups of students surrounded the wide square, where a square ring of 250,000 square meters was built. The college's competition went to the end two days ago. If it weren't for waiting for the last first place Leia and second place Lance, then the list of this time's competition would have been that Regita would be the first, Xiuhos second and Alia third.

The top three powerful heroes chose the reward of the second prince, and the meaning of its implication is also very clear.

At the viewing table of the ring, a group of college teachers sat in the front row, and their identities naturally made them sit in the clearest place.

"A group of children who have not yet grown up will participate in royal disputes, alas!"

"Haha... I've even experienced life and death. This is nothing!"

"Hmm! You are old now. Of course, it doesn't matter. Live well for the rest of your life.

Roygis, Haruty and other teachers who came back with Ling Lan sat together and argued. They knew that the delay of this martial arts competition was not only because of the strength of Lea and Lance, but more importantly, the eldest prince was very dissatisfied and had to find Leia.

When the first ray of sunshine rose on the horizon in the morning, today's martial arts competition officially kicked off.

There are six people in the competition on this day, and it is also a battle between the remaining six young strong men! They are Ling Lan, Leia and Lance standing on the side of the eldest prince, and Regita, Arria and Xiuhors standing on the side of the second prince. Xiuhors was the third place in the last class, while Ling Lan, Regita and Arya were all particularly low-key dark horses that suddenly emerged.

"Everyone, be quiet first!"

In the noisy square, Didra, the vice president of the Holy Spirit College, shouted loudly. He stretched out his hands and motioned those who were talking endlessly to stop immediately.

"Today will be the 90th martial arts competition of our Holy Spirit College 300 years ago. At this time, the talented students of our college will stand out and show our college and country. Here, I will announce that the 90th Holy Spirit College Martial Arts Competition will begin now!" Didra shouted loudly and also used the body movement to match his mood at this time. After he finished speaking, bursts of thunderous applause and screams in the square.

When Didra stepped down, the chief referee of the referee Kesler came to the stage and announced that the first competition would be played by Alia and Lance. On that day, the battle between Ling Lan and Reggieta caused a sensation in the whole college. Although Reggieta is temporarily ranked first, Ling Lan is still better than him in the original match. Therefore, the referee arranged Lance and the third Alia in the first game.


As soon as the two of them came on stage, the students sitting in the audience around made a wolf-like cry. Lance is very famous in the whole college, especially when he saw a beautiful woman, his handsome face immediately showed the obscene uncle's usual obscene smile and eyes.

"Haha...Beauty, how are you?" Lance politely greeted Alia, gently raised the corners of his mouth, and a habitual smile hung on his face.

Alia is a dark-skinned and well-fit armored warrior. She wears a mini white vest and hot white ultrashorts. The fullness of her chest is about to come out, attracting all the male eyes there.

"I'm fine." Arya replied in a low voice and stared at Lance disdainfully.

"Then I'm going to take action, ah ha ha..." Lance raised the purple gold crossbow in his hand and pointed at Alia's oversized chest. The crystal water stains on the corners of his mouth also reflected the light of the sun and turned into starlight in front of people.

Alia couldn't stand his shameless appearance, shouted and killed him. Holding a pair of silver sickle machetes, she quickly moved to Lance.

The knife fell, and a sharp action cut down at Lance. As a contractor, Lance's physical speed can't be compared with her, but he still dodged thrilling.

The next second, a small imperceptible dark shadow flew out of his back and jumped on Arya's body with a "swhisper".

"Be careful!"

In the audience, I don't know if it was the person who was infatuated with her who reminded her in horror.

At the moment when danger was about to come, Arya bounced hard and jumped into the air dozens of meters high.

"Oh! You disappointed me so much that you didn't bite her, really!" Lance complained disappointedly about the little thing. That's his contract beast, a magical thing that is difficult to find.

"The contract beast is very strange..." Ling Lan also sat in a very inconspicuous place and watched the test on the stage. What he wondered was the contract beast that was very similar to his little purple. He remembers that when he first saw Lance's contract beast, it was a pink giant domestic pig, and the second time it was a powerful dragon, which this time turned into a flying little bat.

Unless Lance has three contract beasts at the same time, but as a qualified contractor and fights with three different contract beasts at the same time, it is impossible to improve the strength and tacit understanding between his contract beasts. Moreover, people with this ability must reach the strongest beast god realm, otherwise, no one will be like this. Do it.

"Ah!" Alia was hit hard and knocked to the ground at an irresistible speed. Her body bounced on the ground, and then a beautiful rose and squatted on the ground.

Everyone clearly saw that Lance's contract beast did not move at all, but flew Arya away. At that moment, Ling Lan saw the shadow of a big snake in a trance and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Fantasy contract beast!

An idea suddenly came to Ling Lan's mind. According to the book Tianchuang Continent Chronicle, there is a kind of contract beast that is the most mysterious, that is, the illusion contract beast. Among this contract beasts, it is the most powerful snake called "Phantom King Snake", and the length of this snake can be long. It reaches hundreds of meters, but under her mysterious power, it can become any species, thus confusing the minds of others.

Before long, Arya's whole body was injured in Lance's hands. From beginning to end, she did not approach Lance's body. Instead, she was always attacked inexplicably. Until she walked off the stage, she was still thinking confusedly, and even the school doctor came to heal the bleeding wound on her body. Forget the pain in the body unconsciously.

Lance stood on the stage with his chest straight and his hands on his waist, looking full of dignity and majesty. He beat Arya all over, but he didn't have a slight wound. At his strong request, he ushered in another opponent, Xiuhors.

"Bastard! Hurry up and admit defeat. Didn't you see that the girl was beaten by me just now and her clothes were gone? Hahaha..." Lance smiled with a very beaten smile. In his mind, he was still thinking about the way Arya's few clothes were deliberately ragged by him.

"You idiot, you are really ruining your strength, hum! That's so funny!" Xiuhors was also a tough handsome man. He said to Lance disdainfully that his strong chest and his charming face attracted the hot eyes of those Huaichun girls all the time.

"I'll knock off your white teeth and see if you still smile!" Lance hated that others said he was an idiot. He picked up the purple gold crossbow and gently pulled the trigger. He saw ten crossbows trained into a line, turned into a black shadow and shot out.

So fast speed stunned Xiu Hos for a second, then suddenly hit a hot fireball, and then dodged to the side.

Lance's cold crossbow can penetrate broken steel, not to mention a small fireball. The fireball only deflected the ten crossbow arrows and still broke through the air and chased the figure of Xiujos.


Ten crossbows separated one by one, surrounding Shuhos like a sense of autonomy. Under that critical encirclement, Shuhos finally dodged all the arrows, and a drop of cold sweat oozed from his forehead and was shocked.

" about it!" Lance looked at his embarrassed look, and two holes were shot on the gorgeous and handsome windbreaker, which seriously damaged his beauty.

"Looking for death, flaming snake!" Xiuhors quickly adjusted, his hands together, dozens of condensed pythons wrapped in the air, and rushed to Lance with amazing momentum.

Dozens of flame pythons filled the whole ring, and Lance stood in one corner. Even if he wanted to hide, there was no way to go. He smiled, stepped forward, and ran back quickly. Every time he took a step forward, his body became a little higher than before, just like stepping on an invisible step and rising all the time.