Angel War Soul

Chapter 090 Pull

"This place can't stay any longer. Kelings is really vicious enough." Since Ling Lan was recognized, he has been waiting for Kellins' action, and what he didn't expect was that she calculated his head in this way. Kellins's conspiracy killed the eldest prince and involved Ling Lan, Leia and Lance together.

"Hight! You are not allowed to enter here!"

"I want to see Bishop Phil. Please inform me and tell me that my name is Ling Lan." Ling Lan stood outside the hall where Elifeld lived and said politely to the guard on duty.

"No matter who you are, you can't go in without Lord Elam's approval!" The guard in front of him said to him with a blank face and a strong voice.

Ling Lan doesn't want to be very arrogant anymore, but if not, he really doesn't seem to be able to get in.


"Ling Lan, what can I do for you?" At this time, Ling Lan, who was about to attack, suddenly heard a voice behind him. He looked back and saw that it was the Miia Elan just mentioned.

A little sweat oozed from her forehead, and her breathing was heavier than usual. Ling Lan looked at him again and blushed slightly. As soon as she thought about it, she knew that she had just come back from practice.

"I want to meet Bishop Phil, may I?"

"Why not, hehe, come in." Mia Elan automatically knew Ling Lan's real strength, and she never proposed to continue to compete with him. Although she was not as good as Ling Lan, she herself did not reject Ling Lan at all.

"Thank you."

The two walked towards the hall. Ling Lan waited in front of Phil's door for a while before walking in at Elan's signal.

Alyfield's room is almost the same as Kellins, but her room is pink. As soon as Ling Lan enters, she feels a warm and comfortable feeling.

"Lord Phil, I came here to thank you today. Thank you very much for relieving us that day." Ling Lan said sincerely, and then bowed deeply to Mirifield.

"Ha ha, Ling Lan, you are so polite. That's what I should have done. If I hadn't happened to see someone carrying a body on my back that day, I wouldn't have been able to help you."

"Anyway, all this is because Lord Phil is kind-hearted. If it were someone else, maybe she would not save her, but she would fall into the pit."

After Ling Lan finished speaking, he suddenly thought of what Phil had just said. Was she really so coincidental that she saw a mysterious man carrying Taruk's body?

Under Phil's hospitality, Ling Lan sat with her. In the middle of the two was a transparent table with cups, on which there were two bright and transparent drinks.

Ling Lan wanted to leave after thanking him, but Phil kindly kept him. Moreover, Elan also stayed in the house all the time. She sat next to her and quietly listened to the conversation between them.

"When you were like that to the second prince, I think your life will naturally have some twists and turns in your future."

"Lord Phil is right. As soon as we got out of prison, we were immediately attacked by a group of assassins. I fled all the way back to the Church of Light. If I go out now, there will be a steady stream of assassins who will continue to chase me.

"Then I don't know what you plan to do in the future?" Ellief seemed to have something to say to Ling Lan. She had been asking, and her smart eyes looked directly at him, full of expectation.

"I entered the Church of Light to become a bishop in the future. This is one of my wishes." Ling Lan thought for a moment and made up such a reason. His purpose of coming here has already been completed, but he doesn't want to leave yet. Moreover, becoming a bishop is indeed an uncern idea in his mind.

"Oh? If there is an opportunity to make it easier for you to become a bishop, would you like to seize this opportunity? Phil listened to his words and burst into joy. She asked the question she wanted to know most, and the perfect body leaned forward slightly towards him.

"Of course... will catch it. Does Lord Phil have any good chance? Ling Lan looked up at her and speculated about the other party's purpose.

"You were disrespectful to the second prince that day, and he became king again today. Even if Sister Kelings insists on training you, the pressure from the country is very great. If you change the environment, you will eliminate these pressures and then participate in the future bishop's battle more easily."

"So what you mean..." Ling Lan seemed to think of her intention and asked uncertainly.

"If you go to the Leilin Empire with me, I promise you that you will have a greater and better chance to win the position of bishop in the future. Maybe you can take the position of archbishop together at that time." Elifeld blinked, and the touching expression showed endless**.

Ling Lan thought for a moment and then said, "I will consider your opinion, but isn't Elan your proud disciple?"

"Whoever has strong strength in this world will be appreciated and favored by more people. If Elan didn't have this awareness, how could she make me love her so much?"

"Lord Phil is right. If you want to go to the Leilin Empire, I am naturally nothing. Strength can prove everything, and I believe you will understand. Mia Elan, who had been silent for a long time, also spoke for Elifer. She didn't want to be what Ling Lan thought, but had a deep sense of righteousness and was not as jealous as a little woman at all.

"Ha ha, that's good. If I really can't get along here, I will definitely turn to Lord Phil. Don't take me in at that time."

"You are not only a cultivation genius, but also speak so sweetly. No wonder Sister Kellys likes you so much. Oh, I'm still a little worried now. Will you go back with us?"

"There will be an answer in the future, so I'll go first, Lord Phil."


After half an hour of discussion, Ling Lan came out of Phil's room. What she said was very attractive to him. He didn't agree on the spot because things had not reached the worst step, so he chose to spend it day by day.

Two days later, Ling Lan was suddenly informed by Yuka that he had obtained the qualification of the Red Cross, and now, as a proud disciple of Kellins, he still has a certain leadership position among the Red Cross. He was promoted from the most common white-clothed leader to the captain of the Red-clothed 100.

In the church, he has his own office room and 100 members of the Red Cross who can be under his command.

All this made Ling Lan feel a little bad. If he were an ordinary person, he would have been happy and couldn't sleep all night, while on the contrary, he couldn't sleep all night suspiciously.

Before he figured out Kellins' intention, Ling Lan accepted this new position. Now he is very idle and doesn't have to do anything, and there are a hundred red-clothed believers who can serve him at any time for him.

Even so, he still stays in his room and practices alone every day. Even if he doesn't go out for a few days and nights, no one will disturb him. Without the troubles of the outside world, Ling Lan's cultivation speed in the past few days is very fast, and her understanding of magic is deeper than before. The experience and skills he has recently thought of in the battle have been fully digested and integrated through these days of practice.

In the silent night, some important places of the Church of Light are still brightly lit and very bright. Like the day, anything hidden in the dark will appear in the light.

In a tall room, in the dark room, there were two people sitting in chairs talking.

"What does it mean if you don't kill him and give him back such a good position?"

"You worry too much, and you know my purpose. Naturally, I won't let him go. I have a perfect plan these days, and it's a good way for him to jump in by himself." It was a woman whose voice sounded very gentle.

"What method? Why don't you tell me quickly? I dream of these bastards every day. If I don't kill them, I won't sleep well in a day!" The man who spoke vented fiercely in the room in anger.

"Listen to me..."

The woman lay in his ear and said something softly. Even in this empty night, in the narrow room, she was very careful.

"Can this method work?"

"Don't you believe what I did? If it hadn't been for the accident this time, they would have been put in prison and would never have been able to get out.

"Well, I hope this can be done, and I will naturally thank you twice." After the man finished his words, he stood up gently and walked out of the door. After a short closing sound, the dark cabin no longer made any sound, quietly like the outside world.

Ling Lan hasn't walked out of the door for a whole week, and his daily diet is sent to him by his subordinates. In his current cultivation, the demand for food is much lighter than that of ordinary people. Even if he doesn't eat for a day, he doesn't feel hungry at all.

When he figured out all his recent understandings, he opened the door comfortably and went outside to bask in the long-lost sun. Outside, the busy people were whispering about something, and their eyes looked strange. Some people's eyes seemed to show joy, while others were a little dissatisfied. Ling Lan looked a few times and heard a few words of dialogue with his keen senses.

He walked around and heard a very shocking news. When he was about to pull a person to confirm, Mia Elan, who had not seen him for a long time, suddenly stopped him and walked towards him with a smile.