Angel War Soul

Chapter 124 Sea

"Sword of Heaven!" Ling Lan roared, and suddenly, a sharp and powerful sword light burst out from the holy light that was about to annihilate. The sword of heaven fell from the sky and cut off the head of the dark queen's head. Being disturbed, she had no choice but to dodge to one side. When the black magic fog subsided, Ling Lan gritted her teeth and bloomed a strong holy light.


The huge sword light pierced the earth, and countless eye-catching cracks spread along the ground. When Ling Lan saw the Dark Queen flashing aside, he suddenly ran into the forest and quickly left the wrong place.

"Where are you going!"

The Dark Queen waved the purple wand in her hand, and countless black smoke penetrated into the forest like a tentacle. Just as she was about to chase her, she saw the light of the sun shining on her on the horizon. Her eyes closed unnaturally and stopped in place.

With her pause, Ling Lan's figure had long run without a trace, and it took a lot of effort to chase her.


The angry dark queen shot countless black fog all over her body, and the sound kept ringing. Within a few hundred meters, those thick trees were smashed by the powerful power in an instant and fell to the ground one after another.

Ling Lan ran all the way and finally found the mark left by Wendy and others a quarter of an hour later. In a dense forest, on the top of a 100-meter-high tree, Wendy and others were looking around nervously for fear of another enemy running out.

"There is movement there!" Illei whispered that she tightened the bowstring and aimed at the shaking grass.

Ling Lan's figure flashed and stood on the top of a tree. On his left head, several people were leaning behind the tree and staring at him.

"Ling Lan!"

Irlei saw that Ling Lan was chasing him. She shouted to him excitedly. They jumped down from the tree one after another and looked excitedly at Ling Lan, who was stained with blood.

"Are you all right?" Ling Lan asked, "This time, several elves died, and Ling Lan felt ashamed.

"We are fine, thanks to you, or we will be killed by the queen. However, the princess is still in a coma for the time being. Illei said gratefully to Ling Lan that in her heart, Ling Lan has become a great hero. He has helped her and Wendy several times. Without him, their lives would be in danger at all times.

"Then let's go quickly. Maybe they will catch up." This place is full of danger all the time. There are only five of them left, and two others can't move. The dark elves may bring a large number of troops to chase them at any time.

Lance's snake was also seriously injured, and Elta was still in a coma for the time being. None of them was intact. After a night of fierce war, they struggled to run for another day.

In the endless dense forest, they left their tired footprints. Finally, at sunset, they finally rushed out of the vast forest and came to a shore.

The endless sea brightened their eyes. Without the cover of countless trees, their nervous and stuffy hearts slowly relaxed.

At a tall stone heap, they chatted tiredly, and then unconsciously fell asleep.

The next day, before dawn, Ling Lan and others were awakened by a fight. Two of the five people were missing. Ling Lan looked at them, and Lance and Elta were fighting fiercely in the distance.

"Wondy, Ilray!" Ling Lan woke them up, and he quickly rushed to the front to see what was going on.

Elta, who had rested for a day and night, returned to her old look. She held a dagger coldly and kept attacking Lance. Lance's strength without the contract beast was greatly reduced. As he retreated, he quickly shot a crossbow to interfere with Elta's attack.

Ling Lan saw Elta's resentful eyes and suddenly remembered the scene of Lance and her rolling on the ground yesterday. As soon as he wanted to stop him, he lowered his head awkwardly and did not take action.

"Ling Lan, stop her!"

Lance's body was scratched by Elta. He couldn't beat Elta and had no choice but to ask Ling Lan for help.

" Stop it!" Although she lived like Lance, she was still a dark elf and a threatening enemy. Ling Lan stood in front of her and stretched out a hand and said.

"Let's get out of the way!" Elta looked at Ling Lan and didn't mean to kill him. Now, she doesn't want anyone's life except Lance.

"Look at me, hope!" Ling Lan's eyes burst into two holy lights. The holy light that could comfort people's hearts immediately made Elta stop moving. Under the baptism of the holy light, her feeling of hatred gradually faded. Then, her hand loosened, and the sharp dagger fell to the ground.

"No! No!"

Elta, who was very responsible, hugged her head and shouted. She couldn't accept the drastic changes in the past few days, even if she was a cold and emotionless killer. Under the training of the Dark Queen, she specializes in assassinating all enemies. However, in order to make her absolutely obey the Dark Queen, she always hangs a detoxification necklace around her neck. She has been poisoned since she was a child. If there is no detoxification necklace, she will immediately attack and die slowly.

Who knew that the necklace Lance hung for him could dilute the toxins in her body, so that she could not attack and have a certain ability to move. After she captured Lance, the suspicious dark queen no longer believed her.

"Oh! Honey, don't cry! I will be responsible for you!" Lance squatted down affectionately and stared at Elta with his soft eyes.

At this time, Ling Lan winke at Wendy, who was coming. They went far away, leaving Lance and Elta there to continue to struggle.

Seeing Lance and Elta together, Wendy suddenly blushed and lowered her head shyly. She also saw what happened that day very clearly, and she didn't just look at it. Thinking of this, her hurry just now also dissipated and looked at the boundless sea with embarrassment.

The bright sun shone on the dark blue sea, and the slight sea breeze blew on Ling Lan's faces. He took out the fruits stored in the space ring and handed them to Wendy and Il Ray.

In this beautiful scenery, they enjoy a delicious breakfast. After half an hour, Lance, whose face was full of fingerprints, and Elta, who was silent, walked slowly towards them.

After breakfast, they discussed and kept walking east along the coastline. The place near the sea was not far from Yanshan Island. Ling Lan came to the forest of elves for this purpose. When he heard the news, his inner excitement could not hide on his face.

Along the coastline, they left their long footprints along the way. They all walked barefoot in the sea. The cool comfort made them quickly forget yesterday's unhappiness.

"Yes, I remember one thing!"

Ling Lan, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, and he turned his head to Wendy, as if he had something to say to her.

"Ling Lan, what can I do for you?"

"I saw Sylph in the dark elf's hole. He said he would unite with the Dark Queen to attack Moss City."

"What!" Wendy grew her mouth in surprise, and her happy face suddenly showed a worried look. "There is something wrong with Sylph. The mother has reminded me."

"Princess Wendy, I'm going back to report to Her Majesty. Otherwise, it will be too late!" The loyal Illei beg for orders. She is also very anxious and matters related to the safety of the whole elf forest. She attaches great importance to it.

"Then let's go back quickly, cough." Wendy was thinking about the Elf Queen. She was detached by the queen and came here. I don't know what happened.

"No, Your Highness, this journey must be very dangerous. I'm fine. You have to stay by Ling Lan's side. Only he can protect you!" Illei suddenly stopped her. After getting along with each other for so long, she had a very good impression of Ling Lan. Giving Wendy to him was the only and the best way at present.

Since the appearance of Elta, Lance has been by her side on the road and has been caring for him. Although his changes have made everyone strange, he understands it.

"If we want to go back, we should also have a good rest. My little black can't come out to fight now. You can't be in a hurry for a while." Lance said to the anxious Illei. He held the cold Elta and even focused most of his eyes on her when he spoke.

"Lance is right. If we make a scene, the Dark Queen will be a few days late if she wants to do it, and we are all injured, so..."

"I'm sorry, everyone, I'm in a hurry. It's not too late for us to wait a few more days." Wendy suffered internal injuries in the battle and has not fully recovered. Ling Lan also had a ferocious wound on her arm. Not to mention going back safely, if they meet another wave of dark elves, it will be difficult to deal with.

"Look! There is a small boat there!" Behind them, there was no way to see the sea, and a small boat was sailing towards the distance. From their sight, the boat was about to disappear.

"Let's go and have a look!" Ling Lan vaguely felt that the man was wearing a white robe, which was very similar to the clothes of the Light God Religion. Moreover, this is the sea, and Yanshan Island must be near here.

After a small boat appeared, their dullness was gradually thrown away. After a long run, the figure of the small boat became closer and closer to them.

It seemed that they felt their expectations, and the boat came towards them in the opposite direction.

On the boat, a man in white was holding the pole and sliding slowly.

Ling Lan and others stood still and gasped. It was very happy to see a person on this vast sea.

The man in white stopped the boat on the shore. He easily jumped to the coast ten meters away.