Angel War Soul

Chapter 159 The Battle of the Two Snakes

"Great benefactor, we are coming!"

Crue roared like thunder, and he rushed here with more than 50 bear warriors.

When he saw the man's big meatball, he not only bent down, but also gasped dumbfoundedly.

"What's going on?"

"You're late."

Crue, like the bear warriors behind him, was stunned by the situation in front of him. The bodies of hundreds of snakes and tigers were piled up together to form a circle. Their bodies were exposed and their limbs were inserted into the meat ball, which was very strange and shocking.

When Crew found that all this was done by Ling Lan, his respect for Ling Lan went deeper into the bone marrow.

"K Crewe, your benefactor is too strong. Is this still a human?"

"Kru, the tiger king of our empire is not as powerful as him. He is really my idol!"

In the worshipful eyes of a group of soldiers, Ling Lan has gone a long way.

The snakeman and the tiger man were sent by Sambana and Lukakut to hunt down Ling Lan and Lance, but what they didn't expect was that Ling Lan's strength was so strong that they could not shake it at all.

Cruz was always monitoring between Ling Lan and them, and also took more than 50 of his brothers, a step late.

Under Crewe's instructions, the whole orc empire has given up the war against the Leilin Empire. They have fought for more than a year and have not achieved any benefits. The bear warriors who had been charging in front of them were very dissatisfied, which also made the balance of the war tilt against the Leilin Empire.

The orc empire with a wide variety of races is difficult to govern. Today's king Sambada also relies on the natural power and kingly of the tiger clan to defeat snakemen, werewolves, bearmen and other races, and has been sitting in the position of king for more than 50 years.

Those races that were temporarily suppressed by him are ostensibly bowed to him and are polite, but except for the bear clan, the race is more or less thinking about the position of the king at all times.

The bear tribes retreating from the battlefield are often contacted. Their people are seriously killed and injured in the war. In order not to allow other races to annex them, they are no longer at the mercy of the king as before. Since the matter of Crewe and his son, they have secretly prepared to go to war with the snake clan.

In a bear tribe on the grassland outside Samba, Ling Lan was kindly invited by Crew and others to stay there. When he arrived there, he found that Lance was also there.

When he went out of the fox hole, Lance chased Hu Sotu away. He was very cunning and had someone to respond. Because he was unfamiliar with the terrain, Lance had no choice but to turn back.

The friendly bear clan knew that he and Ling Lan were friends, so they brought him here and treated him warmly.

In the tribe, the bright firelight is as conspicuous as the moon in the sky in the dark grassland.

In order to celebrate the escape of Crewe and his son, and the arrival of Ling Lan and Lance, the bear warrior specially held a large bonfire banquet tonight.

"In order to celebrate the return of Crewe and his son from the sinister bastards of the snake clan, everyone picked up the sea bowl in their hands and toasted the bravest father and son of our clan!" The elder of the tribe is a middle-aged man with a striking white scar on his forehead, which reveals a fierce wildness in the light of fire.

Kru and his son sat in the middle of the seat and worked happily with the crowd.

Ling Lan and Lance also took a sip next to them.

In the bonfire in the middle, on dozens of iron shelves, the whole sheep that is being oiled on the barbecue emits a seductive smell. Ten enchanting and sexy fox sex slaves circled around the bonfire. Their clenched wheat-colored water snake waist, coupled with the two big meat balls on their chest, made the male bear warriors deeply fascinated.

A pleasant feast was being held. Those bear soldiers who had eaten and drank enough rushed excitedly to the fox sex slave and surrounded them with a smile. Their obscene and greedy expression was no worse than Lance's.

Suddenly, Ling Lan put down his glass and flashed a light in his eyes. Lance and Elta around him noticed something and handed each other a look.

In this bear tribe, the most powerful warriors are the elders of the tribe and Knuba, the father of Crewe.

The two bears were drunk and hugged each other crookedly, bragging and chatting loudly there.

Ling Lan took a look at them, stood up alone and left here.

"The enemy is coming, call your brothers!" Lance patted Crewe's head fiercely and left the seat with Elta.

Cruff was drunk, and his head suddenly hit the table. The broken bowl made him slowly wake up. He vaguely remembered what Lance said and suddenly sat up.

"Let's go! Kill all these pig-like idiots!"

As soon as Ling Lan walked to the outermost tent, she heard a sound. Then, countless waves rushed quickly and shot at the bear tent one by one with fire arrows.

"Black hole devours!"

In the sky, a huge black hole was hidden in the dark, and the rockets that were about to touch the flammable tent were suddenly pulled back by a huge force and broke with a "crip" sound.

Hundreds of bows and arrows were blocked by the black hole and could not cross the mine pool.

Those snake warriors who rushed in quickly surrounded the bear tribe, and Lance and Elta blocked one side and fought with the enemy.

"It's not good! Wake up, everyone!" Excited, Crewe sweated coldly and kicked every drunk bear man lying on the ground.

Except for the tribal elders and Knuba's natural consciousness**, they woke up at once, and almost half of the other bear clans could not get up.

"Get out of here if you don't want to die!" Four powerful angel phantas glowing in the dark were like protectors, blocking the attack of the snake army. Ling Lan took out the flaming sword and gave birth to three pairs of wings of heaven behind, like a god descending to the earth. The majestic earthquake detered the enemy.

The snake people who killed the red eyes were not afraid of Ling Lan's intimidation, and caught the drunken bear warriors and cut off their heads.

Elta returned to the tribe and blocked the snakemen who rushed in. Kru and Knuba, the tribal elders, waved their tomahawks fiercely to block every snakemen passing in front of them.

The dissuasion was ineffective, and Ling Lan no longer sympathizes with them. As soon as the sword came out, its extraordinary power killed dozens of enemies gathered together in an instant.

The four angel phantoms were also side by side, killing the enemy without any pain in the encirclement of the enemy.

The snake sneak attack is well prepared. They have more than 1,000 people, and they are bound to destroy this bear tribe of only 400 people.

They got the news and took the opportunity to do it when the bear soldiers were drunk.

But what they didn't expect was that the appearance of Ling Lan and the three was enough to resist thousands of them. Groups of snakes were burned to death by the fire of the sword, leaving no ashes.

"Captain! That man is awesome! Let's summon the snake god!"

"Go quickly, call Lord Snake God!"

The captain of the snake clan, who was full of blood and lost an arm, looked at Ling Lan in horror. He had never seen such a powerful person. The heartfelt fear had made his legs obed and unable to move.


"What?" Ling Lan suspended in the sky. He could see everything on the ground clearly. On the boundless grassland, a long road of land collapsed, and a huge black snake broke out of the ground and roared fiercely.

The powerful snake is about 100 meters long and has a diameter of five meters. As soon as it appears, the whole grassland is shaking violently. Its snake eyes emitted blood-red bloodthirsty light, and the poison gas ejected by the two poisonous teeth flew away with the wind, covering all the bear tribes in an instant.

It's terrible!

This is simply not like a creature on earth. Those drunken bears were awakened by the roar. They didn't know what had happened one by one, rubbing their hazy eyes and looking at the sky.

"Quick, take everyone away!" The tribal elders roared at the awakened people like crazy.

The overwhelming poisonous fog not only poisoned all the bear warriors, but also injured a large number of snakes.

"Damn, it's bigger than my little black! Let me see which of you is better! Come out!"

A small black snake appeared out of thin air. As soon as it came out, it grew up and bit the body of the snake half as big as 180 degrees.

Two snakes scrambled to bite each other on the plain. Suddenly, those snake warriors suffered one after another and were all buried under their bodies.

Hundreds of tents were crushed into the ground by the snake's body and buried in the soil. The tribal elders ran back desperately with the still living bear warriors.

The battle between the two snakes was no longer what they could stop. Ling Lan saw that the snakes were almost dead, and the rest were scared and fled for their lives.

Ling Lan caught up with the evacuated bear warrior and stopped on a hill.


The tragic moans kept ringing, and those poisoned bear warriors could no longer move at all. They were deeply poisoned. If it hadn't been for the bear people's natural thick skin and strong immunity to toxins, they would all have been poisoned to death.

"I have an antidote, give them a quick meal!"

Ling Lan took out a pile of bottles and jars and threw them to the ground. He stood in the middle of the crowd, and the sacred light enveloped the dying bear warrior.


Those soldiers whose consciousness was already blurred suddenly felt a warm light shining on them. The tingling of their hearts and the feeling of insect bites were slowly fading. They looked at Ling Lan wrapped in the holy light as if they had seen the god in the sky.

Ling Lan's firm heart slowed down the time of their death and made them forget the pain. With the help ofke lu and other intact soldiers, hundreds of soldiers who had already died survived with the help of the antidote.