Angel War Soul

Chapter 169 Fox appeared

The transformation of the fox clan is time-limited. The weaker the fox clan is, the faster it will return to its original appearance.

Under Lance's punches and kicks, those fox soldiers who had no power to fight back had undergone strange changes. Under the confused white fog, their bodies were gradually changing, and finally, they all showed their true original shapes.

"You still don't admit it!" Lance kicked the leading fox clan with blood and crooked mouth and eyes. His strength is relatively strong. Up to now, he still retains the appearance of a dark elf.

"I'll ask him!" Ling Lan took out the sacred artifact dream, and a dazzling pink light lit up the dark earth. The fox leader saw the psychedelic charming light and bit it tightly. Before Ling Lan walked over, he spit blood and died.

"Hey! You fucking pretend to be dead!" Lance just saw that he was fine. In less than a few seconds, he really died.

When those fox warriors saw that their leader was dead, they also resolutely bit the poison in their mouths and died.

"Let's go somewhere else. They must have found Queen Syrneman's team, so they pretended to be dark elves." The question Ling Lan wanted to ask could no longer be asked. In the distance, bursts of killing faintly reached his ears, and the war had completely started.

"He has changed!" Lance saw that the dead fox leader had also changed. A moment later, he saw the body of a strong male fox clan.

Hu Sotu! Humph! Last time I let you run away, it's not in my hands yet!"

Ling Lan all saw the appearance of the fox clan. He was the person who ran away in the fox cave last time. Lance chased him and lost it. He didn't expect to meet again today.

Ling Lan showed the magic of the wings of heaven. They flapped the three pairs of angel wings behind them and flew to a height of 70 or 80 meters. Those smaller and smaller buildings and grasslands appeared in their eyes, and the whole earth was seen clearly by them.

They flew in the direction of Samba City for a while and did not meet anyone along the way. The flat grassland was full of deep pits. Needless to say, those deep pits must have a lot to do with the attack of the fox clan.

"Look, there's someone there!" Lance shouted, pointing to the ground on the left, where two pairs of invisible people were fighting fiercely, and one of them was about to be killed by the other side.

The three of them dived down at the fastest speed, and the people on the ground were fighting desperately. No one saw three winged humans flying from the sky.

"They are all dark elves!"

Everyone showed a surprised look, "That's Sindnia. Help her!" Ling Lan looked a few times, and in the dark, he finally saw a familiar figure.

Sindia was protected by five elf swordsmen and was covered with blood to resist hundreds of dark elves.

"No!" Sindia was worried and desperately watching a swordsman cut off his head by the other party. Blood spewed out and splashed her all over. In the quiver behind her, there was no bow and arrow. She was too small to fight at all and ran desperately to the back.


screams kept ringing, and Sindonia closed her eyes and waited for the fate of death.

After a few seconds, she found that she was not dead, not even hurt at all. She opened her eyes from between her fingers and found that the other party was broken by a mass of white light, and dense crossbows shot through her head.

In the sky, Ling Lan and others killed most of the disguised dark elves. Compared with them, the strength of the other party had no power to fight back. In less than a moment, they were all killed clean.

"Brother Ling Lan!" Sindonia felt like a dream, and an excited smile suddenly appeared on her face. Crystal tears wet her face and dripped down her chin to the ground.

She ran over with fear and rushed to Ling Lan's arms.

The two living and seriously injured elf swordsmen suddenly lost their swords weakly and gasped.

"It's okay. Don't worry, we're all here." Ling Lan touched Sindia's head and emitted a shining holy light on her body.

In the light, Sinnya's mood immediately became much more soothing. Her body was warm and she gradually forgot her unpleasant memories.

Ling Lan bandaged the wounds of the wounded soldiers and took them to a safe place.

Cinnia, who was very relaxed, told Ling Lan about their attack.

When Queen Sylman came to the Orc Empire, she directly found their old nest through the traces left by the fox clan. In order to catch the fox clan and find the captured Mande Caesar, they have never contacted Ling Lan.

When they knew that Ling Lan had got the statue of the earth demon, they began to attack the fox clan.

Sinnia came to look for Linglan with Sirniman's order. Unexpectedly, the fox clan, which had prepared for hundreds of years, also attacked Samba City at this time.

They learned how the dark elves dug holes in the ground and opened the underground passage to Semba City, and Sindonia and others were intercepted by fox warriors drilled out of deep pits on the grassland.

If Ling Lan hadn't happened to see it, Sindonia and more than 100 dark elves would have been destroyed and died in this orc empire.

"Do you know where Queen Syrneman is now?" After listening, Ling Lan couldn't help asking.

"I know, I'll take you there now!" Sindonia shoulders a heavy responsibility. She found Ling Lan and the others and had to go back to report.

"That's good! Let's go now!"

This time, Lance called out his little black. Everyone sat on Xiaohei's body and moved towards the old nest of the fox clan very quickly. The collapse of the ground had long stopped. After Xiaohei swallowed the body of the Sea Dragon King and the two snake gods thicker than him, it also changed greatly. It has now become a ninth-order contract beast. Immediately, it can break through the limitations of the contract beast and truly have human wisdom and spit out words.

"Damn it! Where did the dark elves come from? Kill them all!"

In the mountains thousands of miles away, the Tiger King's crusade team also encountered an ambush by the enemy. Their army was panicked by the bows and arrows of the dark elves. When they formed a formation and prepared to charge back, the dark elves immediately retreated.

They didn't expect that they would encounter a rare terrorist race such as the dark elves. How could the humiliating tiger king stand it? He charged at the front and chased the army of the dark elves.


Suddenly, the whole mountain was trembling violently, and the sound of the earthquake was one after another, which was very terrible. The stones rolling down the mountain rolled down. They watched at the foot of the mountain as huge rocks were about to hit them.


The brave soldiers reacted very quickly and dispersed to both sides, and the leaders of all ethnic groups took their own teams and ran around the mountain in a fan.

Before they ran a few steps, the ground full of mountains and rocks suddenly collapsed, like a strange and horrible whirlpool on the sea. Countless sand and stones flowed into the bottomless pit. Those soldiers of all races standing together could not escape at all. They waved their arms in horror and screamed loudly. But for a moment, their voices disappeared into the air and were completely buried underground.

The deep pits kept collapsing, and tens of thousands of troops squeezed around like crazy, afraid that the ground they were standing would collapse in the next second. They couldn't wait to grow a pair of wings and fly into the sky.

Only a few flying races flew safely. The remaining tiger army rode on the flying mounts in sight, and the rest of the warriors of bear, wolf, snake and other races did not have this special treatment. Flying mounts are not extremely common in the orc empire. Among the tens of thousands of troops, there are only 5,000 flying beasts.

"Get back!" The Tiger King blushed. He was so angry that a quarter of his team died before the enemy had seen it, and it was all without the enemy's soldiers.

Countless roars, calls for help and curses gathered in this mountain, and countless deep pits buried many soldiers. The hollowed ground could not withstand the trampling of so many people. Some places were trampled on by life and collapsed again. Those tiger soldiers who flew to the dangerous zone let the flying beasts under the seat quickly To save such trapped people, for a while, the whole crusade fled for their lives in a panic.

Suddenly, the retreating dark elf army returned with more teams. They were carrying heavy crossbows, and each strong crossbow needed five people to work together to launch.

Those tiger kings who had just escaped from the deep pits were unfortunately shot about six feet long, and a thick crossbow arrow shot through the body. The strong crossbow was so strong that one arrow could penetrate the bodies of five or six people.

The sudden change accelerated the death speed of the Tiger King's army. Those flying beasts flying in the air quickly went back and let those safe tiger warriors sit on it.

In just five minutes, the flying tiger team jumped down from the sky one by one. They threw out the huge hammer in their hands and smashed the head of a dark elf at once.

The dark elf army saw that the dense tiger team had rushed from the sky. They picked up the heavy crossbow again and ran to the mountain.

This time, the Tiger King's army was severely damaged, the collapse of the ground had stopped, and there was a howl from the silent battlefield. The living soldiers were depressed and sadly looking for the bodies of their companions, but there was not even a figure in the bottomless pit.