Angel War Soul

Chapter 079 Illuminati

Ling Lan's victory won the applause of the audience, and the shouts of surprise and excitement broke through the sky and spread to nine days. Although most people are happy, there are also some people who don't like him or hate him who show their anger on their faces.

The eldest prince in the VIP seat clapped his hands excitedly. He turned his eyes to the opposite second prince. The crowd there stood up, and the second prince's subordinates stood very carefully and left with him timidly.

"Well, well, everyone's enthusiasm is so high, which makes me very gratified. Even if this year's martial arts competition is over here, the final winner of this martial arts competition is our two-line magician, Ling Lan, who is only 12 years old!" Shuliad excitedly shouted Ling Lan's name with all his strength. He slowly walked up to the ring with a delicate golden box in his hand.

Ling Lan, who won, was not very excited. He stood on the stage and watched Shuliad walk to him calmly.

"I now announce that the award ceremony has officially begun. As the first place, Ling Lan's reward is a local emperor Xuandan provided by His Royal Highness Tanggid, the Great Prince of the Hill Empire!" Shuliad handed the golden box to Ling Lan with both hands. He hurriedly took it and shook the box containing Xuan Dan to the audience below with joy.

"The second place reward is the primary sacred weapon Blue Eagle Shield provided by His Royal Highness the second prince Tangius! Next, we will invite Rekita, the second winner!"

Rekita, who had just appeared angry and embarrassed on the stage, also bravely walked up. He lost. Even if he didn't laugh at him so much, as a loser, his inner contradictions could not be cleared in a short time.

When Shuliad also awarded Leia's prize emperor elixir to her, the martial arts competition officially ended. Ling Lan, Leia and Lance were also happily invited by His Royal Highness to the most famous imperial piano hotel in the empire. They earned face for the eldest prince in the martial arts competition, and naturally received his praise and hospitality.

It was not until the night was dark, and it was almost early in the early morning that they walked in the direction of home with the departure of the drunken second prince.

Two days later, the famous Ling Lan has never been a monk. When the day of recruiting believers in the Church of Light was about to come, he took advantage of the night to come to the Holy Spirit College and found Mr. Roages.

Ling Lan told him his willingness to join the Church of Light. Roagis, who did not know his true purpose, was very happy and appreciated his practice. Ling Lan's current light magic cultivation is much better than space magic. According to Roages, joining the Light Church will not only better learn light magic, but also likely to become a cardinal respected by thousands of people in the future.

Ling Lan saw that Roage's reaction was so good that he returned home overnight. The next day, he auctioned a small box of decant mud that was only the size of a palm in the Holy Spirit Pavilion. He used three million gold coins for this little thing. Although he spent a lot of money to get into the bright gold coins, he also thought it was worth it.

This magical mud, which is almost the same as human skin, as long as it is melted with water and then applied a little on important parts of the face, it will integrate with the skin and change people's appearance. This divine mud can only be used ten times. The more times it is used, the color of the divine mud will change, and then the strangeness on the face will be seen at a glance.

After Ling Lan smeared a little on his face at home, his original smooth face turned into the face of a bumpy five- or six-year-old young man, and his nose was higher than before, and his bright eyes also looked a little dim.

He finally changed his hairstyle to a very fashionable hairstyle. Finally, he stood in front of the mirror, and the people inside felt strange even when he looked at him.

"Well, that's right. Let's go to the Church of Light like this tomorrow." Ling Lan's face was smeared with some divine mud, but he didn't feel anything strange. As long as he didn't touch the water, his face would never show his original face.

"Dongdong..." A gentle knock on the door sounded, and Ling Lan said to come in. Outside the door, a servant bent down and walked in respectfully.

"Master Ling Lan, Lord York said that Miss Dina is fine these days, and please don't worry."

"Well, okay, thank you."

"You...are you?" The servant just came to spread a message. When he inadvertently looked up, he saw Ling Lan after the change of face.

"Don't you know me?" Ling Lan smiled and asked him.

"Are you Master Ling Lan? That's not right."

"Haha... That's right, I'm easy to pass. Of course you can't see it." Seeing that the people around him could not recognize him for a moment, Ling Lan went to the basin and washed his face with water.

After a moment, the clear water was turbid, and his face naturally returned to its original state.

"Ah...that's amazing!" The servant looked at Ling Lan's makeup removal process. He grew up in surprise and stared at Ling Lan with a pair of big eyes.

"Since you can't recognize it, I'm relieved."

When Hailin told Ling Lan Dina that she was still in the Church of Light, York did everything possible to buy some of the believers in the Church of Light. They would tell him about Dina every day, and then convey it to Barr and Ling Lan, who were very worried about her.

The next day, the avenue in front of the General Department of the Church of Light, where few civilians appeared in the past, was full of people before dawn. On Tianchuang Continent, almost every civilian who believes in Light God wants their children to serve in the Light Church. Even a small formal believer will make those who are parents feel particularly comforted.

Therefore, every child of faith is tested for light ability at the age of seven, and they will choose to practice light power or normal magic and martial arts according to their wishes at the age of 12. Most of the students who enter the Imperial College will no longer join the Church of Light. Of course, the two can be chosen at the same time. The threshold for entering the Church of Light is neither high or low. As long as the ability is passed, it is basically a problem.

The enrollment of the Church of Light lasted until the fifth day. When the crowd became scarce in the afternoon, Ling Lan came to the door of the Church of Light.

There, a magic ball that tested the power of light was placed on the table. When Ling Lan walked there, a man happened to leave and he immediately put his hand on it. After a while, the transparent magic crystal ball emitted a shiny and soft light, and then disappeared.

"The third-order bright magician. Please fill in your age, name and identity information. Next to the table, a person in charge handed a table to Ling Lan.

He filled it out and handed it to him, and then tomorrow he can come to the Church of Light for real assessment and training.

The people of the Hill Empire lived a plain life every day, and in the palace, the king suddenly became seriously ill, and the original secret competition between the second prince and the eldest prince suddenly came to the surface. What they are most concerned about now is not whether the king can cure it, but who can inherit the tens of millions of them. , the emperor of a country that is respected and subdued.

In the royal city, which was calm yesterday, battles broke out again and again today. From time to time, there will be some bloody violent incidents on the streets of various places in the royal city.

Ling Lan saw it with his own eyes three times on the way to the Church of Light, but he took a peaceful detour and rushed to the Church of Light.

Along the way, the interns in white robes dyed the whole street white. Looking around, there was no one on the street except the excited interns about the same age as Ling Lan. They all rushed to the church for fear of being a step slower than others and leaving a bad impression on the bishop.

More than 3,000 people gathered in the square of the Church of Light, and Ling Lan's enemy, Kelings, was also the first to walk on the high platform and give a fierce speech to these children who believed in Light God. Kellins was originally charming and beautiful, and coupled with her intoxicating voice, the eyes of everyone present gathered on her in a short time.

Around her, there are also several red-dressed believers who are guarding left and right at any time, with a serious face and a strong body standing on both sides of him. Ling Lan never listened to her ** speech in his heart. He kept looking around with his eyes to understand and record the situation here.

While he looked around, he couldn't see the windows inside the tall building. Some people were also staring at them, the interns, one by one, looking at their meticulous appearance, as if they were looking for some important person.

After half an hour, Kellins slowly walked off the stage.

The teaching method here is almost the same as that of the Holy Spirit College. The only difference is that it is very strict and completely restricts everyone from going out. Every week, these interns will have a large-scale competition and then select strong people to train as elites.

The boring days passed day by day, and Ling Lan always behaved normally, very low-keyly avoiding those characters who appeared around them, such as at least magic mentors. Under his silent and ordinary appearance, few people have talked to him.

After staying here for a full week, Ling Lan had a general overview of the map here. Every night, he would quietly explore the situation nearby after everyone fell asleep. Hailin had already told him where Dina was imprisoned, but he naturally didn't know exactly where it was.