Angel War Soul

Chapter 143 Landslides

For such a long time, no one has appeared in the cave except Sylph.

Ling Lan all sensed this abnormal situation and looked at each other one after another.

"Aren't you weird?" Ling Lan couldn't help asking.

"Well, we seem to have been ambushed."

"Do you have it? It seems so!" Lance listened to them and realized something.

"Do you have surrounded us?" Lance kicked Sylph's buttocks hard again and threw him to eat shit.

The unlucky Sylph's eyes were black, and two hot streams flowed out of his nostrils, "Ouch! I... I really... don't know..."

"Mandecaza is not here today?" Ling Lan asked questioningly.

"I don't know, I... will take you to the place where he... lives."

"Don't believe him, let's get out!" Syrneman realized the danger and had taken Ling Lan and the others through the passage and walked forward.

Suddenly, Sylph, who was unable to move, flew to Lance and accidentally hugged one of his thighs.

"Even if I die, I will pull a cushion!" Sylph shouted in a sad voice, and his cry seemed very horrible in this dark cave.

When Lance was about to kick him away, fine sand and stones spilled down on his head, and his clothes were stained. Suddenly, there were violent vibrations in the cave, and stones fell from the top of the cave and hit the ground.

Around them, large rocks blocked the road ahead in an instant and could no longer pass.

At this dangerous time, Elta pulled out the dagger and cut off Sylph's arm fiercely. After the cut arm flew out, Lance and she were buried by the stone and disappeared.

"Lance!" Ling Lan folded back, and a huge holy light bomb smashed the hard rocks. Queen Sirniman also stood with them to resist the collapse of the mountain.

In the air of Fengyin Mountain, a black figure laughed crazily. Under his repeated attacks, the whole mountain trembled violently. Just now, it collapsed at a very fast speed on the top of the mountain at his feet. After a long time, he laughed proudly and then went away.

Ling Lan and others buried under the collapsed Fengyin Mountain. How powerful the whole mountain is. It is almost impossible for them to come out of this mountain alive.

Mande Caesar has been waiting for this day for a long time. He not only got rid of his hated sister Silniman, but also wiped out Ling Lan and the others.

Wendy, who had not seen Ling Lan and their return for five or six days, became more and more worried about their safety. She wanted to find them several times, but under the order of the Elf King, she could not leave the place where she was born at all.

The soul power of the Elf King is depleting day by day, and it won't be long before she will really disappear. Now, she just uses the mysterious power of the super ancient tree to maintain her soul.

If Wendy doesn't have the ability to be independent, she will never leave at ease.

"What should I do..." In front of the rebuilt Elf Temple, Wendy wore the queen's costume, frowned slightly, and her bright eyes were a little deep sad.

Since Ling Lan and the others left, she had to stand there like this for a few hours every day. It was not until she was tired and relieved that she reluctantly turned away.

There has been no news of the appearance of dark elves these days. Her people think that the enemy is afraid, but she understands that the ability of Mandekaza alone is that none of them can easily defeat.

Illei ran anxiously to the root of the super ancient tree. She looked up in the direction of the temple, where Wendy was standing and looking east. She shouted loudly, and then hurriedly jumped on the thick branches.

Wendi heard her shout and turned her head to look down.

"Princess, princess! The Dark Holy King came in person with his team!"

"Oh, then get ready to fight."

"Princess, didn't Ling Lan go to kill him? I saw him stationed in the canyon thousands of miles away with all his troops. Illei said nervously.

"Maybe, maybe Brother Ling Lan and they didn't find him at all. Let's go to fight." Wendy doesn't want to think about bad things. She has been being taught by the elf king these days. As the new elf king who leads one side, the first thing she needs to learn is to be strong!

Mandecaza's army quickly adjusted, and their every move at the foot of the mountain was seen by the elves and reported to Moss City at any time.

However, this time, Mande Caesar personally rushed to the front. Where he passed, there was no Holy Spirit who survived, and those dark whistles that wanted to go back to report were all poisoned by him. The dark army advanced as fast as possible, and even so, they were left far behind.

Under the collapsed Fengyin Mountain, a big snake strangely broke out of the hard mountain wall, and there was a loud sound from the bursting gravel. Then, a 100-meter-long horrible black snake came out of the mountain, and several people followed closely behind it.

Those are four small figures, which are easy to be ignored compared with the huge black snake. In three days, Ling Lan and the others were buried for three days before opening a passage with all their strength and rushing out.

"Cough... I'm exhausted..." Lance coughed violently, and the feeling of being buried was very uncomfortable. If it hadn't been for Sylman and Ling Lan, they would not have been out.

Sirneman can distinguish some of the power of the mountain and can't suppress them. Ling Lan uses the strength of his firm heart to support everyone. On the one hand, he can improve his strength, and on the other hand, he can prevent everyone from despairing and then thinking nonsense.

Even if they come out now, they don't know how they persisted at that time.

If a team of people is killed now, they will never fight back, because they are all tired and exhausted. Xiaohei, who was summoned, also fell to the ground as if he were dead. They sat on the ground like that, gasping quietly and recovering their strength.

Ling Lan's eyes moved around. He found that there were countless footprints on the soft land, spreading densely along the west, which was in the direction of Moss City. With so many footprints, a large number of troops must have passed by from then.

Thinking about this, Ling Lan suddenly was not tired. He stood up and looked carefully. Some of his footprints still had some dry water marks. Now it was dusk, and it was going to be dark.

Ling Lan looked to the left, and Queen Sylniman, like him, also found the abnormality on the ground. Their eyes were intertwined and they nodded to each other.

"Lance, Elta, let's go back quickly!" Ling Lan shouted to Lance. He frowned and realized that something bad was happening.

"What are you doing! Let's talk about it later!" Lance replied with a rare dissatisfaction. When his little black heard the sound, he raised his huge head twice as big as his body and stared at them with his round blood-red eyes.

"Mostown may be attacked! Hurry up and keep up!" Ling Lan did not forcefully dissuade him. Together with Syrneman, he rushed anxiously to the west forest.

When Lance saw them saying they would leave, he suddenly ran away. He was stunned, called Xiaohei, and jumped on it and followed it.

Along the way, the land was full of dense footprints, and only in the forest of fallen leaves did it gradually disappear. Ling Lan and the others were panicked and accelerated their pace.

After running for nearly half an hour, the thick black smoke blocked their sight, and a trace of choking smoke was sucked into their lungs and couldn't help coughing.

"The front was burned by a fire." Ling Lan frowned and said. He saw the strong flame flash from the black smoke from time to time, and the whole forest was burning quickly. A flame rushed to the trees in front of him along the wind and rushed to Ling Lan and them with irresistible power.

"Go and put out the fire!" Although no one can be seen, the fire is definitely more terrible than the earthquake. In this forest of elves full of trees, nothing is more terrible than flames!

Queen Sylman rolled up a black tornado with her unique dark breath, and her figure disappeared into the wind and rushed into the fire all over the sky at a strange speed.

Ling Lan's light magic hit the burning trees fiercely. In an instant, pieces of trees were quickly destroyed and fell down, but for a moment, a messy open space was cleared in the forest covering the sky.

Five summoned angel phantoms rushed into the fire and waved the sword in their hands. Each of their swords was cut off, and dozens of trees could be cut off and torn to pieces. Five angel phantoms ignored the burning of the fire and opened the way in front. Behind them, Lance and Elta cooperated to clean up the flames that had not been completely extinguished.

The fire has been burning fiercely since they met to Mostown. On the periphery of Mos City, in the cleared open space, countless vast dark elves are shooting at the super ancient tree with dense wall-like bows and arrows.

A scream kept ringing and never stopped. Trees are the lives of elves. They didn't expect the dark elves to be so vicious and use this despicable method to win the final victory.

The anxious Wendy commanded the painful and frightened army to fight the fire while dealing with the enemy's attack. Mandecaza floated coldly in mid-air and stared at her 500 meters away. He did not do it, just like looking at a clown, admiring her desperate, anxious, irritable and painful expression.