Angel War Soul

Chapter 093 City of Lorraine

After more than three months of long journey, Ling Lan and other people finally arrived at the Leilin Empire. The Leilin Empire covers four-fifths of the Hill Empire, which is a huge empire integrating forests, hills and basins. Luolan, the royal city of the Leilin Empire, is full of lush forests. The air is fresh and the scenery is natural and harmonious. Ling Lan and Leia, as well as Lance entered the gate of Luolan, were deeply attracted by the grass and trees in front of them.

When Elifeld returned home, he kept a very low profile. Ling Lan and the others, under her leadership, took another day before they were assigned to the headquarters of the Church of Light in Lolan. Their arrival immediately made the members of the church talk about why they came here.

During the three-month journey, Ling Lan and others rarely rested along the way in order to prevent Kellins and the king's people from chasing them. Fortunately, each of them has extraordinary strength, and the small training of trekking can be easily overcome.

Ling Lan slept comfortably in the church's house for a day, and the fatigue of the past was completely eliminated. By dawn, Mia Elan called them to the church dining hall and had a hearty breakfast with Ellief.

At the suggestion of Elifeld, Ling Lan and others went around the royal city of Loran under the leadership of Mia Elan to enjoy the natural scenery of this foreign country. Ling Lan, who has never left the Hill Empire, has been paying close attention to the surrounding scenery on this bustling street.

This is different from the Hill Empire. Many buildings are made of wood, and they also see three or three elves living together with human beings. This has never happened in the Hill Empire. Their feelings of homesickness faded little by little during the tour.

"Ah ha, the scenery here is really good, much better than that of Hill. If you really don't go out for a walk, you won't know that the scenery outside is infinitely good." Lance always showed his signature unacceptable smile, and after turning all afternoon, he sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"It's so beautiful here. It would be better if the Hill Empire had such a view." Lea is not as casual as Lance, and she still has a strong nostalgia for her hometown.

"Ha ha, the natural scenery of our Loran City is the most beautiful. Even the natural elf forest does not have a strong humanistic atmosphere here." When Mia Elan saw that they were all admiring their hometown, her face naturally showed a happy expression.

"That's, that's, that's, not only the scenery is beautiful, but also the people are more beautiful. Haha..." Lance had a long mouth, and a drop of crystal saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth and hung there. His eyes kept sweeping around the women on the street. For him, as long as there is a beautiful woman, it is the best gentle hometown.

"It's getting late. Let's go back." Ling Lan said lightly that he also liked it very much, but his best relatives and friends were not around, and it was difficult for him to get excited from the bottom of his heart like Lance for a while.

Loran's Church of Light is temporarily managed by Eliphile and another elderly old man, Megaye. The next day, Ling Lan and the three of them were officially introduced to important members of each church by Eliphile.

That morning, more than a dozen important members of the church sat in the council chamber of the hall, led by Elifer, the old man Mage, and Ling Lan and others sat next to them.

"Everyone has been talking about it these two days. In view of the long journey and overwork of the guests coming from afar, I called everyone here after their rest. Now, I will officially introduce each other to you. Elliefield raised his voice and said to the people present in a clear voice.

She stood up and the first one pointed to the smallest Ling Lan. "This is Ling Lan of the Hill Empire. His light magic cultivation has reached the realm of a magic mentor. The biggest gain of my trip to the Hill Empire this time is that I am glad that I can invite Ling Lan, a genius who practices light magic, to us."

"And this is Leia, the first genius water magic teacher in the last Holy Spirit College of the Hill Empire." Averyfield introduced Ling Lan, followed by Leia, and then she told everyone about Lance's profession and strength as a trainer.

"This Ling Lan is so powerful that I don't know how you invited him from the Hill Empire?" At this time, a frivolous man suddenly asked strangely with a pair of eyes narrowed.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at the man and wanted to know what he meant.

"Gore, I'll answer this question later." Elliefield said softly. She didn't even look at Gore and looked directly at the old man next to her with respect. "Ling Lan, this is the most prestigious Lord Megaya in our church. If there is anything you don't understand about your practice in the future, you can ask the elder for advice."

"This is Gohadda, the financial president of the church, who is in charge of the finance of the whole church..."

After more than half an hour, Ling Lan remembered everyone's name and appearance under the introduction of Elifeld. What impressed him most was the mysterious old man sitting next to her, Migay. As soon as he entered the council chamber, he was attracted by a strong breath, and the emitter of this breath was the old man Migaya.

"Lord Phil, haven't you answered my question just now?" Gore, who had been staring at Ling Lan and the others with disdainful hatred, suddenly asked. In the whole council chamber, he was the only young man who didn't seem to pay attention to Ellief.

"In less than ten years, there will be a new round of bishop elections, and there will be only one bishop in our Leilin Empire. Relatively speaking, the Hill Empire has many talents, which has always overwhelmed us. I happened to meet Ling Lan on my trip to the Hill Empire this time. A rare genius like him in a thousand years. Do you think you will be moved when you see him? There was no expression on Elliefield's face. She turned around and glanced at Gore. For the young man, she could not show that faint smile.

"Isn't it just a magic mentor? What's so powerful? If you have the ability to compare with me, it will let you know how big the world is. Geniuses like me are rare in the world. Gore's exquisite scissors trimmed the nails on his hand.

"In order to welcome guests from afar, Ling Lan, Leia and Lance are completely free to enter the church in the future. Except for some important places that cannot be entered casually, if you have no objection, then go and do your own work."

Everyone here looks at me, I see you, no one said, Chief Financial Officer Gohada swayed his extremely fat body and walked out of the council chamber first. After that, those people also walked out one by one. When Gore stood up, he looked at Ling Lan with his eyes very unpleasantly, as if he had seen his father's enemy, and there was an uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

Less than a month after Ling Lan left the Hill Empire, the news that they were brought to the Rayring Empire by Eliphile was confirmed by Kelings and King Hill. In order to kill Ling Lan, both of them sent some secret personnel to the Raylin Empire to chase them.

Since Ling Lan and the others left, York has also hidden in the royal city of the Hill Empire and rarely appears. And Barr and Dina have also been living in the Holy Spirit College and have never been out of school. In the Holy Spirit College, no one is allowed to rush in and arrest any student. If any student really commits a crime, it must be solved by the dean and vice dean.

After more than half a month, Ling Lan was closed in the church. He devoted himself to practicing light magic every day. In order to have the ability to protect himself and protect his relatives and friends, he has never wasted any time and worked hard to practice.

Reia, like him, seldom goes out. Only Lance became very interested in this fresh and beautiful city of Loran. He went out early every day and came back late. In order to discover the woman he liked and talk to her enthusiastically.

One morning, Ling Lan finally came out of the room. The place where he lived was a chic courtyard where VIPs could live temporarily. Out of the door, there was a lush woods in front of him, and the green grass still holding crystal dew on the ground looked particularly fresh and vibrant. On his right hand side is a pile of unique rockery. The cool spring mountain flows slowly in the built bamboo tube, making a little tinkling sound.

Ling Lan just looked at the scenery in front of him and felt particularly comfortable. Half a month later, except for someone who regularly brought him food, no one had disturbed him.

He walked out of the yard, walked on the shaded path, and walked towards the gate of the church.

Along the way, the past church members saw him in front of him or with envious and jealous eyes behind his back.

"Hey, he's out!" In the distance, two white believers sitting on the big stone whispered to each other. The two of them looked at the direction Ling Lan came and hurriedly left the place.

Before long, when Ling Lan was about to walk to the door of the church, suddenly, a group of white-clothed believers who looked like hooligans surrounded him.

The leader Ling Lan was a little impressed, but he hasn't been out for half a month, so naturally he can't remember his name.

"Where are you going?" Gore tilted his head, glanced down at Ling Lan, and said disdainfully.

Ling Lan didn't look at him and took a detour directly. However, the believers around him were very cooperative and stood in a row tacitly to block him.