Angel War Soul

Chapter 076 Super Perseverance

The blood emperor lion, who was very protective of the Lord, saw that Regitta was in danger and immediately roared and bravely leaped over to block the iceberg a little smaller than it.

Regio saw that Leia's attack did not hit him. He didn't even look at the blood lion that was so pressed that he couldn't stand up, and desperately wanted to get close to Leia. As long as she sees her, she will have no more opportunities to perform magic. Moreover, although she is a magic mentor, her physical strength cannot be compared with that of Rekita, who is already the king of war. As long as she is hit with a knife, she will lose her combat effectiveness in an instant.

Regita merged with the blood battle knife and turned into a high-speed rotating bloody storm. The frozen icicles on the whole ring were twisted into pieces, roaring and about to cut on Leia's fragile body. At this critical moment, Leah condensed all her strength on the sacred weapon wand in her hand. In the air, the restless water element condensed on his wand at a super fast speed, and only heard her shout, "Angry Sea Dragon Art!"

In an instant, the ultimate magic of the water system came fiercely in this ring, and the boundless huge waves roared and rushed from Leia's side to Regita, which turned into a storm.

The brave two sides collided and tore them with the power of destruction. The turbulent water kept pouring out and suddenly rushed out nine majestic water dragons from the surface of the water. After hovering in the air for a while, they roared together and spewed out hard icicles to stab Regita. The whole In the sky of the ring, the sea and ice thorns could not hold up at all. The referees sitting on the referee's bench stood up in panic and worked together to condense a super magic boundary to block the leakage of their power.

In an in an eye, Regita's strength was quickly drained. He reluctantly watched the nine dragons surround him and turn into a hard icicle with irresistible power.

The giant dragon made of nine hard ice is so powerful that even if the God of War is in front of him, he dares not forcibly resist the power of this blow head-on. At the moment when Regita's life was about to come to an end, the bloody emperor lion suddenly broke away from the shackles of ice crystals and suddenly pounced on him to block the fatal blow of nine ice dragons!


The sad screams shattered the audience' eardrums, and the fragile ring shook violently. If it hadn't been for the referees on the four sides together, it was estimated that the ring would have been unable to stand it and turned into dust all over the sky.

After a moment, there was no more sound from the ring. Leia exhausted her whole body and stood straight on the ground and looked at Rejita, which had been frozen by ice.

Above the ring, there has become a crystal world of ice and snow. The huge mountain-like blood lion's body was broken by a huge blood mouth, which looked very ferocious and horrible, and Regita was frozen in panic with his standing posture and could not break the ice again.

At this time, the low referee and the audience opened their mouths in surprise and sighed that they did not know how to express their excitement at this moment.

"The Angry Sea Dragon Art is really extraordinary." Shuliad nodded with great appreciation and brushed his long white beard.

"Teacher Shuliad, the game is over." The young referee beside him saw that he was still immersed in the shocking hit just now and did not come to his senses and quickly reminded him.

"Well, okay, okay." After saying that, Shuliad held the table and stood up to declare Leia's victory.

"Wait!" The man on his left suddenly pulled him and stared at the ring in surprise.

At this time, there were also exclamation from the audience in the square. Regita, which was frozen by ice, was surrounded by a pool of bright red blood, and the transparent icicle with blue light was quickly stained red by blood, like a bloody sea.

Rekita's body, frozen hard ice melted in the boiling blood, broke down with a "kaka", and Rekita also became a blood man and rose into the air.

"He's out!" When Leia was completely relaxed, she didn't expect to see Rekita's figure flashing, leaving only a red shadow in her eyes.

In the next second, Leia felt a sense of deadly crisis from the sky. She hurriedly looked up and saw that Rekita was like a bloody hell demon. The ferocious and horrible face stained with blood shocked her and even forgot to dodge for a moment.

"Ah... get away!"


Even the obsessed audience below burst into waves of exclamation, and they didn't want to see the goddess Leia in their hearts suffer a trace of damage.


Ling Lan sat in the remote corner, also pulled her heart and shouted nervously in her heart.


There was a shocking explosion on the ring protected by the boundary. The ice on the ground was instantly destroyed by huge forces, bursting, and flying like dancing ice elves in midair.

Because Leah had no strength and didn't expect that Rekita could still break the ice, she dodged, jumped back, and then fell outside the ring.

And Regeta had been staring at her and falling to the ground with her blood-red eyes, and then her eyes turned black and fell to the ground powerlessly.

The result of the test surprised those who watched it. Regita's unyielding tenacity completely shocked them and left an unforgettable picture in their hearts. Those fanatical pursuers who were worried about Leia's injury also put down their suspense. Leia's nothing to do is their biggest expectation. Although she lost, compared with Reggieta, who was seriously injured and unconscious, her strength was still much stronger than him.

"This young man's perseverance is really amazing." Shuliad stood up tremblingly and was about to announce the result of the test. Rekita's spirit not only shocked the students, but also made him feel a little relieved.

"Regia won this competition, and Leia won the third place in this competition. In view of Regia's serious injury, after the unanimous decision of our referee team, the last anticipated battle of kings will be held immediately after he is healed!"


At this moment, the tens of thousands of students roared excitedly. They were all looking forward to the last game. Today's game made them very enjoyable. The gorgeous fighting and unyielding spirit left a deeply unforgettable picture in their hearts. They are all imagining that one day they can stand in this high-profile ring and let others cheer for themselves.

In the VIP seat in the distance, the second prince was talking happily with Kellins. When the second prince saw Regita win, he had a real smile on his stiff face. And the eldest prince sitting next to him laughed excitedly from beginning to end. This year's competition has become a secret battle between the two of them, and the final victory will be completely revealed in a few days.

After the game, the students turned into a black wave and swarmed outside the square. At this time, it was noon, and it was time for them to eat. After Ling Lan got up, his eyes had been paying attention to the VIP seat on the other side of the Church of Light. He only saw Kelings and a group of loyal subordinates, and the Jeroy who had been humiliated by him and Hailin, who he missed, did not come.

The second prince had a good talk with Kellins. He didn't know what they were talking about. Ling Lan only saw him invite Kellins to leave the college with him. And the eldest prince has always been by the king's side and serves him very attentively.

On the huge campus, those excited students are talking about who will be the first place in this conference. As the crowd left, Ling Lan's lonely figure was soon recognized. When a group of screaming and excited seniors rushed to him crazily, he quickly escaped and quickly left the college.

Ling Lan went around the alleys to Eric's house. Since he disappeared, he has not returned home once. Moreover, until now, there are still people following him. Those people are all sent by the college for fear that he will encounter another accident.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

As soon as Ling Lan walked outside the courtyard of Ai Lixiu's house, he heard a young sound of martial arts practice. He walked to the yard and saw Barr constantly beating against a thick tree surrounded by two people.


Bar, who practiced diligently, heard Ling Lan's shout and then turned around. He slowly gasped and watched Ling Lan walk towards him.

Bar has not been to the college since he lost the test. He has worked hard all night to make himself stronger. Although he lost, as a fourth-order armored warrior, he won the title of the strongest student at the same level of the college, for which he also received a reborn elixir as a reward.

With this mysterious elixir, the strength and toughness of his body have been greatly improved, and if he wants to absorb all the effects of the drug, he needs to work hard for a few days.

Ling Lan, who heard about this, praised him happily. It suddenly occurred to him that a war emperor-level teacher in the college and Roages had a deep friendship. Barr's strength is so strong that Ling Lan has the intention to let everyone around him live the best life.

After leaving Eric's home, Ling Lan immediately returned to the college to discuss this matter with Mr. Roages. If a war emperor went to help Barr, his strength would definitely be improved at the fastest speed.

In a few days, the Church of Light will select young people from all over the country who are suitable for practicing the power of light. These people will have the opportunity to become bishops and even archbishops in the future. Ling Lan walks on the street, and the idle people are discussing this matter fiercely. Entering the Church of Light is the strongest desire of every person who believes in the Church of Light. Even if he holds an important position in the palace, there is nothing to do in the Church of Light that can make these believers happy.

Since Ling Lan was framed once, he has never received any news from Hailin, so his next goal is to enter the Church of Light and investigate this matter in person.