Angel War Soul

Chapter 099 Special Contribution

I have to say that the power of faith of the people does exist. Ling Lan's recent progress has accelerated a lot. He has completely understood the blessings of the first level of healing magic, and now officially enters the light of hope in the second level of realm. No one can learn this high-level magic in the Leilin Empire. This is a magic that can only be practiced by the purple archbishop. If you want to learn, you must have the status of archbishop on the Holy Mountain of Light to practice.

Ling Lan lives with countless wreaths in the support of the people every day. In addition to exhaustion, he also attracts many believers for the church. In the whole city of Loran, almost 90% of the people have become believers of the church, 30% of whom are the credit of Ling Lan himself.

The more believers there are, the more the status of the Church of Light will be consolidated among the people. As a bishop, Elifir is very pleased to award a special contribution award to Ling Lan.

In the sunny and blue morning, the red sun has just shined on the horizon, the headquarters of the Church of Light in the city of Loran. The bustling crowd on the streets there is pouring towards the church. Today, the church specially opens the door for the majority of believers to come in to watch the grand ceremony.

"Ling Lan! Ling Lan! Ling Lan..."

Most of the crazy believers are for Ling Lan. They are basically people who have received help from Ling Lan. For this church member who can treat their physical and psychological pain, the general public is thanking him from the bottom of their hearts.

In the square of the church, Bishop Elifir and Lord Megaya sat together and watched Ling Lan walk up the platform with a smile.

Around the square, the famous white-clothed believers stood majestically in the breeze.

Those enthusiastic and excited people stood outside the wall surrounded by white believers. They smiled happily, widened their eyes, and watched Ling Lan walk step by step towards Elliefield.

This is a glorious ceremony, which is a great honor ceremony. Ling Lan received a special contribution award from Bishop Elifeld in just over two months when she came to the Leilin Empire.

In the envy and jealous eyes of those church believers, Ling Lan held high the trophy made of golden angel statues and smiled to thank the thousands of believers and church members below.

This trophy not only symbolizes the supreme honor, but also Ling Lan has become the third person of the Light Church of the Leilin Empire after rigaya and Elifir. Now he can go in and out of the church at will and has almost the same freedom rights as bishops. At the same time, he is more leisurely and comfortable than Elifir, because he does not have to manage the affairs of the church and is respected by people with a high title like Migaya.

"Ling Lan, congratulations, I feel great honored to have joined you." Elliefield got up and looked at Ling Lan in front of her. She smiled happily, and a holy and white brocade robe outlined her perfect and proud body. The beautiful curved lines, white and delicate skin, and a beautiful face like a lotus face, emitting as charming and holy light as the goddess in the sun.

"Lord Phil, you're too polite. If you hadn't taken me in, I might have been wandering somewhere now, hehe." Today's Ling Lan also put on the most luxurious and brocade robe that can best highlight the charming temperament of men. One year older, he is now equal to Elliefiel. If it hadn't been for the faint and less obvious childishness on his face, the loyal believers below would have made it absolutely like a natural pair. A pair.

There is a sea of people, and there are some people who don't like Ling Lan in the boiling voice.

"Hmm! Bishop Phil looks down on this boy too much! Won't you be fascinated by him?"

"Shut up, Gore, if you had the ability, it wouldn't be his turn." Gohada stood in front of Gore in his casual clothes today. The two of them were in the crowd and no one paid attention to them at all.

"Who said I'm not as good as him, that little bastard can't beat me at all! Damn it!"

The grand award ceremony took about an hour, and finally, the crazy believers left the church with great reluctance under the departure of Ling Lan and Bishop Phil.

Ling Lan, who was awarded this honor, was not idle. In the afternoon, he was hurriedly pulled by the church's carriage and rushed all the way to the prison in Loran City.

The power of healing can make those who are psychologically disabled see the light again. In order to expand Ling Lan's popularity and save more people in need of treatment, he was placed in prison by the church to heal those who have destroyed human nature and lost their conscience.

On this day, under the power of Ling Lan's fullest words of blessing, thousands of vicious criminals left tears of repentance and gratitude. Under the holy light, they realized the mistakes they had made at the beginning. These stubborn and unrepentant people were finally in Ling Lan's The rescue clearly realized the sins he had committed.

The next day, Ling Lan went to the nursing home in Wangcheng to treat all the elderly who were dying, sitting in wheelchairs and lying in ** unable to move. With the help of Ling Lan, 80% of the elderly who were already hopeless stood up again. Those who were about to go to heaven could not The old man who spoke gradually began to speak.

On the third day, Ling Lan treated countless disabled children. After being exhausted, he finally returned to the church after finishing all this.

Ling Lan rests for a week in a small courtyard full of nature. Every day, Mia Elan will come to see him. Sometimes she will attentively ask him some cultivation problems, and sometimes she will tell him what has happened outside in the past few days.

After Ling Lan felt that the outside world was gradually quiet, he stepped out of the elegant courtyard early in the sunlight.

Outside the church, opposite the Bright Healing Hall, outside the century-old Qiancao Hall door, a group of busy people went in and out. The facade of the Qiancao Hall was broken into a big eye-catching hole. This just happened yesterday. I heard that several assassins wanted to assassinate someone in the Qiancao Hall, but unfortunately After the fierce battle, Qiancaotang's century-old brand could not withstand the blow, and then became what it is now.

Ling Lan went out and saw the situation in front of him without walking a few steps. Today, he was wearing a simple gray cloth, and there were few pedestrians on the road. Even if someone recognized him, he was surprised and happy for a while before leaving reluctantly.


When Ling Lan looked at it a few times and was about to leave, a beautiful shadow came from inside and appeared in front of him. I haven't seen her for almost a month, and Leia's face looks a little haggard.

"Ling Lan, is that you?" There was a burst of excitement in Leah's dark eyes and disappeared in an instant. Why are you here?"

"I'll go out for a walk. Aren't you in the palace?" Ling Lan looked at Qiancaotang again, wondering if Leia was sick.

"I've been out for a long time. I've been in Qiancao Hall for a month!"

"Ah! Ha ha, I'm sorry, I've been so busy these days that I haven't seen you." Ling Lan scratched the back of his head awkwardly and moved his eyes elsewhere.

The two faced each other and were embarrassed for a moment. They didn't know what to say. When Ling Lan saw Leia, she always had a feeling of escape, but he wanted to see her again. This kind of contradictory psychological torture made him very uncomfortable.

Lea also blushed slightly, and her white teeth bit her delicate red lips and stood there at a loss.

Slowly, Ling Lan lowered her head and suddenly raised her. Behind him, behind the house, there was a path, and a fierce murderous atmosphere came from there. Although the breath was very deep, Ling Lan still sensed it at once.

"Someone is staring at us." Ling Lan whispered and quickly to Leia, and he immediately stood in front of her. Block the most likely location for her to be attacked.

Reia heard his words and wanted to say something, but she still resisted when she stopped talking.

The fierce murderous spirit disappeared after Ling Lan noticed it. He said goodbye to Leya and chased after him decisively. After several intricate streets, Ling Lan came to a small forest and stopped.

"Come out." Ling Lan stood there and said to the air. He followed here, and the hidden human breath was hidden in the woods.

After a while, an evil ridicule came to his ears, and in front of him, under the cover of the trees, slowly came out of a tall man.

Ling Lan only saw the man's side face and immediately recognized his identity.


"Hahaha... You can still recognize me after thousands of loves. That's good, then you won't be a resentful ghost after death."

"Are you alone? Call out all your companions." Ling Lan was able to beat him before, but now, with great strength, he naturally doesn't think that he has only one person. If you want to kill Ling Lan, it is absolutely not enough for him alone.

"Ky, I'm enough alone. Go to hell!" Jeloiza's hatred for Ling Lan burst out in an instant. He had been humiliated by Ling Lan, and now he has chased here from Hill to revenge!

"I haven't taken action for a long time..." Two white lights burst out of Ling Lan's eyes, and the light that can distract people's hearts is the power of healing magic. The devil's blood-red eyes can make people feel scared, while his eyes can make people quiet and slowly fade the murder.

"Brightness and mystery! The holy sword penetrates the heart!"

Jeroisa knew Ling Lan's strength. At the beginning, he merged with the knight's sword in his hand and turned into a thick and sharp sword light, penetrating Ling Lan's body straight.

Thousands of sword lights from the sky and the ground, centered on Ling Lan, horribly cutting towards Ling Lan. Ling Lan's figure also disappeared at the same time, constantly flashing frequently in the woods. The lush forest collapsed, and for a moment, the trees in the whole forest were poisoned and cut off.