Angel War Soul

Chapter 163 God of War

In the middle of the morning, the guests who came to celebrate left the palace. The Tiger King attached great importance to his safety. He would not let the hundreds of people stay in the palace. There were two peerless masters protecting him all the time beside him.

Ling Lan waited for a long time in the tiger king's bedroom. In the quiet environment, the tiger king's roar broke the tranquility in the palace. He drank very excitedly and shouted in the corridor excitedly. In this palace, he was the only one who dared to do so.

Ling Lan heard his voice from afar. He saw the Tiger King enter the bedroom with the help of several beautiful maidservant.

The windows in his room were wide open, and Ling Lan saw that he was helped to a huge soft** that could accommodate about ten people and lay down.

In the attic where the treasures are stored, the statue of the demon placed in front of the window seemed to have a soul, staring at his ferocious and horrible eyes, facing the body of the Tiger King.

Six fox girls lit a fragrance in every corner of the room, and the psychedelic and charming fragrance quickly coiled around the bedroom and entered the nose of the tiger king.

"Well, it smells so good! Beauties, take off your clothes and come here!"

The voice of the Tiger King was very loud, like thunder in the sky. Ling Lan bypassed the window and jumped to the opposite roof. The rising smoke wrapped around the head of the Tiger King's bed. Under the moonlight, the dark light reflected from the eyes of the earth demon statue shot into the house.

The smoke touched the light reflected from the earth's eyes, and gradually changed slightly. Ling Lan stared carefully and slowly saw the change that made him a little uncertain.

"Sure enough!"

He floated into mid-air and threw a small dust-like gravel in his hand. He used the magic of moving objects. In the next second, the disappeared gravel touched the statue of the earth demon and heard an extremely slight sound. The touched god turned to one side and his eyes also changed direction.


Suddenly, ten dark shadows shot out of the window and dispersed fiercely around. Ling Lan had already run away when she threw out the gravel.

No matter how powerful those masked guards are, they can't find him.

After ten minutes, those guards who found something wrong could not find the target and sneaked back to the attic. However, they no longer hid in hidden cracks, but clung to the wall, waiting for the target to take action again at any time.

They took a look at the demon statue that was beaten in a changed direction and did not touch it.

Ling Lan has been staring at them in the dark. When he was sure that everything was okay, he walked slowly past the door of the Tiger King's bedroom.

His feet fell to the ground without making a sound, but he took two steps and suddenly a dark shadow flew from the window and rushed straight to him.

Ling Lan hid himself and ran to the other side of the attic. He followed the route in his heart and ran to the almost uninhabited area, where there were rows of dense uninhabited houses. He stopped, and the dark shadow that had been chasing suddenly stopped and stood in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm looking for you. Don't care who I am."

"Then you are dead!" The other party was a strong tiger man with explosive muscles. He carried a two-meter-long silver ring guillohead knife and killed him.

"Wait, the Tiger King is dying!"

"What did you say?" The bodyguard who hurriedly stopped the impulse turned his head, and his knife body made a buzzing vibration. If it was cut out at that moment, the house under his feet would break a big hole.

"Give this letter to the Tiger King, otherwise his son will die, do you understand?" Ling Lan threw it casually and handed the pre-written letter to the bodyguard opposite.

His figure flashed and immediately appeared a kilometer away. The bodyguard received the letter, stared at his already shadowy body fiercely, and returned very quickly.

Ling Lan stopped in an open space outside the palace. He wanted to call the Tiger King out and explain to himself that the captured Sambana belonged to Eltagon. With this chip, he did not believe that the Tiger King would not come out.

In less than ten minutes, an amazing breath roared past and fell to the ground with a "bang".

Ling Lan only felt the ground shaking. On the opposite side, the Tiger King was dressed and stared at his eyes murderably.

"Did you catch my son?"

"Yes, I'm afraid you won't come out."

Suddenly, two powerful breaths approached Ling Lan and stopped them one after the other.

Ling Lan took out the flaming sword and cut it back. He did not dodge and confronted the other party aggressively.

The man didn't expect Ling Lan to be like this. He also pulled out two thunder hammers in the air and roared and smashed over.


The hot and dazzling fire dragon burst out roaring. How could the bodyguard think that Ling Lan's sword was so powerful? He was immediately shocked, and his whole body turned over and rolled to the ground.


The tiger king shouted harshly. He narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists tightly. The two rows of sharp tiger teeth were exposed and were bound to take action in person.

"If you do it again, your son will die!" Ling Lan pointed to the sword, and the power of the artifact was not small, and the roar on the sword was endless, echoing in the air.

Seeing that the three of them did not move, Ling Lan quickly said, "There is something wrong with the demon statue sent to you by the fox clan. They joined forces with the snake clan to murder you, but unfortunately I found it, so I came to save your life today."

"Hahahaha... You madman, today I have to chop you into meat sauce and feed you to the dog!" Two three-meter-long and half-thick mace appeared in the tiger king's hand. The golden iron was full of dense hook thorns. Under the reflection of the moonlight, the countless starry light was like a sharp knife piercing Ling Lan's eyes.

"Don't you believe it? If you pretend to be sick for a few days after you go back, you will know that my words are correct.

"Ah..." The tiger king no longer paid attention to Ling Lan. His five-meter-high turret-like body rushed over, and the ground shook violently. Ling Lan's eyes flashed sharply and was no longer polite.

"God of Jihad!"

Ling Lan used the eighth-order light magic "Holy Faith" to support himself. His body suddenly gushed out endless power. In his movement, his reaction and explosive power increased significantly, and then took Ling Lan, the ninth-order light magic "Holy War God". In a moment, his whole strength increased more than before. At least 15 times.

Three pairs of holy angel wings were born behind Ling Lan, and the amazing breath that burst out shocked the tiger king. The sword in his hand was shining brightly, and a sword roared, and he turned into a red angel and rushed over aggressively.

The fierce wind blew the tiger king's hair fiercely behind. On his face, the terrible big eyes were about to open. He was crushed by Ling Lan's breath and roared angrily. He suddenly jumped into the air, and the mace in his hands quickly rotated away, and the airflow mixed with a whirlwind fell on his head.

"Boom! Boom..."

Ling Lan stiffly blocked his two sticks. As soon as the hot flame touched the Tiger King, the raging holy light and the burning fire rushed at him with teeth and claws, and surrounded him in an instant.

On the green ground, three dazzling lights collided with each other, and an amazing light mass burst out. The two ninth-order bodyguards stared in horror and were shocked by the fight between Ling Lan and forgot to escape.


The hot flame burned to the tiger king's hair. At that moment, Ling Lan's holy light gave up an idea in his heart, that is, in that second, the flames all over the sky devoured his body. If his strength hadn't broken the flame boundary, he would have been burned into a bare hairless tiger.

" hiss..."

On the unsightly ground destroyed by powerful forces, the dense grass was ignited by the remaining flames and burned quickly. Ling Lan stood in mid-air and looked down at the gasping tiger king below.

He has just tried his best, and the blessing of the jihad god and the sacred faith can only be retained for five minutes, which is more than 15 times more powerful. Even if he is a god, he will cut out a bleeding wound!

On the dark grassland, the two bodyguards were frightened. For the first time since they grew up, their hearts beat violently in front of the Tiger King.

"Bastard! Ah..."

"I'm here to discuss with you. As a king, don't you want to test the loyalty of your subordinates? Snakes and foxes want to kill you. As long as you pretend to be sick for a few days, they will immediately reveal their truth. Believe it or not, it depends on what you think!" Ling Lan waved the holy angel's wings and flew into the air, and his voice gradually became twild. Like his body, it disappeared without a trace.

"Big...King!" The two guards said worriedly that their voices were a little stammered, which was not born, but had not recovered from Ling Lan's strength so far.

"Get out of here! Waste!" The Tiger King angrily bumped away the two of them and walked away alone with a golden mace.

The golden hair on his chest is burned black. Even if he doesn't pretend to be sick, he can't see anyone again.

The next day, there were some subtle changes in the palace. The Tiger King had never left the door since last night. Almost every moment in his room, the woman's hook-hearted laughter echoed. In the open window, the rising smoke hovered in the air and floated out of the window, with indescribable depression. Ecstasy.

Sambana, who had not returned to the palace for several months, came back alone in horror and looked at his mysterious fear, as if he had been hit by something, and the change was very big.

"There have gathered a lot of snake people in the city these days. It seems that they are going to take a big action."

In the small hotel where Ling Lan lived, Knuba was sighing that he helped Ling Lan pay attention to every move in the city and found some suspicious points.