Angel War Soul

Chapter 186 The King's Wrath

"Kill them quickly!" The general pointed to Ling Lan and the other two angrily and gave the order. However, his men lost the courage they had just now. They all raised their long guns and walked slowly and dared not move forward. They are afraid of dying inexplicably the next second, and they don't even have the right to choose to die.

"Who are you? Why did you kill us?" Ling Lan did not dodge and went straight forward. When the city guards saw him coming, they were immediately scared to retreat, more than twice the speed just now.

The general was about to come up in person. He stared at Ling Lan's eyes and suddenly felt a pain in his brain, and then lost consciousness. Ling Lan's questions echoed in his mind, and Ling Lan's phantom occupied his brain one by one.

His two sides were lax, and his lips moved slightly. "It was His Majesty the order to kill all the people around Ling Lan immediately..."

"The king you mentioned is Dongisius?"


"Your excellency! Why do you..." Someone asked the general puzzledly.

On Ling Lan's side, he and Luta have disappeared.

After figure out who the enemy was, Ling Lan also solved his doubts. In this Hill Empire, all his enemies were here. If it had been in the past, he would have been afraid of a king, but now, the king could not pose a threat to his life at all.

What's more, he is now a member of the Leilin Empire Church, and it is not normal to have a grudge against the king of the Hill Empire.

The house was disturbed by the city guards and can no longer live there. This loss is not even as good as a dime on nine cattle for York. He found a more hidden place for Ling Lan again and lived there for the time being.

A few days later, the general of the day was killed by Dongius. Not only did he fail to complete the task, but he also killed more than 20 men. Not only that, he was controlled by Ling Lan and told the truth, which together had angered King Donguisius. After that day, the dark whistle on the street never saw Ling Lan again.

After living in the royal city for ten days, Elifeld finally came to the Hill Empire with his team. As soon as they entered the city, York's men in the city told Ling Lan the news.

Kelings came out to greet the church in person, and Ling Lan also entered the church with Elifeld at that time.

The king knew about this and thought of a plan to deal with Ling Lan, and had sent someone to prepare.

The headquarters of the church is very lively, and the church of Lorraine, represented by Elifeld, was the last to arrive. When Ling Lan entered the church with them, the other six archbishops of the continent gathered together and waited for the arrival of Elifair.

The event of running for bishops is very grand on the mainland. As the king of the Hill Empire, Donius also appeared at the headquarters of the church when all the bishops arrived.

On this day, there was a sea of people on the street leading to the church, and those loyal believers crowded on both sides of the street to see what the mysterious bishops they revere looked like.

At noon, the king finally came to the church with the welcome of a team of majestic royal families.

In the square of the church, the seven archbishops and the king stood together and introduced each other. Behind each bishop, two or three disciples who participated in the election were followed.

Ling Lan looked around, and those disciples about the same age glanced at everyone around him with hostile eyes.

Ling Lan's eyes stayed behind Kellins, but he had been looking forward to seeing it for a long time, and he didn't even see Celine's enemy.

"Alas! Why hasn't my dear Celine come yet!"

At this time, a sound of exclamation came to Ling Lan's ears. He turned his head and saw a man not far away looking to his right, as if he were looking for someone.

"What are you worried about! I was with her all day yesterday. How long did you break up? You were so anxious! Haha..."

"Shut up! I am her! How about it!"

Ling Lan wrote down the appearance of the man. He analyzed from the bishop in front of him that his name should be Kurba, a member of the Lincheng Yilan Church in the royal city of the Hill Empire. At the age of 20, he reached the realm of the light Dharma God, which is an enviable talent.

"Bishop Phil, I heard that a believer you brought this time is still from our Leilin Empire. I don't know if I'm right?"

Suddenly, Ling Lan heard a voice coming from the front. Without moving, he saw a man looking at him. The man was King Donghisius of Hill!

"The church on the whole continent is one family, Your Majesty, is there anything important about where Ling Lan is from?" Averyfair smiled warmly and said calmly.

"Oh, can you let Ling Lan come to see me alone later? I have something to do with him."

"Well, of course, our Loran City Church relies on Ling Lan to run for the position of bishop. Please treat him well."

"'s natural."

After saying that, the king deliberately stared at Ling Lan again and did not shy away from the hatred between him and Ling Lan.

His conversation with Eliphile was heard clearly by others. After a while, people dispersed from the square, Ling Lan's name became the focus of discussion, and for a while it was popular among the church crowd.

At noon, the seven archbishops and his disciples gathered together and had a rich lunch. After the meal, the seven people, who had been separated for a long time and had not seen each other for several years or even decades, chatted enthusiastically with everyone, recalling the situation when they were young.

When they did not become bishops, they went to the Holy Island to campaign with earlier bishops. Time flies, the seas and mulberry fields, and everything passed very quickly with time. That feeling was like yesterday, which was sighing.

As soon as Ling Lan left the party hall, he quickly disappeared alone. Because he seemed very restrained and approachable at the party just now, the disciples of the bishops did not pay much attention to him. When he left, he was like air, and even if he was there, he could not see it.

"If you want to deal with me, I still want to find you!" Humph!" Ling Lan came to the king's residence in the church and observed quietly in the distance. The king left the party hall first and returned here. Ling Lan had been observing carefully for a long time. He grabbed a person who came out of it and interrogated him.

Since Ling Lan learned the killing technique in Kazana's thousand fantasy magic, he has also studied the art of love a little. The skill used to control people's hearts is very attractive. Therefore, the realm he currently understands can easily confuse anyone with fifth-level strength. .

The guard who came out was a sixth-order knight. After a brief question, he immediately asked him to leave. For a person with this strength, he can only ask for no more than 30 seconds, and he will not let the other party have the slightest suspicion and resistance.

Donigisius rested alone in it, which was the information Ling Lan got.

In the yard where he lives, there are ten church guards and 20 palace guards. They surround the whole yard. If you want to enter, you must pass by them.

Ling Lan first controlled a strong wind to blow towards the yard, and then let Xiao Zi go out to attract some people. He slipped into the room at a ghostly speed, which did not attract anyone's attention.

There was no one in the room, and the crystal cup on Jinnan's table was still steaming. In front of him, a golden wooden door opened a crack, and he found that there was a person's breath inside.


Just as the king was about to make a sound, Ling Lan suddenly blocked his mouth with a strong murderous spirit. In the face of the murderous atmosphere pressed like a mountain, Don Guisius suddenly closed his mouth, gritted his teeth tightly, and couldn't speak with a painful face.

"Look into my eyes!" Ling Lan said with an irreviolable order.

Don Guisius raised his head and was stabbed by the light from Ling Lan's eyes. Suddenly, the pain deepened, but he wanted to scream but couldn't. He had been pressed so much that he couldn't even open his mouth.

Ling Lan reached out to knock him, and suddenly a light flashed and stabbed Ling Lan.

At Dongisius' neck, a very ordinary quaint necklace shines, and the light slowly converges and then disappears. That necklace is used to protect him from harm, and Ling Lan did not intend to force his hands to see this.

His mental attack on the necklace could not be prevented. A minute later, Ling Lan asked a lot of things from his mouth. He ordered Don Guisius to do what he ordered on the spot, and then he quietly left again.

During the period when Ling Lan disappeared, no one found him. He returned to his room and quietly waited for someone to summon him.

The archbishops of the church chatted very happily, and the disciples brought by each bishop also gathered together to get to know each other. Ling Lan was summoned by the king at dusk and taken away.

Ling Lan followed the king's people to a luxurious restaurant on the street, where there were no guests except waiters. Ling Lan was taken into a large private room, in which there were four strangers who had been waiting for him for a long time.

As soon as Ling Lan entered, the leading person closed the door. He looked at the four people, and one of them suddenly remembered who he was and what his name was.

"Do you know where the king is?" Ling Lan calmly pulled a chair and sat down. He looked up at everyone's face and looked leisurely.

When everyone saw his defenseless appearance, they suddenly smiled insidiously, and one of the thin middle-aged men said, "Kid, do you still want to see the king? In the next life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other two people gathered behind Ling Lan. A young man in red faced Ling Lan and suddenly showed a blood-red sword.

Their meaning is already obvious. Ling Lan has been ready for a long time. He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled gently, "It's just a few of you? Do you still want to kill me? I'm from the church. Do you dare to fight against the church?